Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Game Thread] WW49: Wizards and Werewolves

and pindicator

Just reading

Quote:Warlock: Animate Dead- One night, you may raise a dead player from the Graveyard to cast a single vote.

Does that mean a vote during nighttime or daytime?

I assume he raises him at night for the next day

@ Adrien

I hope you think carefully about using the Bomb. Remember novice claimed redirector. He might have told the truth about using it but maybe he still has a charge.

Don't worry, if he redirects tonight you'll know because the person I said I'd target wouldn't have died. So you can just lynch him tomorrow.
I'll post right before deadline, don't worry.

Alright I’ll come clean. I’m the Grognard. My goal is to die at night. I sided with town this game and tried to hunt wolves as best as I could to make myself a target for the nightkill, but it wasn’t enough. Thankfully the sphere has arrived, and very soon I’ll have won. I hope I’ll make the town win too, I’ve been scumhunting with you all game and I hope it wasn’t in vain. I think Lewwyn’s the last one (so I'm targetting him with the sphere), and if not it’s between Serdoa and Novice.

Oh and BTW I’m the one who has been making people speech-limited for 12h. Yeah I even used my power on myself ! If Lewwyn isn’t the last one someone will get that « gift » tomorrow, but I’ll leave you waiting for that PM to know who it is. It served very little purpose, but it was my power so I had fun with it. The most fun came from reading you all wondering who could have that power, and try to decipher that person's goal.

Congrats to Superdeath for coming closest to guessing the real grognard role here

(October 25th, 2020, 12:05)superdeath Wrote: Now that ive got my fill of blood broth, to add to the discussion, im of the opinion that the creator of this world may have made the Grognard have a jester type win condition. Due to them being according to the definition " stuck in the old ways " ect. So perhaps their win condition could be simply be that they are fed up with how the game has progressed and maybe they WANT to just have a reason to leave? Just a thought from these tired old bones.

Rowain I almost answered that message you sent yesterday, it was really tempting.

(November 1st, 2020, 12:53)Rowain Wrote:
(November 1st, 2020, 12:50)AdrienIer Wrote: Scum might hit the grognard.
I'm set on it. Not blowing up doesn't change the maths, it's a potential 3v3 instead of 2v2.

If your victory condition is to be dead night 3 then godspeed, gratulation and well played smile

Thanks and good luck to you and the town !

It was really fun playing with you guys. GG everyone. Adrien out.

[Image: tenor.gif]

Hah, my D1 was not completely wrong then! Yeah for me, I already was questioning if I really am as bad as it felt.

Target serdoa so that 4 people die at night!
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

As you all return to the table, there are two missing slots. Weird, well, this is going to be a more traditional size party, assuming no more munchkins. Let’s see…

Novice was kicked out. He was a Player.
Commodore Wrote:Player - Welcome, Novice. you are a Player.
Fighter: Shield Block- One night, you may choose a target. All actions directed at that target are deflected to another chosen target.
Win condition: You win when there are no longer any threats to the Players and there is at least one Player alive.
Well darn it, sure there was something off about him. How about the bard?

Lewwyn was kicked out. He was a Munchkin.
Commodore Wrote:Munchkin - Welcome, Lewwyn. you are a Munchkin. Your discussion thread is here.
Bard: Inspiration- Hand out Post Restrictions & a +.1 vote. At the end of each day and each night, you may choose a target. That target is informed that he is Inspired; he gains .1 vote but must make every post in either haiku, rhyme, or iambic pentameter. Failure to abide by this post restriction loses .1 vote.
Win condition: You win if at least one Munchkin is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
All Munchkins are defeated, and no threats to the Players remain. Players have won.

You all high five and get back to the game. Rolling those dice, eating those Doritos, slaying those dragons. Everyone is happy and free of min-maxing. Well, almost everyone.

The monk has a grim, resigned look on his face. He was going to have to play with these frickin’ kids forever, wasn’t he? (Grognard Thread)
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

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