Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Game Thread] WW49: Wizards and Werewolves

(October 28th, 2020, 16:59)Gazglum Wrote:
(October 28th, 2020, 16:51)novice Wrote: Is Serdoa included in that band of town, for voting to get the item for himself on the grounds that he's the Rogue?
I think you're reading way too much into that voting process.

Nay squire, of course tis true Ser-Doa's greed tells us nothing
His extended writings, his worked-through thoughts, are the tells of which I sing.

What think you, Novice, of Ser-Doa alignment?
If comes to that, I turn us back:

(October 28th, 2020, 09:40)novice Wrote: Could Lewwyn play my lover sweet? Sure, he could. he? That's your homework assignment.

I know I said I wanted to win, but I'm already working from home, I don't need homework. I haven't reread the thread except to look up specific things, and I don't think I will. So I don't have anything new to add on Lewwyn's day one. I will say I think he overreacted a bit on Pindicator's dog-walking case on him. He said it was too bad to not earn a vote, I think maybe it was too bad to be fake. When the Pindicator train took off I was maybe expecting Lewwyn to rein it in and steer the discussion back to the top posters, but that's not what happened.

Serdoa seems to be playing a good game. I think if he's scum he probably just earns a victory. In general I don't trust him but I don't think I can justify lynching him. At the very least not today.
I have to run.

(October 28th, 2020, 16:45)Rowain Wrote: @novice
I have not forgotten you question about Gazglum:

The problem with Gaz is that he can compete with Ichabod for the nicest guy on RB - trophy. He is friendly, good-humored and that makes it extremely hard to imagine him as scum. He is in a way like a really cute kitten which make you completely forget that this cute kitten is in reality a ferocious predator who will rip your plants,curtains or furniture to shred if it gets a chance.

I don't see him building cases. While I prefer him voting for novice over him voting for me I don't really see his argument.

Yeah, agreed on all counts except preferring him voting for novice.

(October 28th, 2020, 17:05)Serdoa Wrote: Thanks for the thoughts Gaz. I'm not sure I completely follow, but I think I made my mind up that I won't push for your lynch today and it will be easier to discuss when you are able to speak without rhymes (watch Lewwyn put me on rhyme-duty next...). In gist though, I'm surprised you feel the scroll-discussion is important.

That's pretty much how I feel about Gaz too. I'm not convinced, but probably convinced enough to not lynch him in his sleep.

What a dysfunctional happy family. Nobody trusts anybody and nobody wants to lynch anybody.
I have to run.

Some reads while the thread blew up while I was away, the rest will have to wait until tonight:

superdeath: I have no flipping idea what that logic is of yours superdeath. Is this superdeath being superdeath or scum superdeath doing a terrible job of playing scum? I'm so lost I don't even know where to begin... The fact that Tarkeel was killed overnight while spending the whole day on you makes me very suspicious as well. What do you have to say to that superdeath?

pindicator: Your case on Lewwyn is shocking, not going to lie. Just giving up as well is incredibly scummy. Did you not learn from last game that this is not good for town?

Gaz: I really don't like that post implying the day would be between novice v Rowain. The post itself is fine to start the day with but it was made 6 hours after SD made his ridiculous claims, I can believe 1-2 hours if you are multitasking but not 6. You then came out saying the SD's posts were terrible only after Adrien & Serdoa hammered on him. Gaz, are you going to claim you missed superdeath's earlier posts after they had been up for several hours?

I don't see myself voting for anyone else at the moment. Gazglum for now until he responds.

Lady Megumin 
Her wisdom and thoughts align 
With Ser Gaz de Glum

I re-read Warriorknight, not much I had to seek. 
He spent his Day as I did mine, encouraging the meek.
A trait I do consider townish, so to speak.

He voted Thrawn, so did I. He votes Novice, so did me.
You might say we are like the blossom and the bee. 
And even if with him you disagree,
He has explained his leans consistently.

(October 25th, 2020, 07:14)WarriorKnight Wrote: novice, you are right that Lewwyn coming forward with his ability is a rather null tell all things considered, which upon rereading seem to be what most of his posts revolve around. Lewwyn, care to add anything more now that some discussions are happening?

