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CoM II - Terrain tiles

One more possible idea for Mountains : what if I made a procedural generation for mountains that use the same "from top" perspective instead of the current "from front" perspective? It can probably be done in a way to result in similar to the original but random art.

How will it look like?

We can't know until we actually do it. It all depends on the details in the algorithm.

It looks like this :

Honestly, that's better than I expected.

Myrror (includes two Chaos nodes) :

Yeah, that's much better. Some tiles like myrran forests are still annoying but at least now you can easily tell what every tile is.

The new mountains look good to me. The green hills of Arcanus look okay. The brown hills of Myrror ... well, to me what comes to mind is that giant monsters have laid some long turds, with some smaller droppings here and there. I think they're easier to distinguish from plains than in the original, but I think my mind is going to be stuck on turd jokes when looking at Myrror.

For Myrror forests, maybe try a different colour. Maybe yellow/orange instead of black/white? Presently too similar to mountains I think. Tundra is different enough in colour and texture to distinguish from mountains. Forest is just somehow irritating. The Arcanus forests are more restful for my eyes.

I like the new mountains. The hills need some work. Here's a comparison shot of MoM vs these new hills... I think the old hills look significantly better.

To get closer to that look, the new hills should nearly color match the surrounding grasslands and, if possible, use their texture. The hills should also have less of an outline effect (could the outline vary in thickness?) with deeper crevices leading into them. Finally, they should be a bit wider.

[Image: mA3GHuC.png]

I feel like the new mountains and hills look kinda blurry, wouldn't hurt to make them sharper and better defined.

The algorithm basically works by placing color 1 pixels in the center somewhat randomly, then processes all surrounding pixels and makes them either 1, or 2 higher color until it reaches the last color after which it stops.
This is the color array used for Arcanus hills :
And this one is for Myrror :
Feel free to replace the colors in the posted images until you are satisfied with the result, and post the colors to use.
(the first one is the pixel in the center of the hill, the last one is the outer edge.)

To change the shape, there are two main ways, either changing the placement of the initial pixels (currently they are allowed to deviate +/-2 from the straight line between the center of the two connected tiles, or in case of single tile hills it has a 50% chance to place one each pixel in a 5x5 area around it.) or we can change how much the color changes per step (we can add a chance for 0 change or a chance for 3 change or alter the chance between picking 1 or 2.)
Any recommendations?

(November 22nd, 2020, 07:27)Seravy Wrote: It looks like this :

Honestly, that's better than I expected.

Myrror (includes two Chaos nodes) :

Well done with the new trees! New mountains look good except maybe a bit artificial in the case when they are a single tile in size and nearby other single tile (different color) mountains. Is it possible to make single tile case generate randomly less circular and more rectangular/starlike shapes (with varying amount of circular and rectangular/starlike component)?

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