October 25th, 2020, 11:31
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Only up ta #120, but I have to jump away so I'll post me thoughts here:
Na need ta mind me, laddies. I'm used ta all tha people carryin' big weapons and big spells thinkin' tha they have all tha big answers just because they also have tha big egos. I've learned ta roll with it and speak up when tha group needs me ta.
Now it seems ta me we have a few salient points fer tha group at large. First off be tha only bard tha I've ever heard sing worse than Elan. I've been largely in agreement wit' ye fellow members on his claim and ability: first it seemed townie, then upon further thought perhaps a null tell. But on me reread our bard be hinting at his ability very early b'fore he comes full clean with it later on in tha day, offerin' ta give it ta tha novice among us. Tha seems like a town point fer me. Nay fer intention but more fer tha tone. I think he be likely more cunnin' wit it if he be a munchkin and less excited ta give it away ta the populace.
He also be callin' out tha ranger changin' his shape as regular as he changin' his vote, which I think is tha right thing. And other times I see me thinkin' a thing only ta have Lewwyn pop up and say it next.
(October 24th, 2020, 13:49)Dark Savant Wrote: No.
But I fired a shot at almost the same time as our monk (AdrienIer), at the same target, which was not intended.
Ah, but tha nay why ye jumped off him, was it lad? Ye didn't change until more people voted as well.
So I think novice be lookin good fer jumpin in on this as well. But nay jumpin in with 2 feet, if ye get me meanin.
Now tha 3rd thing I think be mentionin' is tha Thrawn is exactly how I 'member Thrawn behavin'. Not like 48 where he be misbehavin' but he ain't as guarded here and doin' his usual free-thinkin' ways. I don't think tha Serdoa exactly understands Thrawn if'n he ha' nay seen him in 47, but WarriorKnight was in tha game, and tha man should know better. Scum points fer WarriorKnight fer certain.
Gazglum I found odd in his exchange with Novice & Lewwyn. He suggests in #74 that Novice was trying to hurry Lewwyn into a decision, but it was Lewwyn who first offered the power to Novice back on #58 and Novice merely accepted.
With all tha said, I think Rowain does nay sound like Rowain. He sounds too carefree before delvin inta tha attack on Serdoa in #92. Then his defense of Thrawn seems to ignore there were clear differences between Thrawn in 47 & Thrawn in 48.
And darn it, I've dropped tha accent.
(October 25th, 2020, 07:13)thrawn Wrote: I read everything but admit I am lost. In 47 I got lucky to get on a thread from the start and it resolved itself. And in 48 I was totally wrong about who the wolves were. Now no idea where to begin.
Tha first day be rough, laddie. Take yer time, dinnae let tha rascals here push ya ta vote befer ye get yer footin. I always get heat fer not participatin enough day 1 yet as ye get farther in there be more ta work with!
Suffer Game Sicko
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October 25th, 2020, 11:32
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(October 25th, 2020, 11:28)Tarkeel Wrote: This reasoning is similar to why I didn't want to pile on the first and best target earlier on, but I am now willing to jump the warlock that did take the easy bait, although I'm open to being persuaded to go for someone else, preferably on my list.
You don't want to vote for the best target ? Doesn't that mean that you don't consider it the best target ?
October 25th, 2020, 11:33
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If someone is the best target, we should vote them out, no ?
October 25th, 2020, 11:34
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(October 25th, 2020, 11:15)Rowain Wrote: @Bard while his name was written in red he was still a villager for victory-condidtion. Great as it was we got him before he could use his poison he still was a mislynch.
Nope it depends who votes when and with what reason. Serdoa using his first serious vote for thrawn rang alarm-bells. The warlock voting hiim and pressuring him to do reads is something different.
But I see you prefer to waste poem after poem to reiterate the same thing: You unhappy with my vote. So you declare Serdoa sacrosanct?
Will you start scumhunting or is it your plan to use the whole day1 on discussing with me? That is a scumtell you know. Lewwyn
For all others: That Lewwyn votes for me is not the problem but that he wasted many hours and poems by simple reiterating the same : He doesn't like my Serdoa-vote is.
Ah and now we see the veil that falls,
Many hours have I WASTED?
It seems you think so little of all
this conversation that we hasted.
Digging deeper is a key
to understanding treachery.
Is your skin stretched so thinly across your muscles
that a mere poke will make you bristle?
You seem to think it takes me long to write
each poem that I construct and yet
I post with clarity and light
I have plenty of time to post you bet.
You characterize my use of hours
as focused alone on you
but your the one who responds so dour
and draw me in to stew.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
October 25th, 2020, 11:37
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Lots of accusations flying back and forth suddenly, and I agree with little of what I read. Happy to see the activity though. I'll weigh in more completely at a more opportune time.
I have to run.
