Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB56] Lazteuq's Cool Facts about Space

(December 4th, 2020, 00:56)Lazteuq Wrote: About PB51: The big-picture decision I regret most was playing for second place. For the last 30 turns or so, I had essentially given up on directly attacking Plemo, and I just accepted that he would probably win. I did manage to be second in score when the game ended, but that was a disappointing, hollow achievement. All I really did was manage to piss everyone off (I'm especially sorry for El Grillo, after reading his thread) by not dogpiling the leader. I now realize it would have been more fun for me and everyone else (especially Superdeath) if I had tried to go against Plemo. Even if the odds of success were very low, it would have been more fun and interesting. That's what matters most. This is a video game after all.

hammer I always have fun defending against impossible/near impossible odds. Would have loved to digest Mjmd though.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

I think your hammers invested into the warrior should be converted to spearman at the next turn roll after you connect copper (even if you were to put 7 hammers into the warrior this turn you should end up with a spear at 15/35 next turn instead of a completed warrior ... I think)

Thanks Cornflakes, you are correct, the hammers went into a spearman now.

T42: Now it's my turn to start a war. Gira's warrior moved east instead of northeast like I expected. I took advantage of that move:[Image: X2ctECr.png]

As I see it, Gira is basically forced to kill my scout. The odds are decent that his warrior takes damage in the process, and then becomes easy food for my warrior. 
Fortunately, I'll have another warrior arrive in 3 turns, and an axeman arriving in 5 turns. Even if my warriors fail miserably, the axeman should seal the deal. Gira's power hasn't jumped recently and hasn't whipped recently, so I don't think there can be any unpleasant surprise units coming from Karakorum. I'm mostly concerned about Gira 1pop whipping a chariot next turn, because that could arrive quicker and kill my axeman. If I manage to capture and raze Turfan, I'll try to resettle it ASAP, the granary in Constantinople can wait. My lonely worker is building a road toward Turfan. I'm also putting AH on the back burner and researching archery now.

Space Fact 15: The sun's density decreases gradually. Like the gas planets, it doesn't exactly have a well-defined surface. Even at what we see as the visible light edge, the density is much lower than air at sea level on earth

"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

No fireworks today. Gira's warrior killed my scout and lived with 1.9/2 hp. More importantly, a chariot showed up and ruined my warrior's chances. I guess it was slow-built instead of whipped.
Gira offered peace, but I declined. I'm committing pretty seriously to attacking, now I whipped a spear in Thessalonica to go with the axe. I should still have a good chance of taking Turfan just before it reaches Size 2. The CRE borders will pop though, so that's annoying. The 20% defense bonus is also annoying, but I think axe+spear+warrior should be able to win.
I wonder what's going on with Gira's other neighbor. I feel like Gira wouldn't have settled a forward city site undefended without being pressured. Maybe this is a 2 front war.

Space Fact 16: Radiation near Jupiter is so severe that engineers on Juno took a brute-force solution: The critical electronics are inside a heavy box ("vault") of titanium shielding. It's impossible to put all the sensors inside the box though. Cameras are especially vulnerable.

It doesn't exactly get any less tense does it?

I think there is a good chance you're justified going all in; whatever the big picture, living with that plant from a CRE leader with that separation between your capitals wouldn't make for a game I'd want to play.

All I can really say is good luck hippy .
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Yeah, tension levels may remain high for the next 3 to 4 thousand years. Thanks for following along, Shallow Thought. This is certainly more dramatic than my PB51 early game. Unfortunately, it looks like I will be living with that city plant after all.

It is now Turn 47, I haven't been able to break through. Now Gira has 2 chariots and 2 warriors in Turfan, with 2 axes on the way from the capitol.

If I keep whipping units, I can make Gira and I both lose the game, but that would be stupid. Instead, I plan to settle cities surrounding Turfan, especially to the north. Noble has been fighting with Amicalola and AT(previously El Grillo). Noble actually razed one of AT's cities, not sure how long ago. I think I might have a shot at claiming plenty of land after all. Of course this might put me in hard opposition to Noble, but that's what Protective archers on hill cities with walls are for.

