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What magic can I eliminate a volcano?

Change Terrain, Gaia's Blessing.

Is there any retort which reduce mana upkeep for enchantment or summon units?

Chaneller halves upkeep of everything, Conjurer reduces summons by 25%.

If I created undead from chaos-channeled units or chaos creature, would it still considered as chaos creature as well as death creature or just mere death creature?

Whichever realm changing attachment was applied last counts. I've made undead efreet before and they cast Death magic, not Chaos. Undead chaos channelled units also benefit from Darkness. Not sure if Chaos Surge applies to them though.

For most of the time, bloodlust and chaos channel are not quite useful for caster units, it may not hurt much for single realm wizard but it reduce number of spell unit could cast. But it would be a bit more acceptable for sorcery-chaos/death combo as sorcery has focus magic which at least allow chaos magician cast warp lightning and mystic surge and death magician for siphon life, reaper slash, possession, black prayer, wall of darkness. These additional spell make trade for survivibility/damage in exchange for lost ability to cast other realm a bit more acceptable. for the rest of multiple realm pairing with chaos or death, for caster to loss of flexibility is loss more than gain.

What is the theme of Nature realm apart of planting forest and summoning thing? Its theme seem not clear too me, all other realm has their own clear theme, but nature seem lack of it.

And why priest unit of some race have resist all bonus and some other priest from other races not have it?

Summoning, improving terrain, buffing summoned creatures, the element of Earth, dealing Cold damage, Petrification. Slowing/preventing enemy movement in combat.
In general, summoning, terrain, Slowing in combat, and being able to do everything else on an average or below level are the four main themes.

Higher tier High men units all have a special feature other races don't. Magicians and Pikemen get 2 extra figures, Priests get resist all bonus.

What is reason behind design that give magicians 3 movement points along with missile immunity while shaman and priest seem to have much crappier defense in general?

I ask this due to it seem to be design that break conventional RPG and fantasy setting. This make magician could not be countered by physical ranged attack (which when combine with how cheap and decisive guardian wind is make all physical range units virtually useless in meta of CoM as magician become sole garrison units) and no way that normal infantry could run catch up with it in open battle even if they perform moving fire. And with combination of its casting capability and relatively faster access than in vanilla make it meta for garrison in CoM, no point for diversification of units at all.

And I think most of RPG balance give cleric class more defensive stats than offensive wizard which tend to be glass cannon so I think priest and shaman should have better defend from missile and survive in melee a bit better than magician although its magic range attack is lower. I think it should have more defense than currently is.

Although I think caster is well-protected units in battlefield, but it supposed to be well-protected by others, not completely immune by itself

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