As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Polish/South Korean vacation succession

Turn 91

Situation, turn 91, Second Army front:

India indeed threw everything he had - the city strike, two Xbow attacks, and a courser - at the exposed cavalry unit and successfully killed it. He also crippled my winged hussar, which killed an archer last turn, but failed to kill it, so I can withdraw, heal, and return as a tank or a raider soon. He upgraded his pike to a pike & shot, remaining fortified in the woods. Let's resolve the battle here before turning to the northern front.

My main goal this turn is to annihilate as much of India's striking power as I can, while isolating the city and preparing to siege it down with my bombards and muskets coming up. 

First, I bring in a reserve cavalry from the rear to wipe out an Indian crossbow from the game:

That one had moved up to bring in room for the pike. India, notice, is desperately short of gold and didn't upgrade that pike last turn. He can afford to upgrade perhaps 1 unit per turn barring pillaging, so I shouldn't see a flood of field cannons/cavalry soon, which is his only hope to really beat me in the field. 

Next, I start to close the pocket on his crossbows. I'll leave the P&S isolated in the woods - either it strikes out and loses the fortification bonus, or it remains there and I can ignore it until the city falls. 

The  cuirassiers easily clean up the two crossbows, while the knight and another cuirassier wipe out the levied Courser. A final cuirassier assault on the courser over the river cripples it. 

My spare units pillage the campus and pasture for faith and science. 

Final setup leaves city isolated with the P&S in a pocket. I think he can kill either my cavalry or my cuirassier on his turn, but that'll be all. The bombard is set up on the hill and ready to start shelling down the walls, while the muskets will start their attack next turn. He can't kill or even cripple all the threats to his city, so I think I can squeeze out Vancouver. Poutine is busy on its Renaissance Walls, which is perfect for me. Better that than units. 

With movement arrows:

In the north, First Army has suffered one cavalry unit crippled:

He has 5 crossbows and a knight present. The difficult terrain makes it tough to get at most of his crossbows, especially after an unlucky roll means I have to use two units on the northern most crossbow instead of 1 (in many of my wargames I could oneshot crossbows with cavalry with that level of support). Instead of killing 2 or even 3 crossbows, I have to settle for killing one and crippling another. I could have crippled a third with my knight, but I felt it was better to withdraw that unit and upgrade it, then return as a cuirassier. Reinforcements on the way from the core, due in a few turns:

It's possible that if he throws his entire missing military strength in this direction that he could kill my muskets nad hold the city. That's one of the scenarios I outlined prewar - if he does that, though, Canada will fall easily. In fact, I HOPE that's what he does, since my intention is to defend around Madurai now and make my southern attack the main effort. I'm directing all reinforcements in the south's direction. Here's why:

I've twigged to the possibility of bombards as city-crackers, and the way that they can negate narrow chokepoints. Calcutta pass (Khyber Pass? That would make sense) is, I think, a weakness in India's defenses. 

Jerusalem is at war iwth me as the vassal of India, and it was on the chopping block anyway. Now, though, with the possibilities of bombards, what I'm thinking is to build my main army in Canada, and strike east over the plains from Flexible Demeanor at the city-state. It has no army since India levied it, and the walls will fall to easy bombard firing positions. But look what happens once I take Jerusalem - Calcutta is just 3 tiles from positions on MY side of the St. Lawrence river. That's in artillery+observation balloon range...which means if I take Jerusalem, Calcutta is indefensible. 

I can grind through the pass with artillery, while deploying a fresh military engineer to build a tunnel in the mountains near Jerusalem and Bangalore (if I take Bangalore). With the pass in my hands, and the tunnel, I can swarm Patna from the south. Once Patna is taken, the war is for all intents and purposes won - Agra will be the last major Indian city, and we can advance on it in the open from Madurai and from Patna. So that's the current plan, assuming India throws everything at the Madurai assault. If he splits hsi forces, I should win on both fronts. If he throws everything into Canada, I still think I can win on both fronts, but I'll fight and win the main battle in Canada first.

Civics wise, corps in 6 turns. Then possibly Theology for Wars of Religion?

I don't ahve enough policy slots for everything I want to do. I'm still maximizing gold, because my combat strength is already pretty high, but wars of religion would have let me kill off two more units this turn...Hm. The modern governments are ages away, even with my high culture. I'd love any one of them, though.