[Image: imjNPD5.png]
I want to settle the sites labeled 1 and 2. I know it looks crazy, but for Site 2, I would chop walls on the first turn after founding. Probably settle with 2 PRO archers in the city. I think it would be a cost-effective thorn in Gira's side.
Gira has already built more units than me, so I think I might be economically ahead right now. I only have 1 worker though, that's pretty bad. And it's definitely about time to be getting a 4th city.

This whole Turfan fiasco could have been avoided if I just didn't take that darn peace treaty on Turn 32!

Space Fact 17: The International Space Station's long rectangular panels are not all solar cells. A lot of that surface area is actually thermal radiators.  Those radiators are pretty similar to a car's radiator, except the liquid is ammonia.

It's MAP COMPLAINT TIME! (Finally got AH)

[Image: 7tLDd0S.png]

Why is my nearest horse way over there!?!? It's 5 tiles from my capitol, 6 from Gira's. Meanwhile, Gira's horse is 1 tile from the capitol! Maybe Gira moved their capitol a couple tiles, I don't know. Feels pretty unfair, especially since my UU requires horse. I thought that Turfan city plant was bad enough already.

It's Turn 51 now. Based on the KTB count in the tech tree (Thanks Charriu!), I think I'm doing well in tech thanks to PRO trade routes and lots of tile commerce. My 4th city is going to be seriously late though. Even worse, I haven't invested any worker labor at Adrianople yet. I really need to get that granary up so Adrianople can actually be productive. At least I got the ivory connected finally. That cancels some whip anger.

Space Fact 18: The Aurora is actually more common at around 65-70 degrees latitude than at the North/South Pole. That means you're more likely to see aurora in Norway than at the North Pole.

(December 10th, 2020, 15:37)Lazteuq Wrote: It's MAP COMPLAINT TIME! (Finally got AH)

Why is my nearest horse way over there!?!?

Space Fact 18: The Aurora is actually more common at around 65-70 degrees latitude than at the North/South Pole. That means you're more likely to see aurora in Norway than at the North Pole.

Couple reasons for this. 1. Charriu made some adjustments to the copper/horse locations and i okay'd them without going and looking where he moved them... so that could be where i put it, or where Charriu put it. 2. It isnt a spoiler to say that he moved his capital which isnt something i ever prepare for as only Mackoti would think to do something like that..

I wouldnt say the Aurora is really a space fact as its more... earth atmosphere related. At least according to what i quickly looked up. neenerneener
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

OK, thanks for confirming my suspicion about capitol move. Oh well, I guess I'm just gonna deal with it.
Turn 52. Gira moved a chariot into a spot that looks like an easy kill. I suspected a trap and did not attack it. It was a painful decision to not attack, because now that chariot might cause serious trouble up north with my planned cities. Here's why I didn't attack: If Gira had wanted to simply send the chariot farther north, they would have moved it on the flatland 2 tiles farther west, and I wouldn't have even seen it. I suspect there are 2 workers near Turfan, perhaps on the cow. I bet Gira and Mackoti are planning to insta-build a road on the horse and kill my units with their superior numbers. Not happening! I'm staying in the forest! I did move my units farther north for more flexibility.
[Image: Q9xpRKl.png]
The red line shows where I worry that Gira would road and attack.
Blue line shows how my work boat is going to scout out the island before it improves the second Clam near Adrianople.

While I was logged in, Noble declared on Amicalola. Still at war with AT also! I'm pretty sure I'll get those city spots.

Quote:I wouldnt say the Aurora is really a space fact as its more... earth atmosphere related. At least according to what i quickly looked up. [Image: neenerneener.gif]
Yeah its kinda borderline, but.... That fact came from a textbook called "Basic Space Plasma Physics" neenerneener

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