As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Polish/South Korean vacation succession

Yeah, I briefly ran it but it only bumped me like ~6 points (I think only OCISLY benefits from both portions) so I dropped it in favor of Raj for a couple of turns.

I'll share an image fo my government, most of the time I don't think about it so I forget to include it in reports.

Natural Philosophy/Triangular Trade are essentials to keep science and gold/faith afloat.
Diplomatic slot is Merchant Confederation, now Raj for a bit more science/culture at the expense of gold.
Then as Poland I get 3 wildcard slots instead of a dedicated military slot. Right now I'm running Conscription/Professional Army/I THINK Merchant Confederation or Town Charters for gold? Not sure what the third one is, need to check this afternoon.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 104

Start the turn by recruiting a Great Engineer - now I get my own wonder build! I have just the wonder in mind, too...can you guess?  With all the Great People rolling in, I should be able to swing a normal age, which will make the final conquest of India's heartland much easier, particularly if he lands in a Dark Age himself, as I think likely.

All three of Second Army's artillery are now in range of Jerusalem - you can really stretch the observation balloon simply by shooting first, then moving the balloon. The cannon just needs to be next to the balloon when it fires, nothing about at the start of turn or anything like that:

Anyway, I pound the city with the cannons first...

...then follow up with cavalry from every direction. 

14 turns into the war and we're now at the gates of India's core from both directions. Even better, I think India is most concerned, first, with the incredible mass of First Army sitting two turn's march from his second city (understandable), and, second, with my raiders lurking behind his back door:

Second Army forms up and is ready to begin the assault on Calcutta in two turns. My raider is ready to withdraw next turn, having totally torched both campuses, and India's science has plunged from 135 a few turns ago all the way down to 65. With my own nearing 250, that's curtains for him (and he was my strongest competitor). 

Abroad, I imagine the Hungarians are gathering their forces to come through either the Nuremberg gap or the Venice gap. He has a lot of cities near the coast. I'm going ahead with my battleship plan, since they run on coal*.

BBs will have total naval supremacy, so I'll build 3 with a supporting ironclad/DD and move along the coast. They might not even get there before my army does with how rapidly India is collapsing. 

First Army forms up in the north. My siege towers, you may have noticed, are becoming Supply Convoys in every theater. This nifty little unit heals my guys, AND gives them +1 movement if they start their turn adjacent, giving me incredible mobility. Once I throw in Logistics, many of my units will have 5, 6, or even 7 movement points at the start of the offensive.

The artillery is 3 turns away from having range on Trivandrum. Turn 107 is D-Day.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 105

Quote:"It's the deep breath, just before the plunge." - Gandalf the White

Quiet turn of moving everything up. Within First Army, veterans check their gear, then recheck it. Rookies are hassled around campfires, while the drone of engines as tanks and trucks clatter towards the front is almost constant. Everyone knows that when the next offensive starts, they'll be fighting for India's home cities themselves - and they'll be going up against the best of the Indian Army, fighting desperately in defense of their homes. 

The first artillery will enter the range of Trivandrum next turn, and be able to open fire on turn 107. The other two can open up on turn 108. Infantry will go in on the right (western) flank, cavalry on the eastern, moving up and fortifying to protect the artillery, hitting the forward units. Agra's field cannon corps is the most dangerous unit on the map, so we'll try to avoid it apart from our tanks, which can take the fire fairly easily (many of them are Barding-promoted). Most of my troops are tough veterans now, thanks to the fighting and the Terracotta army. 

Here's my wonder plan:

Ruhr is worth +10 hammers all on its own, then throw in +7 more for the quarries and mines present in the city. That's +17 hammers/turn. I'll get 315 of that for free from my great engineer, so to pay off the remaining 305 will take about 18 turns, just within the lifetime of the game, I think. 

