Brick, I don't think that's something you'd be supposed to fix. Sullla needs to have an HTTPS-capable host and link the images with HTTPS if he wants the images to display from a page served with HTTPS.
AI Survivor - Season Four and Five Reruns
I posted a writeup today looking at the alternate histories for Game Two from the most recent season of Civ4 AI Survivor. Since the image links from my website haven't been working, I'll just post the link to the full report:
Thanks once again for running these alternate histories and posting about them, Sullla.
I'm not sure where else to post this, but this seems reasonable enough:
Sullla, do you know what's going on with your Civ4 saved streams lately? Twitch keeps seemingly randomly muting your audio for "copyright infringements". Pretty annoying since I can't catch the live broadcasts.
For some unknown reason, one of the Industrial era background music songs triggers the copyright protections on Twitch. (This is why I kept the music limited to the first three eras for AI Survivor this year.) The good news is that the muted state only lasts for a few minutes on the recordings and then resumes after that intruding music ends. I'm not sure what to do about this short of running the game with no music at all while playing. If anyone has suggestions on how to handle this, I'm all ears.
Well the simple solution would be a mod that excludes that song.
Mods: RtR CtH
Pitboss: PB39, PB40, PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer Buy me a coffee
It seems the copyright strikes on Twitch have become a major problem. I just read that Cyberpunk 2077 will include a streamer mode which excludes copyrighted music: I am also not sure about the civ file structure, but if you can access the single music files I would consider overwriting the problematic track.
Looking at the list at, it's not clear to me why one or two of those are a problem when almost anything after Medieval looks so similar.
It's likely a false positive, the recording for Civ was similar enough to some commercially released recording that it tripped whatever detection Twitch has.
Copyright doesn't attach to the composition of a classical piece (anyone can play Mozart's whatever concerto), but to a particular recording of it. Remember that Twitch has no obligation to correct any of this. They can delete whatever they want from their private platform for whatever reasons, including "not worth our time to deal with fixing it even if it's legit." The only safe way is to go with no music. I've never played with music on in Civ or Diablo or pretty much any game in forever.
I think there's a way to appeal VOD muting on Twitch ( Obviously muting is done by an algorithm, so false positives happen. Generally in-game music is considered safe, but sometimes there can be issues, when the developer licenses the music for their game and this licence doesn't include broadcasting rights