Here I fired my WS (t49). I actually got 150g. This allowed me to run 100% science without getting angry from vaults. Less than 50g per city means +1 unhappy. Less than 25g per city means +2 unhappy.
You can see the war declaration from Mig. He killed my warrior and offered peace afterwards. My warriors was down to like 30 hp so I can easily understand it and I already had 2 promotions too. Still... I won't forget! He was kind of allowing me to scout his area earlier though.
I got the holy city to my 3rd city (+3 gold). I settled my 3rd city on Ivory for +2h plant. I won't research Hunting any time soon + the city can use food from cap very well.
I needed culture here already so this was very fortunate. I had already invested 12h in monument in case the holy city would've gotten to my 2nd city.
Here you can see the two people I have met. Cairo and Mig.
Both fairly far away from me. Actually, the map size has surprised me a bit. I'm about 17 tiles away from Mig's cap and there's ton of slow terrain (jungle) between us. I don't know where Cairo's cap is but the distance seems similar if not even longer. Also here you can see kind of the middle section between us three.
Here is my land and future city spots.
The one in the north with Fish and Clam is the one I'll claim next. Then probably the one in the south-west with Fish + Corn. Then Wheat + Pigs.
Demos as of T58 when I just revolted to God King.
Kind of in the middle right now. These numbers will go up quite a bit in a few turns.
So how have everyone been doing. I haven't tracked scores, techs or anything this time so some of this will be pure guessing based on scores and other info I have available. These will be in score order from top to bottom.
mack: 325 points. Has been leading score most of the game. I believe he has at least 4 cities at this point. Maybe even 5. Likely tech leading too with Dave. Strong start as expected. Is not CRE so most of the score is from real stuff (not land points). Though with a lot of cities he is also getting bunch of land points but not nearly as much as the other culture guys. He is FIN so most likely has Festivals. Should be heading from Drama Bard if he sees a chance there. Dave might try that too.
Mig: 272 points. He is CRE so a lot of land points. Has 3 cities and the 3rd was settled T52 (mine was T55). He moved his cap a lot T1 and got gems to his cap. Is in GK and is leading proudction with 50 hpt. Similar GNP to me but there's at least 6 from CRE. He has at least one tech that I don't: Animal Husbandry. Hopefully not grabbing too many of those annoying Griffons to attack me. Decent start.
Dave: 264 points. Fired Legends T52 (so got his 3rd city there). Also birthed GS T54 (I think) and I saw some very high GNP earlier, it was over 70. Also Dave built the 3 Giants ritual T56. I assume he is mack's neighbour (that is good for me). Has by far the most land with his 3 super culture cities (99 land tiles). That's more than double of my empire. His score will go very high on T72 when the land points kick in. Has played the game as expected, good Kuriotates game.
Me: 260 points. I have played okay start. Not great but not terrible either. My 2nd city was all about that gold mine + silk to speed up research. Now I need to expand faster and catch up with mack. I am kind of happy being behind and slowly building tough so not that I need to hurry too much. I now have a lot of happiness to grow my cities even over size 10 while I think others are capped around 8 happy at the moment.
Cairo: 204 points. Not too many points being CRE. From power graph I can see he has built a lot of warriors! He is certainly hunting for shades but apparently it has not worked too well so far. Has 3 cities but only settled his 3rd city T58. Is behind in GNP. I believe he got stuck too much with trying to get warriors fast to 17 xp. I can see he has lost some warriors too, probably gambling with lower odd attacks which I think is not the worst idea. He has the top power 42k. That could be 10 warriors. I have 5. 10 warriors cost quite a lot of money every turn, that slows research, etc. and the snowball just doesn't want to get rolling... unless. Unless he manages to get shades quickly.