(October 9th, 2020, 11:00)Gold Ergo Sum Wrote: Speaking of odd votes, Jerry! voted for Simp D1, Swanson D2, and Bee-Boy D3. That's three for three voting the lowest vote getter. This appears to be time-related potentially. Omar got no clue where Jerry! walks the streets. Omar not one to call someone out for availability, but again, will leave it to those with baseline reads on Jerry! if his activity alone is a tell one way or the other. All things being equal though, Jerry! the last of you players at all entertaining Omar, so Omar would probably tiebreak with a reprieve just so he don't die of boredom reading this thread if it was a close call.
It's because of my job! I don't have access to RB while at work, which is a travesty, Jerry, a real shame, and it's very upsetting, but what can you do?? Also I'm on alternating late-night shifts and tend to stay up way too late on weekends with Jerry, Kramer, and Elaine, and have admittedly slept through at least one deadline! It's shameful to admit! George is getting EMBARRASSED here, Jerry! But anyway, it is what it is, and I don't foresee it changing in the future, so George almost certainly won't be boarding this last-hour vote trains, no matter how much I might want to (probably not much). It's a tough life, but I'm committed to helping out those Yankees! Or whoever I currently work for!
As for what my role is, I'm keeping that to myself for now! It's a surprise, best saved until needed! And that means something coming from me, because George HATES surprises! Can't stand them, Jerry!
(October 9th, 2020, 12:03)Rowain Wrote: @Kaiser whom did you visit with which result?
Nobody, I faked visiting Meiz to keep my last charge for the coming nights.
I visited Novice on Night2 without result, I should have done it the other way around.
The first charge was used by Gazglum with unknown result.
(October 9th, 2020, 12:07)Meiz Wrote: Then go, reread Gaspar's day 1 and come back with your read on him, instead of following Lewwyn who pushed WK to the grave and used his D3 to look most of the players with wolf glasses on and yelling how they are scum.
I think Lewwyn was lead on to do so, so I believe we should look into the people encouraging Lewwyn to tie the knot tighter around his neck misleading the village into the current state. I fear I will find Meiz there early Day2 buddying up with Lewwyn, as that was one of the early events were I was getting slight doubts about him.
Do not take this for granted though, I need to look it up myself.
I realized thanks to Pindicators post that Rowain got a + on his list for reducing the WK voters by one. (Beyond the + for claiming to shoot a player I had a scum lean on that day)
I am going to investigate a theory around deeper:
- wolves deciding Day1 to abuse Lewwyn for a later mislynch including a Commodore sacrifice
- the other wolves playing good cop, bad cop with Lewwyn leading him along and leaving a knowledge poor Day2
- setting up all the people not on commodore to waste their lynches afterwards as best as possible by lynching WK voters
I want to particularily look into Gaspar, Meiz, Rowain and the low content guys.
(October 9th, 2020, 13:04)Kaiser Wrote: Nobody, I faked visiting Meiz to keep my last charge for the coming nights.
I visited Novice on Night2 without result, I should have done it the other way around.
The first charge was used by Gazglum with unknown result.
What is this guy saying, Jerry?? You lied about using your power in order to save it for later? I mean, I didn't even realize you had claimed visiting Meiz at all, since I will admit to skimming several of your posts, but if you did then why bother with the ruse at all? Also, I paused and went back after writing that last sentence and actually reread your most recent posts to see if I missed something, and you did bold Meiz's name in post #1,379 all of two hours ago, which frankly is a little weird and coy! Maybe pretentious too! This man is FULL of himself, Jerry! I don't get the point of it, not at all!
Also I think your role claim is dubious to begin with, or at least elements such as how you came by it, and this is coming from a guy who himself just made what is in retrospect an ironically coy post about his own role! That's RIGHT Jerry, George is getting self-aware! Look out!!!
(October 9th, 2020, 13:04)Kaiser Wrote: I want to particularily look into Gaspar, Meiz, Rowain and the low content guys.
Aside from that being like over half the remaining players, why Rowain? Rowain's like the closet person the village has to confirmed town, unless you think he's some sort of SK who kills once and apparently never again, or the scum had a vig kill in addition to Q's kill and their regular kill! I don't think that's credible at all! I'd be FREAKING OUT otherwise, which I'm clearly not!
I'll try to write up so retrospective D3 votes analysis later (with colors! People appreciate the vibrancy, Jerry!), though I think WK's Ghost pushing Lew hard probably skewed the day something fierce.
(October 9th, 2020, 13:04)Kaiser Wrote: Nobody, I faked visiting Meiz to keep my last charge for the coming nights.
I visited Novice on Night2 without result, I should have done it the other way around.
The first charge was used by Gazglum with unknown result.
