(October 31st, 2020, 04:26)AdrienIer Wrote: I can now speak again. 12h restriction it is.
Guys aren't we supposed to be voting for the most likely scum ? There's obviously at least one between Superdeath Lewwyn and Serdoa. I'm not convinced on the case about Serdoa, Superdeath is an obvious choice, he isn't even trying to explain his actions or his absence at the most opportune times.
(October 31st, 2020, 05:20)Tarkeel Wrote: Lewwyn has a lot of volume, but seems to avoid saying much of substance. Still has a munchkin-vibe from me, but that's just a feeling.
Superdeath drew my suspicion early on for attempting to provide content without any actual reasoning. Hasn't really bothered to defend, always defering to later.
Novice was on my early list of munchkins, mainly due to how he's been stoking the fires of conflict everywhere it was possible. Skull-bash seems a likely silence-ability, and was quick to defend Superdeath earlier on.
Any of these would be an information-rich lynch in my eyes.
Regarding the grognard, it still might be a serial killer: If Superdeath was the munchkin carrying out their night kill it would explain why there was only one death. Everybody then assumed that there was no SK due to only one death, which means that they could hide their nature by refraining from killing the second night. However I fear that the Grognard is something entirely different that we haven't been able to guess.
Of these I agree with Tarkeel
But many o'erlaps they reveal
Lewwyn has gone
No posting anon
His lying too tiring I feel
With Superdeath I have a fear
Too stubborn to play could be here
He did it before
But then post'd lots more
When end of that game did draw near
Novice I'm least of these certain
Serdoa's case is cause for alert and
Nov won't pursue
A case against Lew
Is that last minute vote a subversion?
Quote:Pindicator was suspect due to low participation on the first day, but has since returned to his normal self. Mostly neutral with a slight player-lean.
If I had a nickel each time
This was uttered each game I would find
Maybe twenty-five
Cents to my hide
It's a mountain I've many times climbed
(October 31st, 2020, 06:59)Rowain Wrote: Thanks Serdoa for your posts. I still miss an explanation for the 0.1 tirbreakpower and i still see no good reason why you are so coy about it.
For novice gazglums riddle was the follow up to this.
(October 29th, 2020, 04:17)Gazglum Wrote: Scorpion and Frog
Scorpion stings friend frog. Why?
"It is my nature"
Thanks ser glum for your protection :-).
Of role powers I'd like to say
That novice and superdeath claim
In some set order
To min their cover
And hear reasons for what they ordained