I've reread D1 & most of D2 as they often contain good tells, especially the first day when wolves main objective is to avoid getting lynched. Sorry for the long post, tried to leave the most notable points to keep it shorter. D3 has been ignored for now due to time limits.
My townreads with fresh eyes:
Taking back the Lewwyn's scumbuddy accusation, because, well you know

I felt you were sitting in the sidelines for most of D3 and started to get paranoid.
Commodore used one of his first shade throwings against Gaspar,
I feel at this point scum usually throws small shade in the hopes of town picking up on it. He was the 4th voter on Gaspar (previous voters being Gold Ergo Sum, novice, sunrise089), so I believe he though to get something going here. This feeling is enhanced with his later comment on sunrise's accusations,
"keep suspecting Gaspar" - is the tell I'm getting from that post.
I said it at the time, but I reflected on Gaspar's comment regarding the early gamestate (
https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/show...#pid752618), having the exact feeling myself at the exact same time. Probably doesn't help others, but I got more of a town lean from the comment due to that. At least he did not use this as an excuse for lack of reads later, and I don't think there was a need to start justifying lack of reads as a wolf here.
I think Wolf-Gaspar would have had a very valid excuse to go against thrawn in the end based on his previous suspicion,
He expanded later what he meant with thrawn being tryhard,
- Gaspar sticking to his to-be Commodore read, and not justifying himself back to thrawn in the end gives him townpoints.
As the day progressed, I think Gaspar was one of the main elements on directing attention towards Commodore.
He votes Commodore,
At this phase Commodore has started to pick up votes already:
Lynch votes
3 votes: thrawn/Q (Lewwyn, Gaspar, pindicator)
3 votes: pindicator/Henchman 21/Gary (Meiz, Cyneheard, WarriorKnight)
3 votes: Commodore/Flipper (Jabbz, novice, Rowain)
3 votes: Gold Ergo Sum/Omar Little (Gazglum, AdrienIer, Commodore)
2 votes: Gaspar/Gregory House (Gold Ergo Sum, Q)
1 votes: Alhambram/Homer Simpson (Bobchillingworth)
1 votes: Lewywn/Retsuko (sunrise089)
1 votes: no lynch (Alhambram)
1 votes: Rowain/Uncle Iroh (Kaiser)
So I don't think him pushing brakes on thrawn voting, and voting for Commodore make sense with Gaspar&Commodore wolf pairing.
Gaspar keeps hammering on Commodore for rest of the day with legit reasons:
He also recognized the strange move from Commodore to switch a vote from Pindicator to thrawn (and therefore putting himself in more danger),
I don't believe in Gaspar making a play to push scumbuddy to the gallows the way he did already on D1. And the commitment continued in D2, ultimately resulting in a scum lynch.
novice & Rowain & sunrise
I've lumped them together as their general play has felt & still feels good and genuine. Openly stating their thoughts and no scum inconsistencies I could see. I've felt we've been mostly on the same page with the reads (and Gaspar fits here as well).
novice is an early Commodore voter,
Followed by Rowain,
sunrise has earlier picked up on quite nice suspicion point against Commodore,
- The suspicion itself is not big, but also something I think Commodore's scum buddy wouldn't latch on. I think a minor/null point for sunrise, but novice picking up on this later gives townpoints for him:
- I find it unlikely that Commodore's scum partner would pick up on this read by sunrise, but rather ignore it (as a minor read like this is easily forgotten / unnoticed by others). novice feels very genuine on picking up on it.
Gaspar also takes notice, enhancing my town read for Gaspar,
The fact that sunrise much much later recognizes Gaspar's comment above, and puts Gaspar as more town due to it, gives town points for sunrise as well.
(and this is also the reason I'm lumping these townreads together, though I'm still pretty sure I'm the only one following the line of thinking

novice keeps on enhancing the point above, further increasing my town read on him:
Near deadline, Rowain does make a critical vote move, switching away from Commodore and onto thawn. Suspicious move in itself, and worth stating out, even when I'm personally willing to give a pass for this. He is very committed on Pind&Commodore lynch during the night time & D2, and in hindsight thrawn's play deserved a vote.
Similar type of move from sunrise to vote on thrawn,
https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/show...#pid752899. but he had a non-impact vote on Lewwyn, and I can see why he would vote thrawn. Pindicator was the running candidate at this point.
During Night 1, novice keeps going after Commodore's GES read:
- more town points
Additionally I think Commodore's build up for a case against novice gives 1 town point,
Rowain posts his plan to go forward,
- Made sense at the time and still does. I think more indicative of logical thinking that scum preparing to bus his buddy.
- I find the conclusion logical and good.
These are my top town that shouldn't be lynched this game, barring stange occurences in the future.
Also a townlean on
Skipped D1, but I've liked his bigger posts starting from N1.
His reasoning for voting Commodore seems strange coming from a wolf-pal:
Early banter with Commodore accusing him as lazy scum. Commodore had the same read during N1 as well,
- Can't say much in the way or another, as the read never progresses from here. GES had no actions against Commodore during D1.
During Night 1, states that one of Pind & Commodore needs to go,
And later,
- a town point.
D2 reads,
And vote on Commodore,
Wouldn't be the next one to lynch for me.
I still think
Pindicator's D1 & D2 point to him as Commodores scumbuddy. D1 feels odd with Pindicator being in danger and he not seemingly taking a closer look at Commodore (the other much spoken lynch candidate) due to not getting past the RP.
I like Rowain's points against
and from novice,
Mostly on the fence regarding Commodore. Seems like a good candidate to drill into next.
Once more an interesting point from Rowain,
Generally speaking Bob seems to be playing in his own bubble with the vote analyses and votes (for example the one on novice,
https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/show...#pid753338). Did Bob ever comment or adjust based on novice's reply (
https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/show...#pid753354)? I can't recall.
Anyway, it feels strange to see him have such a strong opinion to brake Kaiser accusation, while at the same time getting a feeling of him needing to paint Rowain in bad light.
He also doesn't seem to like the idea of Commodore lynching, though suggests Vig shooting him.
Posts this later,
- Besides stating that ok with Commodore lynch, does not seem to dig into details why Commodore is the lynch, on points that would make him scum.
Finally votes Commodore while bringing a new specific read on damning him,
Which is later switched back to novice,
<out of time so posting unsure how his play went eod2>
- a potential connection to scum-Commodore and Kaiser?
Had this read on him from D1 on vote reason against Gasapr,
Very unsure on
Jabbz. I still think his skipping of D1 was very odd. Still, novice's point of scum not leaving the vote on Commodore is worth thinking (
Kind of strange wolf banter on D1,
As well as this comment,
More of a process of elimination lynch for me at this point.