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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Hello , 
1) i had a possible bug : My  "Noble" hero did cost upkeep (at least in the detail window)
2) i had a bug today while some "Night Stalker" attacked my troops (namely a Orc Horde with "True Sight", "Discipline", "Holy Armor" and "Bless"). Some "underhandled" exception popped.

Other units where attacked without troubles (other Orc Horde without all the bless)
Here is the screenshot (the logs are too large to be joined) : 
[Image: bug1.png]

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 795.37 KB / Downloads: 1)

@Xanatar Do you have a save game from before the fight? Dropbox is free, for example. I can give a more detailed guide for how to do this if you need it, or there’s the tubes of you, as well.

Did you check your money per turn on the armies bottom left upkeep screen before and after dismissing the noble hero? Heroes will show their normal upkeep up top in the details screen, but I think the help text of the Noble trait says “instead of upkeep, hero generates 20 gp/turn”.

Good crash find though! What is the created date of the Caster.exe file? What version are you playing?

Yes, please post the save file for the crash.

Meanwhile update :

-Added missing effect : Herb Mastery offers 100% regeneration rate at end of overland turn
-Added missing effect : Herb Mastery regenerates living units at the end of battle
-Experimental : Overland grid uses black color.
-Fixed bug : AI guaranteed spell picks are not cleared when starting a new game.
-AEther Flux will no longer affect Spell of Mastery cost.
-Updated help text to make it clear Raise Volcano and Earthquake no longer destroy outposts.
-Added missing building destruction effect to Raise Volcano.
-Fixed bug : Noble doesn't set displayed gold upkeep to zero.

Pros: The black grid lines look more classy, and less visually jarring than the bright red. Arcanus and Myrran land, and Arcanus ocean are easily discernable.
Cons: Can't see the discrete Myrran ocean tiles because of the black speckle pattern there, but the land looks fine even with the black trees.
Does anyone besides me play with the grid on? What do you think if you do? Compare the combat red grid to the overland black. It's quite the difference.
I like it better, but I'll give it a game or two to see if the Myrran ocean thing is ever actually an issue.
Thanks for indulging me to test it!

Hello, i edited my post and added a zip file with my last save and logs. I used the 04/12/2020 version. Concerning the noble bonus i think i was suprised to see the cost on the detail view of the hero (did not appear in vanilla). Once again thanks for your hard work.

Another probable little bug : seems like elven longbowmen can disregard guardian wind (missile immunity) and fire when they are injured (while in full health they didn't even try).

(December 8th, 2020, 16:02)Xanatar Wrote: Hello,
Another probable little bug : seems like elven longbowmen can disregard guardian wind (missile immunity) and fire when they are injured (while in full health they didn't even try).

Could use a bit more information here.
-Did they do damage against Guardian Wind or is the problem the action selected by the unit?
-Are we talking about you or the AI?
-If you, were you holding SHIFT to force melee?
-If the AI, did they have any other possible targets to shoot at? If not, what would you expect them to do instead, since shooting or not shooting has the same outcome of dealing no damage anyway?

A few notes from today:
- After receiving the Wind Walking enchantment, 2 icons will appear in the unit stats. One help text says movement speed 3, the other 6.
- For unit stats there is an icon with help text for Orihalcon, but not for Mithril or Adamantium.
- The new dark overland grid looks much more pleasant, but is not visible on Myrran seas. How about some kind of grey? An attempt is on the picture below. The color of the combat grid could be changed also.
- Hooray for the relations-popup on the wizard screen. I just found it. New suggested name for the game: Comfy Master of Magic.
- A walking unit cannot do anything against the attacking flying unit before and after being confused, but the Flee button does not turn green.
- The save file with the treacherous green Flee button was overwritten, but next time!
- The player can request a declaration of war on another wizard from a wizard with whom he is at war with.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Quote:- For unit stats there is an icon with help text for Orihalcon, but not for Mithril or Adamantium.
Those have always used the weapon icon in the game instead of an ability icon. Would make more sense to use an ability icon for consistency but the weapon icon is easier to notice so I think that's fine.
Orihalcon uses an ability icon because it's not affecting weapons.
Yea, inconsistent but I don't think there is a better solution.

Quote:- A walking unit cannot do anything against the attacking flying unit before and after being confused, but the Flee button does not turn green.

If the unit changes to be on your side, that's normal. (not very intuitive but the unit is technically yours and will die when you flee because it's confused)
If it's on their side, Confusion should have no effect on fleeing though.

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