October 25th, 2020, 11:39
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(October 25th, 2020, 11:32)AdrienIer Wrote: (October 25th, 2020, 11:28)Tarkeel Wrote: This reasoning is similar to why I didn't want to pile on the first and best target earlier on, but I am now willing to jump the warlock that did take the easy bait, although I'm open to being persuaded to go for someone else, preferably on my list.
You don't want to vote for the best target ? Doesn't that mean that you don't consider it the best target ?
The easy path is not always the best path. The sourcerer is still on my list of viable targets, but the warlock seemed too eager to attach him self to what appeared to be a weak link.
October 25th, 2020, 11:41
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(October 25th, 2020, 11:18)AdrienIer Wrote: Ok so you accuse me of... Having the style that I have ?? I choose my words and don't throw accusations around if I don't feel strongly about them. I usually take time to rethink, and put things in context, instead of reacting too much to one specific thing. So first I point out that something bothers me (forcing myself to do things like that because if I never do that then I'm barely ever going to post), then reread you, then if I can connect some dots I go the extra mile.
I'd say I wrote a little bit more than you having a certain "style". For example looking at this posts of yours. I take issue not with your style, but the contradicting contents of your posts: You now say that you have to force yourself to write something at all, implying that it is really hard for you to do. But before you posted that you look forward to being able to post more as you have more time - that implies to me you wanted to post more in the past but couldn't. So, what is it? Did you just not have the time before or do you have to force yourself?
It simply leads me to believe that you try to write what "sounds" best or what you believe will convince people the most. Here to me it reads as if you implicitly ask for compassion. "Hey guys, it is really hard for me to write those posts about stuff I found bothersome, so be upset with the guy that calls me out on them.". That together with trying to condense everything I wrote into "you don't like my style" doesn't sit right with me.
October 25th, 2020, 11:47
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(October 25th, 2020, 11:28)Tarkeel Wrote: (October 25th, 2020, 07:14)WarriorKnight Wrote: Gaz, while I am willing to let some suspicious behavior slide from new players today, giving them a free pass for the day is a bit much. I'm probably not going to vote for a new player today but I will if the situation calls for it. Care to elaborate on why voting new players is a complete non-option for you? I would not expect any mercy just because I'm new. I hope my actions themselves will help convince you of my honest intentions.
As we approach the halfway point of the first day my feelings thus far are:- Where is our illustrious cleric hiding?
- I wonder if our ranger captain got lost while tracking their prey.
- The wizzard sourcerer is still bambling about without any clear content.
- Our warlock is spouting accusations without responding to discussion.
- A monk that might be feigning something?
(October 25th, 2020, 10:46)Rowain Wrote: @Bard
Thrawn is an easy voting place for scum. He was in danger to get lynched day1 ww47 and got lynched Day 1WW48. He is the "if you don't know what to do throw dirt on thrawn and vote him" for all bad guys. It is easy play and it is wrong play for town. Why need I explain that to you?
This reasoning is similar to why I didn't want to pile on the first and best target earlier on, but I am now willing to jump the warlock that did take the easy bait, although I'm open to being persuaded to go for someone else, preferably on my list.
(October 25th, 2020, 11:39)Tarkeel Wrote: (October 25th, 2020, 11:32)AdrienIer Wrote: (October 25th, 2020, 11:28)Tarkeel Wrote: This reasoning is similar to why I didn't want to pile on the first and best target earlier on, but I am now willing to jump the warlock that did take the easy bait, although I'm open to being persuaded to go for someone else, preferably on my list.
You don't want to vote for the best target ? Doesn't that mean that you don't consider it the best target ?
The easy path is not always the best path. The sourcerer is still on my list of viable targets, but the warlock seemed too eager to attach him self to what appeared to be a weak link.
Im just pushing him to give some actual thought to the thread. No attaching/jumping on required. Still a full day to go and ill vote for someone else once Thrawn contributes. Sadly i wont be there at any deadlines unless the deadline falls on a wends or sunday. So my last vote will usually be about midnight-3am my time.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. ![[Image: noidea.gif]](https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/images/smilies/noidea.gif) In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
October 25th, 2020, 11:48
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Shoot i broke character by not Italicizing my post.. Yggdrasil forgive me!
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. ![[Image: noidea.gif]](https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/images/smilies/noidea.gif) In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
October 25th, 2020, 11:49
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(October 25th, 2020, 11:25)Serdoa Wrote: So, maybe let me know if you agree with me feeling on Adrien, if you disagree (and why) instead? Same goes for Lewwyn btw.
My opinion on adrien is very wary,
I think I've noted before
but the opening exchange of meta was hairy
when he showed but didn't open up the meta door.
But tonally I do not read
his words quite so nefarious.
The lack of action I do heed
though just now he is more gregarious.
I wonder if Adrien has become
an easy lynchbait target.
The last two games I played with him
he was perceived a threat
even when his death then showed
we all were to regret.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”