On the research front, though, we're about to hit a huge power spike:

Refining in 4 turns (I will get the boost and swap in 2 turns). Steel in 6. I will unlock oil for my next gen units, then follow up with Artillery and City Defenses. City defenses will make me immune to Germany and Hungary - they need flight to crack modern cities, not muskets, so as long as Germany doens't turn up with 6 muskets outside Ask Your Mother (my only unfortified city in the west) in the next 6 turns, I will be effectively invincible. (They'll also need oil for planes/artillery, even bombards will take too long to batter down my defenses). 

Then we'll grab modern infantry, then chemistry, then combustion in quick succession, unlocking tunnels, tanks, and upgrades to our many farms and pastures and lumber mills, all within the next 15 turns or so. Our empire will be so much more productive than India's that I don't see how he can compete. I will field as many modern units as my oil reserves will allow, and make up the rest in niter-based musket and cavalry corps. Gold is no issue (see how quickly my reserves recover, between pillaging and natural income?), so oil is the big bottleneck. Hence Refining first! 

In final news, in anticipation of Loyalty struggles (and to further my hold on new cities), I promote Magnus:

Now within 3 turns of capturing any city my units will fight with +5 within borders (with steel-based defenses in 6 turns) and loyalty will radiate out - so once a city is mine, it's mine forever. Next turn I'm landing my first GG, who will take command of Second Army as the main effort. First Army will try for Madurai but now that India is pouring in reinforcements I might not succeed there. 

Abroad, Japan stands:

Note the 61 strength of Kyoto! Hungary can field, at best, single musketmen, boosted by a GG to 60 strength. He will struggle to reduce that city soon. 

To sum up: India is doomed, although I think it will be a slog to finish him, and Germany/Hungary soon will lose any ability at all to harm me. From here on the game is a foregone conclusion.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(September 15th, 2020, 11:10)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Turn 50 Roundup

Moral of the story: this game is over, everyone else just doesn't realize it yet.

41 turns later, you're still saying that the game is "a foregone conclusion". Why is everyone else still playing? Have they said anything in the Play Your Damn Turn forum chat?

They still don't realize it, I don't think. I really don't know how much observation the average player does of scores, research rates, etc. It's possible they had no idea how much I was racing ahead 41 turns ago, because scores are opaque and boring and you have to manually check cities on the diplomacy screen (I found another method a few days ago...religion screen? Not sure. It was squirreled away in a weird place but it listed every city, including the capital, for every civ).

Second, they might not care and are just playing out for fun. But yeah, I never really had any chance to lose this war, and every turn just kind of reinforces that. I might not take Madurai - India has chopped more units than I thought he would, and he's hurling them all to the north to cling to that city, while my assumptions thought he'd put more effort into holding the 4 Canadian cities instead - but I certainly can't LOSE any cities to any civ.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 92

Just Passing Through completes the first of what will become 4 coal power plants across the empire, covering everything but my northern coastal cities. All other cities are now getting +6 production from the factories, which in this case is +30 hammers. The investment will pay itself off before the end of the game, I think. As it is, JPT can now 2-turn muskets, cuirassiers, cavalry, bombards - whatever I want from this generation. With troop numbers starting to fall from fighting at the front, I do need the reinforcements.

Second Army's situation. India threw most of his units at my exposed cuirassier, finishing him, while crippling a cavalry unit near Winnipeg. He also finished a musket and moved out of the city, leaving his varu within the walls. I now have 3 Indian units in the open and exposed to my own army, while my bombard and infantry are in place to begin reducing the city. Everything is proceeding just as planned so far, which makes me nervous. 

First, I bring my cavalry unit across to Poutine's farm, and promote. Then I slide my cuirassiers along the front and send in one unit to kill the varu:

Note that I also nabbed an Indian builder before he could harvest that deer. That's a bit of production that will go to Poland, not India. Next, I surround and send in Cuirassiers at the musket. They make short work of the unit:

That promoted cuirassier will probably die before he can promote, sadly. Finally, I have good odds on the pike and shot now that he's unfortified and on a marsh, so I take them. Meanwhile, the bombard begins to pound down the walls at Vancouver and my muskets begin their attacks. It will take ~3 turns to capture the city at the present rate, but the majority of the Indian field army is dead. I upgrade my knight to a cuirassier for some reinforcements, and continue pillaging with the courser. 

