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Freeciv LongTurn (LT57 report)

The Pyramids lift the despotism penalty for that city? I'm not sure I understood that correctly.

(December 16th, 2020, 18:35)civac2 Wrote: The Pyramids lift the despotism penalty for that city? I'm not sure I understood that correctly.
For ALL cities.
The city itself gains +1 Production/tile (for any tile that yields production).

Two powerful effects in one National Wonder!  It's kinda OP.

Turn 19

Top 5 Cities:
[Image: m9B4nXj.png]
Keeping up with the pack!

[Image: mdRHrif.png]
#1 in Population again for a little while.  City count will go up a lot soon.
Still #3 in production, but #1 in econ!

[Image: eWPt8FG.png]
I plan on Grabbing Code of Laws before embarking down the path towards Trade.  
Trade is a very valuable tech, since in addition to making Caravans available (allowing production transfer and stockpiling for wonders), it also cuts production-waste in half!
I debated going for Trade first, but realized that Vectron's Glory as it gets bigger, is going to be losing more and more resources to Corruption and Waste.  
Also, "Food Waste" is a thing in LT, and courthouses and granaries eliminate it.  VG's food surplus has been very carefully calculated, and I don't want anything throwing that off.
Courthouses it is!

City Spotlight:
With the founding of my 11th city, Vectron's Glory and some other Size-4 cities experienced unrest.
[Image: sciJJR0.png]
You can see that a warrior is about to enter Vectron's Glory and restore order.  Fortunately, the unrest is predicted, not actual.  I won't lose any production if I prevent it.

[Image: YscTHPW.png]
Here is the view from the "Happiness" Tab in the city window. I've clicked on the top row of citizens to show the source of the base content/unrest.
I have 3 Warriors in the city keeping order.  I'll soon need a 4th.
You can also still appreciate that my food surplus is just enough to keep growing without pause! smile

[Image: 66GLmx9.png]
A: Riga was scheduled to build a settler on T21, but I moved up the time-table.  Paid gold to rush-buy settler sooner so that my Longboat can embark on its journey of discovery sooner too.
B: Hameln founded, will be a grand fishing port.
C: Duorpm is going to grow, but it's going to need more production to be ready for that growth.  I'm thus mining the hill (with a wines mine?) so that it can slow down growth and get production instead.
Note the second-rank status on this worker. This gives it a +75% bonus to work speed, raising it to 5.25 WP. This is important because it allows single-turn irrigation, or in the case a 2-turn mine.
D: Meideborg also had its settler rushed.  It was at 16/30, so I had to pay 37g to get it out next turn.  Why the rush?  It's all part of the longboat scheme...
E: You will notice that Lübeck is size 4, not in disorder, and yet has no unit-occupancy flag!  This is because its food surplus is so high it can afford an entertainer while still being able to grow in 2 turns.  
Food surplus is the most powerful resource in this game.  You can trade it for other valuable things, but it's hard to get if you don't already have it.
F: First city in a new land!  Probably my only city here, since the plan is that my ocean ventures will take my colonization elsewhere.
G: My Longboat, swinging out into the ocean to verify no other islands up here.  It will then stop at port, pick up a settler, and then head north-east in hopes of finding new lands to claim.

[Image: Mi0NO34.png]
The Irish expedition ventures forth (one turn later than planned) to plant more cities on Island[7].

[Image: aOD8Lzs.png]
Just to the South, Iceland finds signs of yet another island.  There is going to be a LOT of colonization to get done.

[Image: HpDhiQb.png]
Further West, on the other side of Iceland, the Scots prepare for their second landing on the southern island.

Turn 20

National Report: Most Advanced
[Image: NIBreOF.png]
I think this just counts the total # of techs, so there are a LOT of ties.
4 Supreme and 10 Eminent...

Top 5 Cities:
[Image: 1BS28ec.png]
I plan to be on this list for the foreseeable future.

[Image: UpvtPVc.png]
Doing pretty good!
How did my production shrink?  I believe it takes these numbers as they are at the beginning of the turn, and since many of my cities had grown, many of them had had their tile-assignments reset to max-growth.

[Image: Ql96w7h.png]
Courthouses here I come.