A look at the core, which we haven't seen in a while:

You'll note decreasing amounts of military builds. I'm still building units, but I'm focusing on a few high-quality units like tanks, planes, and artillery or cavalry corps. With limited oil reserves, crashing gold income, and a horrendous amenities/housing situation across the empire, it's time to do some much-needed housekeeping. The major cities with military academies or factories are still producing their share for the front, but I'm slackening the pace otherwise and getting in vital entertainment districts (Arenas -> zoos take about 10 turns from laying down the district to finishing the zoo) which will hopefully alleviate some of my amenities pressure. Other cities are getting long-delayed aqueducts, or, soon, neighborhoods, and my cities will start growing again for the first time in about 20 turns. 

Researching Radio to uncover aluminum and start hording that, although I think at this point aluminum is only used for advanced air. Civics are still aimed at levee en masse for +2 gold/unit. 

For the first time, First and Second Armies are visible on the same screen. Second Army is getting a reinforcement of 2 tanks to help it punch through at Calcutta. Their offensive will start simultaneously with First Army's - purely by coincidence, the two armies are running on independent time tables.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 106

Start the turn with...


That lets me swap out Raj and Professional Army, replacing them with Liberalism and Logistics. My troops all get +1 move as long as they're in friendly territory, and liberalism's extra amenities is starting to ease my amenities crunch. My science and culture net out higher even though I dropped Raj (I hold 4 city-states). 

Third Army gathers near Home By Christmas:

5 cuirassiers, 2 cavalry, and being reinforced by 1 musket corps and 2 tanks. As soon as the artillery arrives - visible in the build queue - in 8 turns we will jump off on turn 115 and push straight for Aachen. Germany is fortified in the narrow pass, but I think I can blast those units aside in a turn or two. Once I have Aachen surrounded, we should begin bombarding it and I estimate the city should fall by turn 125. The "short victorious war" will be over, as we can fan out and begin reducing Germany's cities. I still haven't mustered a force for Berlin in the south, but I should park an artillery in the encampment at BWC and begin to pound my way in there as a cost-free way to advance. 

In east, Second Army begins the opening shots of the battle of India, as Calcutta's outskirts are taken under fire:

Most of the army is moving up to its jumping off points for the final offensive - note the two tanks, which raced here from JPT and JRTI in a mere 2 turns. I have formed Second Army's 3 muskets into 3 musket corps, backed by 1 cuirassier corps. 

Near Hyderabad, India blunders, moving out a builder to repair his quarry. I seize the builder and will re-burn the quarry next turn for yet more faith. I'm making almost enough faith from pillage to pursue a religious victory! 

The POWs will be escorted to the rear, where they'll be put to good work repairing the damage my advance has caused. Meanwhile, suzerainty over Anshan has revealed a mature Hungarian city of Debrecen to me. Macchu Picchu AND Chichen Itza have occupied lots of his attention here:

The only Hungarian access to Polish territory is through Venice or this narrow pass here. I faith purchased a settler to fortify the pass and shred any attempted invasion attempt:

My own intention is to invade Hungary's northern coast with the navy and First Army, while Third Army and Second Army pinch the cities south of the mountains out after Germany and India are taken care of. 

Abroad, I find Eger, the nearest Hungarian city to my borders - and ironically the last to be discovered:

A look at the improving amenities situation. I need to unlock zoos to really clear this up:

Report of the total Polish military on the eve of the decisive battle:

Order of Battle:
First Army: Commanded by Jeanne d'Arc
1 spec ops
5 musketmen
1 field cannon
1 field cannon corps
2 cavalry
2 tanks
1 tank corps
3 artillery
1 observation balloon
1 supply convoy

Second Army: Commanded by Gustavus Adolphus
3 musket corps
1 field cannon
2 cavalry
1 winged hussar
4 cuirassiers
1 cuirassier corps
2 tanks
3 artillery
1 observation balloon
1 supply convoy

Third Army:
1 musketman
1 musket corps
2 cavalry
5 cuirassiers
1 observation balloon
1 supply convoy

1 spec ops (civilian escort in the north)
1 military engineer.

