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[SPOILERS] Woden and ljubljana like boats

Yeah, that seems reasonable enough. I really wish we had a builder charge to spare to farm the rice, honestly, if we're going to be working it so least we should get to sub in the turtles fairly soon due to the fortuitous placement of Sailing.

Turn 1-Vikings

Settled in place, no reason to move. I start working the cows for faster growth. Warrior heads southwest to the hill and finds some more mountains. I will send him around the mountain and the along the coast towards Phoenicia's capital to see if we are on the same island. One thing I forgot, is rankings are by team...

Going to be a little more difficult to read into these how each player is doing. Production-wise, I start a slinger and will go directly into a settler. Don't really have much to hookup right now and can get a settler out while I wait to build a few boats. There does seem to be a river to my southeast, you can see the channel and name bleeding through the fog a little. Slinger will go south and probably have my 2nd city in that direction unless I find something better.

Turn 2 - Phoenicia

The warrior runs into some barbs almost immediately, as well as the western end of the island. That's probably lucky, since this scout could easily have activated the camp on turn 5 or so if we hadn't found it. Still, this is going to tie the warrior down for a long time clearing the camp, since it's on a hill. The alternative, leaving it alive and continuing to explore, seems too risky to me even if we kill this scout, since future scouts can reach my capital in just 2 turns and are blocked from going in most of the other directions by ocean and mountains. Do you know how long it takes for the camps to start spawning quadriremes, by the way? I assume turn 2 is a little early for that, but a single one of those would be disastrous, so I'll stick to the tile 1NE while killing the camp.

The capital works the sheep for another turn, since switching to the rice now as opposed to in 2 turns will still result in growth in 5. The tile picker seems to want to go for the turtles first, a good sign for our double fishing boat plan. Looks like everyone but marco settled in place - not sure what to make of that, since I'd be surprised if the other starts had clear incentives to move while ours don't. Also, this doesn't mean we're on the same landmass, but we are at least on the same continent, which I'd say slightly increases the odds of that, especially since we now know there isn't more room to my west (so there probably is to my south).

Ouch, that changes things a bit! You may want to stick with the sheep and get your second warrior out ASAP. Who knows if horses is going to show up somewhere near that camp. The good thing is that barbs are coded not to take capitals since they can't be razed but if it becomes activated, you may run into issues with your second city if you don't take care of it beforehand.

Yeah, maybe, though we can afford to see what the scout does over the next two turns before making a decision on the sheep front. Luckily, due to the shape of the land, it should be pretty easy to block it from activating the camp with just the one warrior. If it moves onto the woods next turn, I think the right move is actually to go 1NE with the warrior without attacking immediately. Our ZoC will then guarantee us a hit on the next turn if it goes NE again onto the second woods, and we should have no trouble finishing it off on the flatground if it tries to advance towards the capital following that.

Or, wait, unless it's already trapped if it moves 1 NE next turn. If it does so, and we attack, and it then tries to cross the plains to the east to get to the capital on the following turn, will the warrior's ZoC make it stop on the plains? I'm not quite as clear on all of the precise ZoC mechanics as I'd like to be, unfortunately...

(December 10th, 2020, 03:49)ljubljana Wrote: Or, wait, unless it's already trapped if it moves 1 NE next turn. If it does so, and we attack, and it then tries to cross the plains to the east to get to the capital on the following turn, will the warrior's ZoC make it stop on the plains? I'm not quite as  clear on all of the precise ZoC mechanics as I'd like to be, unfortunately...

If it were to move NE, then you would have to move NE to prevent it from heading towards your capital. If you attack it from where you are standing, it can move NE again and out of your ZOC onto the plains tile along the coast. You only have ZOC on the tile around you and it only works if a unit moves past you directly, not if they retreat out of your ZOC. So, if the scout where to move NE this turn and you attack. He could move directly east 1 tile since he is in your ZOC but he could also move 1 tile NE and then 1 tile east, along the coast because he moves out of your ZOC.

Right, yeah, I think I overoptimistically discounted that on the assumption that the warrior would probably 2-shot if one hit was on plains. I'll move NE just to be safe if that happens, I think.

(December 10th, 2020, 14:35)ljubljana Wrote: Right, yeah, I think I overoptimistically discounted that on the assumption that the warrior would probably 2-shot if one hit was on plains. I'll move NE just to be safe if that happens, I think.

Maybe it would kill him with good rolls.

Turn 2-Vikings
Move my warrior...

So far, not a lot of production around here but do find another river. Some nice mountains though. Warrior is going to head back to coast and work my way up north.

Turn 3 - Phoenicia

We get the best possible move from the scout, so the warrior moves W to lock it down - it should now be unable to escape due to ZoC, unless there's some exception to the rules for barb units moving through a camp that I'm unaware of. If so, we can probably ignore it for now and just start working on the camp - that'll take a while, but should be fairly safe, enough so that we can use the second warrior for scouting.

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