Cool Plan:
[Image: 2VVrsrr.png]
I want to get a fully-provisioned Longboat out carrying a settler over the Oceans ASAP.
If I go to port in Riga, it will restock, sure, but...
What if I use one settler to build a fresh port further Northeast, and then have a second settler run over and hop into the ship?
Those are some Big-brain moves right there.  shades

[Image: dE9C42c.png]
Hmm...forgot to label this.  Well then.
Vectron's Glory: It was at 57/90 production, meaning 33 remaining.  If it got only 16 production, that would make it 3 turns to completion, and I'd rather have it sooner.
Had to re-arrange production to accept lower food surplus.  I only earned +7 this turn, so I'll need +10 next turn to meet the next growth target.  Couldn't do the +10 this turn, since Mount Vectron needed the Wheat.
Lübeck: Rush-bought a Granary here.  Let's see what use I can get out of maximizing growth here without any happiness support...
Düörpm: Grew to size 4 and was depending on an Entertainer.  Moved a warrior from Kiel into the city to get that citizen back to work.  It'll be awesome when the wine-mine is done next turn.
Hamborg: Building its Military Police unit on the same turn it grows?  Stylish.
Spice Harbor: Growing fast.  Building a Migrant to try to cheapen the rush-buying of a later unit.  Will be able to pay gold now for it, but then be unable to build it (would cost 1 pop), so the production can be re-assigned to another unit on the next turn.
Or so went the plan.  Ran out of cash this turn!

Hey...there wasn't a city there the LAST time we looked at Island[11]
[Image: 5br9SGr.png]
jwrober was forced to rethink is Scottish Colonization plans due to the presence of xandr's Aleut city.
He opted to drop the settler off on the northern island instead, to try to solidify control there rather than contesting an island with a city built on a COAL DEPOSIT with an Iron Mountain in range!!!
No hope of taking it by surprise or advantage, and a very real possibility of losing everything.

Turn 21

Top 5 Cities:
[Image: RvjoaSp.png]
Will be size 8 next turn.  I wonder how many others will join me at that size?

[Image: qSiH3DC.png]
#1 in almost every category.  The military is due to all the warriors I've been making for public order.
I won't be #1 in city count for long though.  The Irish will continue to settle, and have secured new land.

[Image: UdI2juK.png]
Bronze Working will make the Hal Saflienni go obsolete.  I shouldn't need it any more though, since the Pyramids have lifted the Despotism penalty, and the Hanging Gardens are due to complete soon.

[Image: Ru7BX5T.png]
Vectron's Glory: Will grow to size 8 next turn, but won't have enough warriors to keep order.  That's ok, because I'll also build the Hanging Gardens (another Small Wonder) next turn.  That will help with the unrest across the empire and give me a little extra bonus in the city itself.

In the rest of the Empire, infrastructure continues to be built, preparing new city sites for colonization.  
Hmm...I think I may regret building Granaries so soon while there are still settlers needed.  Oh well, you can only move forwards.

[Image: Bh4245j.png]
My Longboat sails out into the ocean with 56 movement points to spend.  48 after this movement.
I uncovered a "Named Feature" on the map, and have proven that there is no island in the ocean that is as close as I would like it to be.

Turn 22

Top 5 Cities:
[Image: 5I4jflo.png]
All the cool kids are size 8.  Will the Inca be first to size 9, or shall it be me?

[Image: jFUwMQg.png]
#1 in most fields.  I had another drop in production though.  Once again due to Vectron's Glory growing and being re-arranged to work high-food tiles.

[Image: UY9dVMb.png]
Marketplaces will be important for governments like Republic, since they multiply luxuries as well as gold.  I'm not really wealthy enough to make profitable use of a market, but it's the Trade tech that I'm really after.
There's been some discussion of me diverting towards Philosophy instead so that I can grab the free tech from discovering it first.  

[Image: 5McIPek.png]
A: Got a bunch of workers here paving the way for a new settler coming out of Meideborg.
B: VG grew and needs an Aqueduct to grow any further.  My careful food planning is being thrown off though by "Food Waste", so VG has to use the Wheat for a bit.  Once it gets its Courthouse, things should be fine.
C: Gonna get me more settlers!  Meideborg is a settler FACTORY!  Should have done this with more cities.
D: Lübeck is gonna grow big now.  Hopefully I'll be able to have it do useful things with its size.
E: Wismer is at 11/12 food, so only needs +1 Food to grow.  Working that Wine Mine is perfect.

[Image: BwBUDBz.png]
Due to poor coordination, me and the Bretons ended up sailing in the same direction.

[Image: fddkuxS.png]
However, I turned out to be just in range of my goal: Island[2]!!  The land-masses are numbered, so you can investigate tiles on them to see that number and know which things are the same island, and which things are separate.

[Image: yELPujt.png]
Landed a Settler to go see a bit more.  Should I settle here, or hop back on the boat and look for a nicer location?