Gustavus Adolphus tours the lines of Second Army, shortly before the battle of India, colorized:
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 107

D-day. It took us 17 turns to reach the decisive confrontation from the borders of India. Started the war with knights freshly upgraded to cuirassiers, now ending it with tanks and artillery. 

The Indian army's final defensive setup:

The real danger is the field cannon corps in Agra, which I can't scratch until I get my artillery up - and I need to clear out Trivandrum first. Hopefully I can take both cities by turn 111. The two muskets can be removed with tanks, the cuirassier is the most dangerous melee unit if it gets into a city, which I'd like to prevent. The single field cannons will get off one shot each before being killed, and the crossbow corps is almost totally harmless. 

I will use my tanks as a battering ram in the center, with the muskets and cavalry following on to mop up. The FC will move up and will deal with counterattacks, not really getting into the action until next turn. We'll put most of the mobile army around Trivandrum, trying to keep away from Agra as best we can apart from tough units and cutting off any enemy attacks on the artillery. Then we'll batter Trivandrum, taking it hopefully next turn on 108, and push either on Patna or Agra depending on Second Army's progress.

We begin:

1 artillery does 74, 3 firing next turn should finish the walls and most of the hp. 

Then I move my units up - I thrust the tanks as deep as I can, then move up supporting and flanking units, before beginning my attacks:

First, the tank corps leads the assault on the enemy's flagship knight corps. India blew his gold on levying units and never could upgrade this to a cuirassier corps, which might have nearly matched a tank in power. The flanking cavalry then comes in to clear it out:

Further east, the veteran 1st Division (they call themselves "The Big Red One" from their distinctive unit patches) leads an assault on the outer defenses of Agra. A flanking infantry assault from the 3rd Division finishes off the enemy musket, driving them in front of city walls:

Just beyond the river, 4th Cavalry attacks the Varu entrenched beyond the river, not scoring a kill but severely injuring the war elephants. These are my best troops, veterans of Home By Christmas, No More Mr. Nice Guy, So Much for Subtlety, Madurai, and Delhi. One division might fall in this fight, but this is the climactic battle. 

In the west, the lighter tank units roar around the flank of the great armored battle in front and go after the softer musket and cuirassier. The musket falls in a single attack, and the cuirassier unit is crippled but not killed:

The remaining muskets and field cannon march on Trivandrum to storm the city next turn. Jeanne d'Arc moves her headquarters up, while the supply convoy takes up position with the tank corps for protection, healing, and mobility. 

A diagram of First Army's assault:

At the side door to the Indian plain, Second Army absolutely blasts in India's defenses. 

Two cannons fire, the tanks roar in, and one armored division rolls into the city with no opposition from the shell-shocked Indian garrison. The commander pops his hatch in front of Calcutta city hall to accept surrender from a shaken, ashen-faced Indian mayor:

With Calcutta gone, the only obstacle holding Khyber Pass is removed. The anticipated difficult battle in the mountain passes never materializes - First Army drew off the entire Indian field army, and Polish speed and firepower do the rest. Second Army pours into the rear of the Indian army:

The field cannon positioned in the rear of Trivandrum are surprised from behind and the unit disintegrates entirely, as panic-stricken Indians abandon their guns and flee into the hills and orchards around the city. 

Soon, recon elements of Second Army are the first to set eyes on Patna itself, riding into the markets just outside the city center:

Final setup of First Army, with lead elements of Second Army visible to the south:

The war is effectively over at this point. The Indian armed forces defending the core are now a crippled varu and cuirassier, 1 field cannon, a crossbow corps, and a field cannon corps. By next turn it's entirely possible that only the field cannon corps remains. I will begin assaulting his capital next turn - notice that it has no walls! We'll begin attacks immediately - and should take Trivandrum as well. Bring up the artillery to shell Agra on turn 109, shell it on turn 110, and take the city by turn 111. The capital might fall by turn 109 or 110, even. 

Indian reinforcements could be the courser and field cannon that were holding the southern pass against my raiders, and a known musket, varu, and crossbow in the Afghan mountains - they might launch a spoiling attack on Delhi or something. 

