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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

(November 24th, 2020, 21:52)Seravy Wrote: Invisible units : I think seeing your own on the overland map is more like a feature than a bug. Some native invisible units not having a proper image isn't helping though.

Too many images - Ouch!  How about a sorcery aura for the invisibility enchantment?

Well, if it's coming from the enchantment, they do have the aura, but many units have it from other sources.

(November 25th, 2020, 06:13)Seravy Wrote: Well, if it's coming from the enchantment, they do have the aura, but many units have it from other sources.

Units with invisibility enchantment from the sorcery spell have no aura.

(November 25th, 2020, 06:24)Slingers Wrote:
(November 25th, 2020, 06:13)Seravy Wrote: Well, if it's coming from the enchantment, they do have the aura, but many units have it from other sources.

Units with invisibility enchantment from the sorcery spell have no aura.

Sounds like a bug...Adding it to my list.

Update :

-Fixed bug : When Brax would appear for hire, hero hire window is not shown.
-Fixed bug : Spell and player name in Power Link counter message was wrong.
-Fixed bug : Aura of Majesty had no effect on wizards who already had Aura of Majesty in play
-Fixed bug : Spell name in global enchantment warnings is wrong.
-Fixed bug : When the AI refers a spell name when accepting a treaty, the spell is zeroed before showing the text.

Too many spells
Bottom row of spells is broken.
Also i dont think poison works on ghouls ranged attack.

(November 25th, 2020, 13:32)Sapher Wrote: Too many spells   
Bottom row of spells is broken.

It works after yesterdays update ... and I just hired Brax the Dwarf !

1) Question: In the newest build, does the invisibility unit trait icon when inspecting a hero (with invisibility from an item for example) have a right click help like the other abilities now? I will check on my next game in the new build, but I suspect Slingers might have a savegame already made with invisible units... 

2) Suggestion: Include the number of world tiles in the right click help for world size. So folks have some sense of what they are getting into when they scale up.

3) Suggestion: In the New Game handicaps/modifiers section, include a negative modifier to score for a better start location. Perhaps Mithril for Arcanus and Adamantium for Myrror guaranteed within 6 tiles of start or something. Whatever works easily with mapgen. You get the idea.

4) Suggestion: In the handicaps/modifiers section, roll the familiar advisor into the immunity spellcasting help. Neither modifier was very impactful in actual play. Both are really just training wheels for players new to the game.

5) Question: I had "more random items" selected at New Game screen and many many items came with +5 Casting Skill. I am assuming because it is the cheapest way to use the 'remainder" balance for item creation. I love the idea and (mostly) implementation of "more random items" but perhaps some other "remainder balance" traits could exist (+1 resist? +1 attack?) so every single item doesn't end up feeling a bit too similar, even when that's not the case for the more major powers on the items. This could just be confirmation bias, or randomness in action, but I thought you would know how items are generated more specifically than myself and could see if this is what is really happening.

6) Observation: Manticores. LOL. They are so bad. Maybe 1 more point of poison? I dunno, something. Just so terrible compared to just about everything in the end game. Are they intended to be only useful for 3 movement scouts?

My current (CoM 2) game is probably one of the most pleasurable strategy games I've played in ages. On year 20 something and things are just starting to come to a boil. So many spells flying everywhere. Mass glorious pandemonium.

1. I think so

2. There is no such thing. The number of tiles depend on the number of players, their choice of starting plane, and the "Plane of Earth" setting. World size only determines the multiplier.

3. Might be a good idea. Game will freeze though if the map doesn't contain a location that matches the requirement, as starting locations are picked from existing terrain, the terrain isn't generated later according to starting locations.

4. Good, I will do that if we ever run out of space on the game options screen.

5. Probably just luck but I'll pay attention to the items I find.

6. I'm pretty sure they were tested when the Beastmen race was finalized and they worked fine. If you disagree, open a thread for it and everyone can tell their opinion.

I did a quick forum search and couldn't find any post defending Manticores. Ironically I found this:

(September 18th, 2016, 11:01)Seravy Wrote: I had a lot of beastmen cities in that game. I used them to produce magicians which were...almost as good as my warlocks but much cheaper. I also made some minotaurs but stopped playing before using them in combat, I already know they are good. The beastmen cities were the main reason I didn't go bankrupt around 1410 as well, as they had a big population and I could built gold buildings with them. They probably even provided me with more power than my elves due to their number and easy captured enemy cathedrals and such.
Manticores suck though. Even Wyvern Riders are better.

Followed by a suggested redesign that got implemented.

But yeah Manticores are kinda bad, Beastmen are decently strong enough for this to not matter though.

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