The Slovakians decided to gamble everything on finding island [10] ASAP, and so sailed off without enough supplies for a return journey.
[Image: hYGIabA.png]
Their success also meant their doom Island [10] is located, but the hopes of Finding it before the Aleut have been crushed.
Probably because it's their home island.
cgalik faces a choice:  Sail north and hope to save the settler by landing it on the Arctic, or drop it off on the nearby mountain and see how long it can survive as a scout.
Slovakia is not having a good turn.

Extra Info:
Cartography Lesson: or "Why did we know what island to look for and where it would be?"
[Image: QPHYSIV.png]
The islands of the world are numbered from Left to Right, Top to Bottom when viewed from a properly centered map.
This map is 204x204, so (102,102) is the center.  We have labelled that point and centered the minimap on it to get the "Proper" view of the world.
As you can see, we have our enemy surrounded!
I have island [1], because the native (0,0) coordinate is on my island, and so is the first seen by the scan.
The Scots had Island #4, but also cross the north/south map rim, so we knew for sure there were 2 other islands between Me and Him that had land in row-0.
One of these had to be the Arctic, and we guessed it was [3] because Western Scotland was awfully cold with all its Tundra.
That meant that we could predict the presence of island [2] to be somewhere between the Hansa and the Arctic.  So I already knew where to look.  And it was where I'd hoped!

Island [10] was a bit trickier.  We had spotted islands [8],[9],[11] and [12], so we knew which island had to be north of it and which ones south of it.  
That told us the Latitude, but not the Longitude.  Cgalik gambled that it would be to the East of Slovakia (rather than in the west by islands [7] and [13]), and he was right!
But the hopes of finding it uninhabited have been dashed.

We don't know if the other team has similar Cartographic knowledge, but we intend to use this to predict the location of further islands.

Turn 23

Top 5 Cities:
[Image: qnYb0Jp.png]
Oh no! Vectron's Glory isn't listed here!
Eclipsed by a bunch of posers and copycats saying "look at me, I can be size 8 too!"
Well, we'll see how many can keep up the pace, since it's gonna be 9-ville next turn.

[Image: aYxgjup.png]
Now THAT is what I call first-place production!
Neck and Neck with the Irish for population.  Worryingly, neither of is is #1 in city count any more.  Somebody else is going big!
Well, I just built 2 cities this turn, so I should still be on track for awesomness.

[Image: OK8CAZc.png]
Keep on techin'

[Image: TMZS7vz.png]
Bremen just founded in the north.  With plenty of irrigated grass it should grow fast.
Estland is trying the "buy a migrant when you can't afford the population" trick.  The unit-building phase of the turn should complete before the pop-growth, otherwise I've just created a slightly more expensive worker.  Which I suppose isn't terrible.
Riga is building another settler.  I may have to rush-buy it since my longboat returns home soon.  I think I need to irrigate the grassland around there too, sooner rather than later.
Vectron's Glory is gonna grow, and is starting work on the Courthouse so that another city will be able to use the Wheat.
Mount Vectron will grow grander too.  I have Warriors ready to keep order in the city next turn.
Lübeck too shall grow, but with a Temple in it, it should be able to support its population better.

[Image: sQcOp1p.png]
Settled on the new island.  Danzig should be fairly safe, since the forest blocks any surprise moves from land.  
No sign of enemies on the island yet.

City Spotlight:
[Image: wyVyNqR.png]
So far from home, I'm not really getting a lot out of this city.  You can even see the Food Waste manifesting fairly acutely.
I should have a +3 surplus, but I'm only getting +2.  And I can't even take advantage of Rounding by working lower food tiles.

Turn 24

Top 5 Cities:
[Image: elcN2G0.png]
Ok, back on the charts.

[Image: 61hnslP.png]
Lots of cities growing last turn gave me a major population boost.  Second place population is 49, the Irish.

[Image: cWHuXpF.png]
Keep on Teching...

[Image: HEhAF0Z.png]
Empire continues to develop.  I did a little tile-rearranging after this picture was taken, and so Mount Vectron will grow next turn.
Note the Longboat near Estland returning from its journey to the new world, ready to pick up another settler.

City Spotlight:
[Image: 7lf6vzU.png]
To ensure that there is a settler to pick up, I spend gold in Riga to get it done this turn.  
Oasis is being used by Estland for faster growth.

Here is a minimap centered correctly at the middle of the map.  
[Image: onIBCKR.png]
You can see the bright green island at all 4 corners.  That one is mine.

[Image: PMHS0UX.png]
The doomed Slovakian Longship evacuates its passengers to the Arctic (white bit at top of minimap)
Those settlers will bide their time on the un-settlable ice sheets until sufficient shipping capacity exists to take it somewhere useful.
Cgalik gambled everything on finding island [10], and although he technically succeeded, the colonization mission ended in failure.