Final situation, Second Army:

1 cavalry
1 cuirassier
Numerous units injured.

3 crossbows
1 archer
1 musketman
2 coursers
1 varu
1 varu, 1 P&S, 1 pike injured. 

My stated goal of meeting and defeating the Indian field army somewhere around Vancouver I think I can consider successfully accomplished at this point. I have a third musket and second bombard joining the front next turn, as well as Gustavus Adolphus. Jeanne d'Arc is due in 8 turns for me and will take command of First Army.

First Army, situation:

I failed to take an opening situation photo, but basically a body of Indian coursers has come up from Patna. A musket appeared in Madurai and is fortified within the city. I will need my own 3 musket reinforcements, giving me a total of 5, to take the city. He threw everything at one of my cavalry and killed it. In exchange, I killed two more crossbows and crippled another. My losses here are 2 cavalry in return for 4 crossbows, not especially favorable. I face 2 more crossbows, plus the cripple, 3 coursers, a knight, and a musket at least, plus whatever more he can scrape up from the fog. India is making his primary resistance on this front. 

I give myself ~60% odds of taking Madurai. If nothing changes, it's nearly 100%, especially with JPT nearby spitting out reinforcements. But the rough terrain makes it tough to keep units flowing to this front, and I didn't do enough damage before a musket appeared. If he keeps reinforcing at hte rate he is, he can actually get units into the area more quickly than I can. If so, that's fine. Phase 1 will have accomplished its secondary goal of diverting the Indian army, and the southern thrust is my decisive one anyway. Still, a bit disappointing - I knew this would happen when I split my forces, but if India had been caught napping I would have succeeded here.

Abroad, Germany founds a desert city and starts Petra:

Good luck, mate. Cargo Cult finished its Holy Site, will be converted to Friendship next turn for the Work Ethic bonus, and is already pulling in 33 hammers/turn for its own Petra effort:

Can Frankfurt finish Petra in 6 turns? Not even with German Hansas - he doesn't have a factory up, so Frankfurt just has its native ~6 production. He doesn't have nearly the trade infrastructure I do to support projects like this.

Kyoto stands:

India has suffered flooding at Hyderabad, which is a welcome setback:

It seems his plan in Canada is to abandon the field once his army is wiped out and instead concentrate on static defense, buying as much time as he can. Note the wall builds at Poutine, Winnipeg, and Quebec:

That's fine. He has to buy time for something to change, but nothing that I can foresee will alter things. Germany is just too weak and too far behind to threaten me in the near future. He needs artillery and flight to crack Steel city defenses, and he won't get there this century. My siege units and balloons will grind forward through this front, and once they have sufficient security force I can start sending my own reinforcements to the north. I will eventually win the battle at Madurai! 

India continues to build niter, but isn't building all the coursers or knights he could:

I'm pulling in 12 a turn, so JPT will become a musket pump, I think. One musket every two turns will be vulnerable to cuirassiers or cavalry if he gets there, but it will beat the pikes, xbows, and muskets he's fielding. If he reaches cavalry or field cannon/cuirassiers, then I'll just swap to cuirassiers of my own. 

My core. 

Non-military builds at present:
JRTI: Intelligence Agency (I thought it'd be fun to play with a spy, and I have monumentality to spend my modest faith income on, so no Grandmaster's Chapel.)
MIC: Military Academy. It will build cuirassier or musket corps starting 5 turns from now and won't stop until the game is over or I'm dead broke.
IBC, AYM, LOB: IZs/factories/power plants to cover the whole empire in a blanket of production. Maybe not worth it, but if the game goes long these will pay off. If it goes short I won anyway. 
ITHWWY, CC: Wonders. Military in 6 turns when they finish. 
YI/BWC: Aerodromes/Encampments, then biplanes (with oil) and units.
Northern colonies: basic infrastructure, then units. 

Everything else is on units, and that proportion will grow over the next 3/4/5/6 turns as the above cities come off their support builds. We'll get a fresh wave of cavalry soon.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

They never documented this as far as I could tell, but one of the updates a few months ago removed the AoE from coal plants specifically, apparently Firaxis' way of "balancing" the fact that the early, dirty power plants are way better than the later, cleaner ones. Still worth building them, but they won't return the investment as fast and there is actual reason to replace some of them with oil plants in a game that lasts a lot longer than this one will.