I like this prod to Lewwyn, who did sing much of his self-afflicted shackles.
All in all, I see nothing from our Megumin to raise my hackles.
But I do hope for more commentary, now she is backles.

One more thing, and again its Pin, I question on re-read.

(October 25th, 2020, 11:31)pindicator Wrote: Now tha 3rd thing I think be mentionin' is tha Thrawn is exactly how I 'member Thrawn behavin'.  Not like 48 where he be misbehavin' but he ain't as guarded here and doin' his usual free-thinkin' ways.  I don't think tha Serdoa exactly understands Thrawn if'n he ha' nay seen him in 47, but WarriorKnight was in tha game, and tha man should know better.  Scum points fer WarriorKnight fer certain.

At this point, Milady's vote for Thrawn still joke, or so I see.
To dole out scum points at such a stage, it seems a mite early.

But both double-down, Megumin says Thrawn is not town,
For his posts are extremely poor.
Pindi comes back in, kicks up a din, says Megumin should know more:

(October 26th, 2020, 11:38)pindicator Wrote: I do not give you scum points for thrawn for the reason that if you did not follow 47 closely then you really didn't get to see his posting style.  But Warriorknight was in that game and did see Thrawn.  I really should double check what his suspicions were for him in that game too.  (For instance: If WK did not suspect thrawn in 47 but suspects thrawn here then I give major major scum points to him.  But lots of people were on thrawn in 47.)

As for earlier game performances in general, isnt' that part of first day tone reading?  You have a baseline for someone that you have developed from interacting with them before and then you see how they differ.

But others too vote on Thrawn - myself, Momonga and the monk,
We had played with Thrawn too, why did Pindi focus his gaze on WarriorKnight to debunk?

Ser Pindicator, it seems on Thrawn you are redeemed
To you I give a bow.
Now that you've seen how the day played out,
your thoughts on WarriorKnight now?

I’m going to park my vote on Superdeath for the night and reassess tomorrow.
I have to run.

Gaz, I could definitely vote for WarriorKnight. My problem this game is that there are half a dozen people I could see myself voting for and no "obv scum" to jump after.

(October 28th, 2020, 18:13)WarriorKnight Wrote: pindicator: Your case on Lewwyn is shocking, not going to lie. Just giving up as well is incredibly scummy. Did you not learn from last game that this is not good for town?

Where did I say I gave up? Where is my self vote? You're just throwing muck here. I should just stay away from this until I'm fully cooled off but I can't help myself. I'm sick of being misconstrued so often by people, so much that it can't just be by scum but by stupid villagers too. (There: that part is bad for town.)

But Serdoa, Good God Man! You literally are saying I paint you unfairly for accusing you of picking apart every line I write in a post where you're literally picking apart superdeath's post line by line. Was the irony even apparent to you as you wrote that?
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Alas, alack, our mage is back, 
But I am in her sights. 
I will do my best, with little jest,
To put these doubts to rights.

Yesterday was complex for me, 
in the other world, Ms Glum was having surgery
(all is well, your fears do quell) 
On top of that, with poet's hat, 
my thoughts came slow, you see 

From post 460 to 476, four hours passed in thought, 
Superdeath not missed, but seemed not important to be fought. 
I did not think Superdeath the best choice for me to slay, 
A chaotic madman, easy to slam? I had not much more to say.  

My thoughts remain on Rowain's tussles, subject of my first day.
For peace of mind, I preferred that debate to be the focus of my play. 

(October 28th, 2020, 01:09)Gazglum Wrote: Two theories, both alike in dignity:
That Rowain is scum, or Novice is mean.
Now ancient grudge? No, the same votes I see.
Where old debate makes motives hard to glean.

We must resolve the fate of these two foes
Lest with bick’ring, they bring us all to blows.

Here, is clear, I toy with Shakespeare for your applause.
Suggesting I care only for one case, twas poetic exaggeration.
As with you, my fears are here, Novice still gives me pause.
But it's not a mad fixation.

Pindicator, you are here.
Will you make your night-jaunts clear?

(October 28th, 2020, 18:48)Gazglum Wrote: Pindicator, you are here.
Will you make your night-jaunts clear?

I went nowhere last night and have no reason yet to go anywhere tonight
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Gazglum, I also keep wondering back at Rowain. I have no desire to reread anything now, sadly.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

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