[Image: tdU19RH.png]
The Bretons on the other hand (orange on the minimap) have found a rich new island to call their own.
That settler is sitting on Wheat, and the city will be founded soon and grow like a weed.  No sign of the enemy to the north, yet.  
But soon.  Someday soon.

[Image: WImA2Ac.png]
Irish Settler explores Island[7], and found itself a nice location on the other side with plenty of whales.

We're going to have to start giving proper names to these islands...

Turn 25

Top 5 Cities:
[Image: aQAVEEg.png]
I think I won't catch up to the Inca until they hit the "Sewer System" wall.

[Image: FGDOxZ3.png]
No pop growth compared to last turn.  All things average out.
I'm worried by the #2 rank in city-count, and #5 in Land Area.  Whoever is #1 in both of those must be claiming a LOT of islands!

[Image: bcaYm3p.png]
Got currency last turn.  Didn't care much, since no city can yet benefit from a Market.  
Trade will cut my distance-based production waste in half.  Much more useful, especially as I settle my new island.

[Image: P4bbhX2.png]
Longboat stops by shore to pick up the settler before heading back into the ocean.

[Image: TGyQaqJ.png]
6 cities poised to grow.
Lubeck I'm going to grow large like VG, since it's on a river so can get an early Aqueduct.
Mount Vectron I also want large.  I regret not aiming it for growth sooner, since it needs to be large to make use of it's wonderful mountains.
Meideborg is on a river, but I may never grow it very large.  Maybe up to size 9.  We'll see how it goes.
Duorpm is going to be a settler factory.  Plenty of food, and plenty of production, and no cheap aqueducts.  It's currently going max-production since it already has more than enough food to regrow after building its settler.
Bremen and Hameln are going to be unremarkable for a while as they grow, but they sure are growing!
Estland too is growing well.  It's currently pre-building the replacement for my Longship in case I decide that "waiting for my ship to return" is just too darn slow for settling my new island.

[Image: UqCdOop.png]
Scotland has filled out their extra island.  
It's a bit vulnerable to attack, with a prominent hill as a potential landing zone, and a river that leads to a shallow-water connection with the enemy.
Hopefully we can keep this sector safe.  jwrober is eager to find out if the Iron Island connects via shallows to the Aleut mainland.

Turn 26

Top 5 Cities:
[Image: OkfUV6Q.png]
Size 10 is the new 9.

[Image: nHxk96q.png]
#1 in Pop, but worried about the city count.  I have the most cities on my team, and if this is only 3rd place world-wide...

[Image: dbLzzaK.png]
Accumulate bulbs for great justice!

City Spotlight:
[Image: 7Rc5J4B.png]
Since I only get one longboat, my ocean-crossing has a bottleneck.  
If I disband the Longboat here, I can give Danzig a development boost, and also a longboat available for rebuilding back home.

[Image: meNWV3j.png]
Estland switches from Trireme to Longboat, and I buy the rest of the production to ensure boating as soon as possible.
Although this "wastes" 15 production from disbanding the Longboat, it accelerates my time-table by 2 turns.  
Every settler will now be delivered 2 turns earlier than if I hadn't done this.
And Time is the one thing you can't buy when you need it.

[Image: xVNh3hz.png]
Vectron's Glory is building the Colossus because it is my biggest city.  The Colossus gives +1 trade per tile, so it's power is proportional to the size of the city.
Ideally I'd have built the Colossus in my Capital (lower corruption and a +75% tax bonus from Despotism), but it's just not big enough, and won't be for some time.  
The sooner I get the Colossus built, the longer I'll be able to make use of it.
The settler next to VG will be ready to board the longboat being built in Estland next turn.
Hamborg and Bronswiek will both get their granaries and 5th population next turn.
Wismer is now big enough and old enough to give back to the nation.  It will have its own settler out soon.

Overall, my workers are going to have to focus on a lot of irrigation soon, since my population is growing fast and I need to keep up the momentum.
I'll probably need to build another round of workers too.  In retrospect, that's what Bronswiek and Hamborg should have been doing all this time instead of going for Granaries.

New enemy sighted!
[Image: 6lYm5Zt.png]
The Bretons have located the Czechs, lead by ste.  He is a formidable player, and Yknot will need to be careful.  
There may be some trouble in the future for the Bretons trying to colonize their new island.  We'll see if Yknot is up to the challenge.

[Image: TXwpLeS.png]
jwrober sends his longboat to investigate the "Aleut Passage".  Fortunately it appears to be deep water, so the Scots won't have to face an early invasion threat from the xandr's main island.  
It will just be a colonial war until we get Astronomy.  But Island [11] unfortunately looks to be at least twice as big as the Scot's island in the area.

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