Isidore of Miletus. Germany recruited him a few years ago. He probably WILL get Petra after all. Darn.

You win, williams. We'll go with Petra-less Cargo Cult.

Probably could have killed that P&S if i'd moved my cuirassiers better. Dangit. That's going to cost me a unit now.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 93

Second Army situation:

One more cavalry lost on each front - well, a cavalry and a cuirassier. I can't sustain two units a turn, but I can sustain one. If I'd moved my cuirassiers better, I could have used the same one to capture the builder AND hit the P&S, finishing it before it could kill my promotable cuirassier. Oh, well. I think that's the only avoidable casualty I've suffered thus far. He moved his pike and shot into the forest, but it's nearly dead. Another builder is attempting to harvest the deer across the Fraser River. And he's bringing up a lone crossbow. 

I mop up:

Vancouver falls and is renamed to Gunboat Diplomat. In exchange for two cuirassiers and a cavalry on this front, we killed 2 coursers, 2 varu, 1 pike and shot, 1 musket, 1 archer, and 3 crossbows, in addition to pulling out ~160 pillaged science and gold and capturing the city. The hammer ratio is ~1:1.3 in my favor, not an overwhelming victory, but considering we were attacking into prepared troops and stormed a city in the process I am very satisfied. We beat the bulk of the Indian army that conquered Canada here. I know of a pike and a crossbow still resisting, but I intend to advance under the cover of my guns from here on out so losses should fall.

I move in Victor, who will stabilize the loyalty and give me a combat buff, although he's bound for Madurai soonest. With First Army locked in a death struggle for the city they need his support as soon as possible. I set to work repairing the granary, then will work on our campus which some thoughtless hooligan pillaged. 

Our next objective is the Canadian capital of Poutine. With no units left to defend the river, and my superior firepower, I can set up just north of the city with a pair of bombards and pound down the walls over a few turns. Once the army is healed, I'll then follow up with a swarm of units to pillage and storm the city. Then Winnipeg, then Jerusalem and Quebec, and I will declare Phase 2 of Operation Deluge complete.

Situation at the end of the Battle of Vancouver, turn 93:

Second Army fields 5 cuirassiers, 3 muskets, 2 bombards, 1 siege tower, 2 cavalry, and 1 winged hussar. It lost 2 cuirassiers and 1 cavalry in the fighting. They face 2 fortified cities and at least a pike and crossbow. 

In the north, First Army's situation. I lost the cavalry because India has blundered:

The musket garrisoning the city marched out and removed the cavalry. The hammer exchange is in India's favor, but it opens up the city to my attacks. Now, what would have been defeats become victories. I send in the muskets, while consolidating the surviving cavalry around the city and continuing to creep my reinforcements closer over the hills. First, clean up the enemy musket so he can't get back into the city:

That cavalry might die if he throws everything at it. But the city will fall.

My southern cavalry and cuirassier wall off the city from reinforcements, cleaning up the courser in the process. The muskets pound away for 87 damage. The city should fall to me next turn, well ahead of my turn 100 schedule. 

Losses here are 3 cavalry in return for 4 crossbows, a musket, and a courser. In terms of hammers favorable to India, but the city is on the brink of falling and I have a second wave coming in. 

Situation of First Army at end of turn 93:

I field 1 cuirassier, 3 cavalry, 2 muskets, 1 winged hussar. In the second line I have 3 field cannon, 3 muskets, and 2 cuirassiers. We face 2 coursers, 1 knight, and fully 5 crossbows, plus the city. If I can take the city, I should be able to hold it against that force, especially with Steel coming online in 3 turns. 

Overview away from the front:

Interesting that Germany still has no niter, but has fielded at least one musket. I wonder how? 

With Petra indeed lost to Isidore, I go ahead and queue up military units instead. With Work Ethic it's still a fine faith-producing city. 

ANOTHER flood hits It Builds Character, pillaging the Market again. I can't build a dam to prevent this! D: Oh, well, India's getting pillaged with floods too, and doesn't have as robust a production infrastructure in place. Thankfully it doesn't delay my Coal Power Plant to bring up Refining. 

