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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

DMOC Wrote:Hm ... next turn Dantski for some reason has a horse archer on the sugar tile by Kumbi Saleh. The funny thing is, it's facing north ... so it must have gone south then back north. Good thing it doesn't have sentry! smile

The horses' asses are facing directly away from your lands, so maybe it's similar to this:
[Image: braveheartmp.jpg]

Lol, that is funny. smile

Anyway, we're going to get a reload...haven't checked if I can login yet but I will let you know if I can.

Moving on here.

[SIZE="7"]Turn 211 - 1505 AD[/SIZE]

I drafted Ylith, Stardock, and Rillanon (hasn't been drafted yet).

I also starved La Mut to get a cannon done turn 212, never know when they might be needed.

I left a rifleman in La Mut to obey our agreement with Korea.

I also had a worker north of Hawk's Hollow pre-chop the hill 2-north of it since that worker should road the tile "1" of the hill and couldn't do so this turn because it would have lacked movement points.

I moved the 2 workers by the Romali border and guarded them with 3 riflemen.

I canceled the cannon in Krondor and put in a Knight. We need a medic unit and a sentry unit. If we whip the knight on turn 212 (next turn) we get a knight that has 2 promotions available. I realized this since I saw that Dantski has a sentry horse archer in Gao. Don't worry though, since his horse archer can't see our carefully-positioned stack even with the sentry promotion.

Furthermore, I canceled Northwarden's university and inserted a theatre since we have to fight Indian culture.

I did NOT upgrade macemen to riflemen or trebuchets to cannons just yet. I'm waiting until turn 212 to actually decide if we need to.


Just realized that if we play our cards right we may not have to put our stack on the "turn 212" tile which risks a sentry unit of Dantski's seeing wha twe have ... we could put it in a safer spot but it depends on the positioning of our workers. I will have to check the game next turn.

The suspense is killing me - this upcoming war ought to be really interesting. I eagerly await your DoW.

Going great! can't wait for the war myself...

Checked the game but didn't move any units since we don't want to be in trouble with Krill.
Athlete gave us some more gold, so we can upgrade about 6 trebs to cannons AND finish Military Science in 2 turns.

[SIZE="7"]Turn 212 - 1510 AD[/SIZE]

The first thing that caught my eye was seeing an Indian caravel by our borders. We should pay attention to where we land our troops. In "retaliation" I opt to put our caravel into their borders. Shiloh has a decent garrison with two riflemen.

More stuff:

1. The critical road on the jungle tile by Kumbi Saleh is complete.

2. Sethanon doesn't need more growth (17/17 happiness) so I gave its rice to La Mut. Sethanon will still grow to size 14 next turn regardless.

3. Confucian Missionary spread into Land's End. The Confucian Missionary created in La Mut went to Port Natal (but will need to wait until next turn to finish the conversion) - I hope that was your plan right? smile

4. Inserted a knight (4 turns) in for Port Natal since the cannon can wait another turn (1 turn to go) before the missionary arrives. The knight will turn into a cavalry once we get Military Tradition anyway.

5. In relation to point #3, I put a worker on Centralia in our galley and will put him on the main ring on turn 213. Why? The road network by Port Natal and Sethanon is horrendous. Our Confucian missionary would have been able to reach Port Natal this turn (when it was created) had we had a better road network.

6. What do you think about workshopping Queg's last 2 remaining tiles? There are 3 workers nearby ready to do the job.

7. I drafted Stardock, Land's End, and Krondor.

8. I upgraded 8 trebuchets to cannons. We should still be able to finish Military Tradition in 2 turns.

9. Whipped a theatre for 2 population in Northwarden, since we MUST get 100 culture first before India.

In light of how Romali may have a sentry horse archer, as they do in Gao, I have altered the plan somewhat. I am putting most units here as I don't think Romali can see them. Next turn, as you can see, we have 3 workers in the vicinity ready to road a pre-roaded tile. So we can officially declare war on turn 213 and move in with about 55 units, including 8 cannons and not including another rifleman from that galley. Hopefully this will be enough. If not, I don't really know what else we could have done.

(I am going to move some of our units in the "second" stack south just to make it look like they are going that way. They will head north later anyway.)

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0799.jpg]

PS: This game is really teaching me the value of sentry. This is my first serious multiplayer game where I'm not part of a large team (like the demogame) so I am still learning things. A sentry-promoted unit right now would be a great help to us now. I will remember this for the future. smile

I ended the turn. I guess we shouldn't log on until Romali finishes their turn.

Can't wait to see the start of this war.
If Dantski's power is as I suspect, we shouldn't be in to much trouble.
Even if India helps them, we shoud be able to hold out.

I agree on the missionary and the better road network.
Remember to keep some units around La Mut to keep Korea "safe" after t220.

Workshopping Queg is a good plan!

How is your vacation going to interfere with this game?

My vacation (dates are in the Team Maverick forum) will mean that I am likely without any internet access, so you may be in sole possession of the team.

Anyway, Dantski has ended his turn, so it's only a matter of time ... wink

I'm reading the rules and since Dantski has ended his turn, we can declare war, move in, then end our turn and we get the second 12:00 of the timer unless Dantski finishes before that. However, does the 12:00 timer rule mean we must wait intil 12:00 is left on the turm timer before declaring war? In light of that I have not declared war yet since the timer is at 20:00 now.

Quote:Dear Dantski of Romali,

As you may have been expecting for some time, Holy Roman Empire officially declares war on you on turn 213 (or 1515 AD). We moved after you in the turn timer so we will occupy the last 12:00 of the turn timer while you may occupy the first. [Krill's official war rules can be found in the Technical Issues thread.]

This is not a personal war or anything. We are not waging war because we dislike you - it just seems to be the wise thing for our civilization to do under our current cirumstnaces.

DMOC, representing the DMOC/Nakor team of HRE

PS: The island city of Taodeni is still defended by 1 horse archer. I'm not sure why Dantski isn't putting another defender there. It's going to be a 4 v 1 situation so I guess we should attack with our Landschkent.

PPS: Keep the workers we've got by Krondor roading the city. Dantski may pillage some of our tiles so we want fast replacement.

DMOC, I'll be on vacation at the end of July, start of august.

Let's wait untill the last 12 hours for safety's sake.
I do suggest we attack the island city as well, but we need to land our troops directly since I expect some navy from Dantski there.

War, finally! lol

Okay we wait until 12:00. Remember we still have to whip, draft, move, etc.

Keep 1 rifleman in Krondor for safety in case Dantski tries to attack/pillage.

Yes, we do an amphibious attack on Taodeni.

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