Elsewhere, my third spy establishes in Aachen to begin the preparations for our invasion in 7 turns. He finds the city defended by 2 pike and shot and 2 field cannon, with ancient walls and an encampment. I might upgrade a tank corps here - it will only take about two turns to smash those defenses. We can bypass the encampment entirely, if we want to, although it does provide an excellent vantage point to shell Aachen from.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Morning turn, WC interlude:

I have so many complaints about the WC system. This is one of 'em. Waste of a turn.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

India effectively announces his surrender, and Germany and Hungary are talking about concession. The game may be over before the weekend:

I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Concession talk is gathering steam with Patna redlined, so this might be my last turn report. 

The Renaissance ends in one turn. I did pull 20 points of my butt, but no Golden Age. Still, if India and Germany fall into Dark Ages my conquests will be tremendously eased as loyalty pressure effectively becomes a non-issue. I'm just barely holding it together in India - effectively each city sets a ticking countdown for me to take the next city in order to relieve the pressure. Thankfully, I'm taking about one city a turn. 

The city, both field cannon, the varu, and the cuirassier combined to wipe out two muskets, not one. One was only single promoted, but it stings to lose old veterans like that on the brink of victory. Oh, well. In what has become routine, the army wipes out the remnants of the Indian field army and concentrates on Trivandrum:

FC corps wipes out the cuirassier, tank corps deletes the Indian field cannon. 

The artillery, remaining FC, a ranger, 2 muskets, and Second Army's cuirassier combine to capture Trivandrum:

I pour everyone else at Patna. I'm a bit sloppy, and probably overlooked an opportunity to capture the town this turn, but it's doomed next round regardless:

I also (per India's screenshot above) missed a trick when I failed to scratch the walls, using my cavalry to pillage instead - now he'll finish Renaissance walls and get about 100 more hp. That's 2 more volleys from the artillery. Oh, well.

Domestically, I've shifted back into civilian production mode. It Builds Character lays down its 4th district, a 6 adjacency Holy Site:

That will be another +12 production with Scriptorium running! The city will be at 63 production at that point. I need to manage the same trick at JPT...

Third Army upgrades a cuirassier into a tank, which then combines to form a corps. This will be my spearhead - I'm carefully rationing my oil units, so most cuirassiers stay cuirassiers, and my muskets don't get upgraded at all since they have almost no combat role at this point. 

Finally, Germany founds ANOTHER dry city (with a river just next door!), and Hungary is shifting a straggly, outdated army in a desperate bid to do SOMETHING before the game ends:

In the surrender talks, he blames his turn 3 (!) war with Japan for letting me "play simcity," which I think is a bit unfair. He started the war with Japan (I think?), he's the one who mismanaged it badly enough that it took him until turn 90 to win it, and he neglected expansion, he neglected using Hungary's levy ability to crush Japan, and of course doesn't know that I was carefully monitoring Germany and India's (and his!) military power all game long. In fact, I've been more or less continuously at war with various city-states from turn 50 to turn 90, and with India and Germany ever since turn 90.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Hungary surrenders on turn 108, then Germany plays on, before India surrenders on turn 109 - the next player is me, and I take Patna. Germany surrenders at the start of 110 and the game is over.

I'll have a writeup, I think, one last time.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(December 11th, 2020, 17:09)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: In the surrender talks, he blames his turn 3 (!) war with Japan for letting me "play simcity," which I think is a bit unfair. He started the war with Japan (I think?), he's the one who mismanaged it badly enough that it took him until turn 90 to win it, and he neglected expansion, he neglected using Hungary's levy ability to crush Japan, and of course doesn't know that I was carefully monitoring Germany and India's (and his!) military power all game long. In fact, I've been more or less continuously at war with various city-states from turn 50 to turn 90, and with India and Germany ever since turn 90.

Yeah, he definitely mismanaged the war, but I think he does have a point with "sim-city". Being at war with AI city-states is not at all like being at war with a major civilization. Perhaps if Canada was still playing, it would be more aggressive earlier?

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