Let's see...Kyoto is unscathed and healed up. I think Hungary is gathering his strength for the final push. Kyoto's 61 strength is a VERY tough nut to crack. Even a Polish army would need quite a bit of effort to take that city. Good for you, Japan! Keep it up!
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Unfortunate that Germany wins the Petra race. At least you've beating them in literally every other thing that matters.

Excellent progress thus far (and beautifully reported as well). You're cracking the outer defenses of India and it feels like only a matter of time before your opponent starts to collapse. I agree that the next generation of military technology should blow the game wide open. The bombard to artillery upgrade is particularly devastating, going from 55 ranged strength to 80 (!) ranged strength. With observation balloons the defender never even gets to shoot back. You also have the chance to merge two of those siege units together into a corps when Nationalism arrives and wind up with a 90 strength / 3 range artillery piece. With +35 strength advantage it would essentially one-shot the city defenses by doing 100 damage instantaneously. We never reach this era in our PBEM games because someone has already won earlier on the tech tree but the lategame tech stuff is really powerful in Civ6. Looking forward to seeing the offfensive continue to play out!
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Turn 94

Situation, First Army front:

India did indeed hurl everything he had left at the Cavalry unit, killing it. I also realized I miscounted my losses, and this was only my third cavalry unit to die. One fell to a courser, one to the musket, and now this third one to the knight. That actually makes the loss ratio much more favorable to me, especially since I will now clean up the city and drive away the Indian army. 

First, my muskets straightforwardly attack and seize Madurai, as expected:

They're both injured, but the city is mine and I just finished the Terracotta Army, perfect timing. Just as India's outer defenses fall and he's reeling, trying to regroup, every single unit left alive gets a free heal and a promotion out of the bargain. This will let me rapidly heal and keep the pressure on him. I want to do as much damage as I can before he hits Ballistics to upgrade those knights and crossbows he's fielding (with what gold, exactly? He will struggle to field modern units even with modern tech since his income is low). 

Next, I move up my Rifleman, Cuirassier, Hussar, and Cavalry:

My intention is to maximize flanking and support before attacking, while arranging things so the cavalry can hit the crossbow with its attack bonus. The Hussar can't attack this turn but can provide support. The rifles clear the way and then the horsemen finish both units:

That's a full health crossbow, instantly deleted by my single cavalry. It goes to show how hopelessly outmatched crossbows are at this stage - with prepared defensive positions and good terrain, massed crossbow fire can maybe kill one unit, but the bowmen are quickly overwhelmed and killed. In open terrain now that I'm through the jungle and over the river, it's a slaughter. 

India still has at a minimum 2 coursers and 3 crossbows, plus I don't know if hte knight I killed was the same one that posted at turn 91 and 93 (although I am 90% confident it is). He will need to fall back now to Delhi and try to re-establish a defensive line there. I will pursue, cautiously, and hit targets of opportunity but I plan to group up all of First Army and heal before launching myself at my next target.

With these actions, I declare the Battle of Madurai at an end in victory for First Army. At the loss of 3 cavalry (990 production), we killed 6 crossbows, 1 courser, 1 musket, and 1 knight, plus capturing the city and large hoards of gold looted from the commercial hub, totaling ~1740 hammers in units alone. My math error and the loss of 2 more crossbows and a knight this turn has made Madurai from a near-run thing into a smashing victory. Indian army power is now down to only ~650, and he lost approximately that amount in both battles. 

What comes next? Here's a map of First Army's immediate area:

Against ~600 power, assuming he's yielding Canada and relying on walls to slow me, First Army now fields 5 muskets, 3 cuirassiers, 1 winged hussar, 2 cavalry, 3 field cannon, and the ranger, for approximately 600 power of my own. India has a vast front ringing Madurai, from Mysore in the north, Delhi to the east, and the core to the south. Mysore is protected behind mountains and a river - easy prey for bombards but tough to take with my units manually. It's also directly away from India's core, and contributes virtually nothing to the empire with 0 districts completed. Mysore is a sideshow. I reject an advance that direction. 

Neither can I hold in place. I have too much power invested in this army, power which will be wasted if I go over to the defensive now. India is reeling and just lost a goodly portion of his second field army. I should press the advantage while I can.