What is this guy saying, Jerry?? You lied about using your power in order to save it for later? I mean, I didn't even realize you had claimed visiting Meiz at all, since I will admit to skimming several of your posts, but if you did then why bother with the ruse at all? Also, I paused and went back after writing that last sentence and actually reread your most recent posts to see if I missed something, and you did bold Meiz's name in post #1,379 all of two hours ago, which frankly is a little weird and coy! Maybe pretentious too! This man is FULL of himself, Jerry! I don't get the point of it, not at all!
Also I think your role claim is dubious to begin with, or at least elements such as how you came by it, and this is coming from a guy who himself just made what is in retrospect an ironically coy post about his own role! That's RIGHT Jerry, George is getting self-aware! Look out!!!
(October 9th, 2020, 13:04)Kaiser Wrote: I want to particularily look into Gaspar, Meiz, Rowain and the low content guys.
Aside from that being like over half the remaining players, why Rowain? Rowain's like the closet person the village has to confirmed town, unless you think he's some sort of SK who kills once and apparently never again, or the scum had a vig kill in addition to Q's kill and their regular kill! I don't think that's credible at all! I'd be FREAKING OUT otherwise, which I'm clearly not!
I'll try to write up so retrospective D3 votes analysis later (with colors! People appreciate the vibrancy, Jerry!), though I think WK's Ghost pushing Lew hard probably skewed the day something fierce.
At least for now though, Kaiser
Please when you make analysis again, don't forget to explain me why I am townie. That I was missing from your post 1072, it sorta stand out for me.
As result I got impression that you just said that I am 100% townie for no reason and just that.
Now for me, when people questioned that I'd completely understand where they were coming from. It makes sense. I know I'm not scum, but I have to accept that I'm going to get poked and prodded quite a bit. Then when I lose my ability on n3, and someone asks me about it, or notes its convenient, I'm going to completely understand it. I won't like it, especially as I'm already annoyed I lost my power, that alone makes me look more suspicious, but I'll get where the townie is coming from.
None of this appears to be how you are relating to the situation. Further there were better people to strip if that was the case. Stripping Omar would have killed two birds with one stone, I wouldn't have confirmed him, which would have led to either he or I being lynched, with the other likely lynched when the first showed blue. The same could have been done, to lesser effect by stripping Pindi. Arguments about order of operations could still be made, both in defending against the changes in info, or even against this line of thought, but all told stripping you of your powers doesn't hurt town very much, it might even save them from a headache later. You choose anyone today to kill, we don't see what the results are, and you have a very good chance of being lynched tonight.
Basically I don't see how scum gains advantage from stripping you. Sure you might get a good shot off, absolutely positive. But if you're wrong, you probably just lost town the game, whereas scum can come back from that. As a wolf, those are good odds in my book.
For your first part, Rowain posted before deadline. How would you react when a player claims you are required to prove your role later or get lynched, while reading a message from GM that your power has been lost?
I assume you're talking about this.
(October 9th, 2020, 10:59)Rowain Wrote: Meiz His claimed ability is that he has no need to prove it or explain why he used it in a certain way. That is a nice claim for scum. IMO if we mislynch on any of the following day (= we are at lylo) then Meiz should shoot first thing in the morning ad prove his ability.
If he hits a villager then the game is over but if he hits scum the game goes on. If Meiz refuses to take the shot then he is a scum and should be lynched.
So town me would obviously find that someone suspect. However, Seeing that he is referring to at minimum the day after tomorrow, it's not exactly putting you under a lot of pressure. Personally I wouldn't jump on someone that had a whole bunch of town cred, though I will grant you likely view him differently than I do. I especially wouldn't do it right out of the gate, preferring to get a read on things before I made a claim. At the same time though, I can easily picture scum not liking the idea of a kill outside of their control being on the table, and stripping that away from you. While there was a small gap between Rowain's post and EON, I doubt that was enough time to react and change, so I would assume either Rowain is clumsy as hell, or scum didn't want me killing anyone. Of those two, I would assume scum every time as town. And if scum was doing it, I would have trouble understanding why they would advertise it as bluntly as Rowain did. I could WIFOM it sure, but that's a stretch to me.
Regardless, as a ploy goes, saying hey if meiz can't do this he is scum, then immediately after making it impossible for him to do so, seems very heavy handed. If the capacity to do this was present, it would make far more sense to strip you the following day, where it would be MUCH more 'convenient' for you to have lost the ability. Per rowain's statement we would already be at lylo, so lynching you would win the game. It just doesn't make sense for wolves to make this play at this time. It does however make sense for wolf you to go after someone with strong town support.
Normally I wouldn't be paranoid because someone didn't include me in analysis, it might happen once due forgetfulness of overlooking.
But it is second time that happened with me, first time being by Gaspar at post #348, interestingly Gaspar also didn't mention Gazglum in that post.