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Caster of Magic II Spell System overhaul discussion

(October 18th, 2020, 12:14)Seravy Wrote:
Quote:This doesn't appear to be the case in the 3 games I've started on COM II recently. In my current game, using 5 Life + 4 Sorcery, I get Unease with a 6 Life + 4 Sorcery Wizard, Unease with Life + Nature, and worse relations with everyone else. Sorcery + Death was Restless, and pure Chaos was Tense. Nature + Chaos was also Unease.

That has to be from the overexpansion penalties then, you should be starting at Relaxed with that Life+Sorcery wizard. 9 Shared books, alignment difference of 1 means starting relation of 18+9 = 27.

PS : relation changes should be in the logs, so you can see the relation going down if it's the result of overexpansion warnings. It should also be visible on the F5 chart. However, if the relation started low that indicates a bug in the starting relation formula.

Unfortunately the log disappeared after I copy pasted the latest build over the folder. However, I'm pretty sure it can't be an overexpansion penalty, because based on the formula you specified I shouldn't have gone over the limit at that point. I'm still not over it because I reloaded and took a slower strategy, and I certainly never got any warnings.

Well, I loaded an autosave and got the relations charts. On Turn 37, I had 8 towns. Looks like the Life + Sorcery wizard started as Neutral the turn I met him.
A 6 life 6 nature 1 death wizard started as unease.
6 chaos 4 nature 2 death wizard started Restless.

Save file here:
I did start this game several builds ago though, if you've changed anything with relations since. Think it was the Oct 5 or 6 build, judging by the save's modified date.

It's a bug in the starting relation formula.

From the -3*(alignment difference -4) part the "-4" was missing so every relation was 12 less than intended.

Not sure I posting in the right place or not, I have some idea about spell to suggest for chaos realm as counterpart to Gaia's and Uranus's Blessing.

Chaos's Blessing
Warp people and and area of settlement and turn into chaos realm creature and environment.

- Could access special resouce from corrupted and volcano tile.
- Volcano in settlement area produce additional production, power.
- Unrest population in settlement produce power.
- Enchant with Warp Reality in siege battle.
- All units produced in settlement get innate flaming weapon.
- All units produced in settlement get at least 2 of 3 chaos channal mutations
- Minor chance to get post-mystic surged effect upon unit creation.

This is to fulfill life of chaos wizard to live in his post-apocalyptic conquered area and consume world by chaos power. Perhaps this could replacing Doom Mastery as Doom mastery have side effect in warping all magicians and warlocks and turn them into single realm (chaos) caster which may reduce versatility for multi-realm wizards although it all other units working so well with other realm global enchantment such as Survival Instinct (when combined it with chaos surged create huge advantage in all units).

Life (Consecration) and Nature (Gaea's Blessing) already counter Chaos terrain destruction effects. More than two realms doing it would be too many.

It not really counter though, it is just living with effect.

An enemy profiting from my Volcano or Armageddon spell is even worse for me than if the spell didn't affect them, so I consider that a counter.

I think chaos should have blessing enchantment too so spell would be in set and more like these 3 realms are natural concurrent of sort so some spell in these realms should have equivalent of sort in similar to how Life and Death are.

Some idea about spells

I think death realm should have rare or very rare unit enchantment which turn normal unit into vampire and/or lich (become undead, gain lifesteal -X with X = unit experience rank before become undead, gain create undead, if unit has caster ability +10 casting skill, +2 magic range attack if unit already has magic ranged attack and turn magic range attack into undead creating damage). Basically, stronger living unit is, stronger the vampire it become although it could not get any more stronger after already embraced the dark path.

I think nature realm should have its equivalent of chaos's flaming blade with master-of-none rule as you set earlier, I think it should be common spell poison blade which enchants melee and range attack of unit with poison and enchant unit gain poison immunity would do. Although melee/range attack itself not gain magical weapon status to penetrate weapon or missile immunity, its poison attack that coming with it should deal damage penetrate weapon or missile immunity.

I think life's Holy Armor is too much overlapped with Endurance and Endurance is better is almost every aspect, I think Holy Armor should give +1 or +2 resistance too.

Life's Holy Arm should not just give global unit enchant of Holy Weapon but also Holy Armor too.

Heroism should give more proper heroic property and should not end at elite. It should be that when unit is not elite, it become elite. When unit already reach its eliteness on its own, unit become ultra-elite under heroism. Once reach ultra-elite, it become champion. Once reach champion on its own, it get +1 holy bonus to inspire other units.

Life's True Sight should give +1 range attack on unit that already have ranged attack along with illusion immunity too.

Death's focus is on evil summons so I find a unit buff for it unnecessary. Similarly, Nature focuses on robust, powerful summons so it doesn't need normal unit buffs. It's also dangerous to be able to imbue Poison on any unit early on, as lots of things have low or mediocre resistance at the time.

As Seravy said earlier in the past that he/she don't want chaos to have spell which would counter Armageddon and Doomsday, so I go back to revise idea about "Chaos's Blessing" and here is my new idea.

- All new units train in enchanted city gain all possible chaos channal enchantment (either 2 or 3 of them, not just one)
- all rebel citizen generate 1 power in this city
- +2 resistance to all defending units in combat
- -2 resistance to all attacking units in combat
- in siege combat, city is permanently enchanted by Warp Reality
- in siege combat, magic vortex could not be casted on city tiles or move into city tiles (but not immune to its damage if it move near city wall)
- in siege combat, warp creature spell could not be resisted (effect both side!)
- in siege combat, at the beginning of each combat turn, all attacker units become target of warp wood/warp creature/warp lightning randomly
- in siege combat, has random chance to spawn magic vortex outside city wall. (and could be more than one)

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