In MOM or COM1, I found heroes to be fairly useless at first, and game-spoilingly powerful later. I usually edited the heroes to worthlessness (stats to 1), which unfortunately cuts out what could be a fun part of the game. My preference would be to have heroes a bit more useful early, with a slower increase in power later. I'm not sure how that would work, since much of the problem is item stacking. Limits on stacking? To much powerful magic on one person ruptures the universe, requiring limits?
One other possibility is a (optional?) one hero per stack rule. Overwhelming arrogance doesn't allow them to work together.
Neither option solves the Famous issue, but they'd make boosts to Famous less overpowered. Let it more or less guarantee a worthwhile hero or two early, for a worthwhile hero strategy that is roughly equivalent to spending that point on another book or different retort.
One other possibility is a (optional?) one hero per stack rule. Overwhelming arrogance doesn't allow them to work together.
Neither option solves the Famous issue, but they'd make boosts to Famous less overpowered. Let it more or less guarantee a worthwhile hero or two early, for a worthwhile hero strategy that is roughly equivalent to spending that point on another book or different retort.