Advancing south is possible. There are thick forests and a river protecting Trivandrum, but with my horsemen it could be done. Bombards on this front are still ~10 turns away, though, and I don't relish attacking the city with my flank hanging in the open - I would expect swarms of knights, coursers, and, later, cuirassiers and cavalry to harass me from that direction while field cannons line the river. 

To the east, Delhi has a road leading to it. The city itself is presently unwalled, and most of India's units I know of are to the south, but they might withdraw to the east. Capturing Delhi would fully sever Mysore from the rest of the empire, it would secure my flank for a push south, and it also opens the possibility of attacks on India's ally Kabul or a drive southeast into his niter colonies. It woudl further stretch Indian defenses and I think it's also the easiest current target.

Very well. The opinion of the Polish General Staff is that Phase 1 of Operation Deluge is complete. Phase 2 is underway in the south, so in the north, we will begin Phase 3 of the offensive with a campaign directed on Delhi. Then, we will re-evaluate whether a sideshow around Kabul/Jabalpur/Chennai is desirable or if it's time to move in for the kill on Trivandrum/Agra/Patna. 

Situation, Second Army:

Poutine fired ineffectually on a cuirassier, while a crossbowman tries to reach the city. Second Army is mostly healing around Gunboat Diplomat, but I have a few fresh cavalry units. I order an ambush of the crossbowman by the cavalry, which will be followed by a pillaging raid as my bombards set up to open fire next turn:

The Battle of Poutine is an easy Polish victory. Total losses are now 3 coursers, 2 muskets, 2 varu, 1 knight, 1 pike and shot, 1 archer, and a staggering 10 crossbows against 2 cuirassiers and 4 cavalry. India can't possibly sustain losses of 20 units in 5 turns of war. I don't think he can kill my cuirassier unless he has two crossbows ready to shoot it from the fog. 

Here's a strategic map of Canada:

Here, our options are much more straightforward. India has almost no mobile defenders left and is relying on his Renaissance walls in the province. I have two bombards ready to open fire on Poutine, plus four muskets, 2 cavalry, and 5 cuirassiers. It will take ~3 turns to bombard down the walls of the city, but I may begin my assault sooner after only a turn or two of preparatory fire. Then we shift to Winnipeg, then Quebec and Jerusalem. All told, allowing ~5 turns per city, we should take Poutine by turn 100, Winnipeg by 105, and Quebec/Jerusalem by 110 (possibly both cities at once if I send enough reinforcements). Simple and straightforward, then we're ready to begin storming Khyber Pass at turn 110, and ready to attack Patna by turn 115 - twenty turns from now. That's our timetable. I try to be generous when possible - the fact that we captured both objective cities well within the time I allotted for them is kind of astonishing, and we wouldn't have done it if India hadn't blundered at Madurai. 

Normal views of the two fronts:

News away from the front:

I've been keeping an eye on the tech screen, to see when India reaches Ballistics or Military science, but he, Germany, and just now Hungary are still in the Renaissance era. I'm working on modern techs, so I'm nearly a full era ahead of the field in tech at this point. However, note India's spike in research - nearly 50 points lately. I think he slotted Rationalism, and he finished a campus at Bangalore, immediately burning Isaac Newton on him:

The campus + Newton would be worth +10 science all on its own, then Newton enhances all his other universities for a further +4 science. Add in Rationalism doubling those buildings and you get close to the increase. I should take rationalism myself - I don't ahve many cities of 10+ pop (only one, in fact, OCISLY), but I do have lots of +3 campuses. I don't like NOT having twice the science of the rest of the field - India being within 100 points was threatening enough that I decided to take him down. So I will rejigger my policies in 3 turns to take advantage. 

In the north, in 3 turns I also think I want to take Veterancy, and start a series of harbors in my northern colonies:

None of my cities here has a commercial hub, so NMMNG, ASOUE, and Boo! can all join my other two harbor cities. Those 5 cities can then kick out a quadririme each, plus some melee units, giving me a small fleet ~20 turns from now. That can sail first to India, where there's two coastal cities, and then I can go and see what coastal settling Hungary is done. I should explore Hungary's coast first (I have a GA en route) before I commit that many resources, though. 

View of the core. Finishing up all the support builds and entering a heavy military phase:


No news abroad. Kyoto is strong, my first spy is en route to Patna, Germany has a musket near Ask Your Mother but not threatening.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

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