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There so I can get a screenshot or whatever i need.

I realy hope to get Rhoana, or alexis, as I already played Ethne which i think is easy to play, or the kazad would be fine, oh and never played kuriotates(if i pick those fer sure i lose).

I want to see some choises, lets hope at least one is good for i what i know to play.

Eh Warm gossam would be nice as well.

Here is your start. Fog-gazing is dangerous magic.  In case it's not clear, the tile the settler is on is a plains hill.

Here are your pick options. Let me know if you'll play as one of these or want three new choices.
    Luchuirp-Beeri Bawl
    Clan of Embers-Sheelba
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

(January 23rd, 2021, 13:11)naufragar Wrote: Here is your start. Fog-gazing is dangerous magic.  In case it's not clear, the tile the settler is on is a plains hill.

Here are your pick options. Let me know if you'll play as one of these or want three new choices.
    Luchuirp-Beeri Bawl
    Clan of Embers-Sheelba

I will go with beri bawl, never played and I seen there a wine .

Kuriotates-Cardith Lorda

How many cities get kurios on this map? In a way I hope is near, but not very near becasue with a good placed legend my cities will suffer great. Was oneof civs I wanted to try . with theyr big cities will be not hard to get my wonders, oh well besite one thousand slums or whicever is the game.

Luchuirp-Beeri Bawl

Fin not that good ,but is like having a free marketplave without slots for merchants and happines bust, still good enough.Ind wil help me with the mud golem and dereptus at least and i supose if i suicide the hero I can build the shrine of theyr champio, but who to ask? dave, bob , auror ? alll are playing..i might have to test it.


OH, I forgot about this when I listed my favourites, defenetly the best combo here.Realy hope not near me, remember i dont have axemans...

Khazad-Arturus Thorne

Phew, another industrious in hand of very competent player.

Mr. Cairo

Sidar very good me like it.

Sincerely I don't know why we didn't played with v12.Alot of hasle to make this work.

I would had chose Bannor if  I had a  calendar resorce instead wines.  Having time i played few game with this dwars(Aurors dwar i tryed few times) and are realy atrocious civ. Practicaly they have 2 things , the  mud golems and  theyr WS and miss alot of stuff.And even ws is so nice what to do with the engineer you obtain?  Setle? perhaps the best option, bulb maybe iron working for champions? ahhhhhh wait you get some ugly golems( usualy the UU is something stronger , but in theyr case is way weaker)
build the mines? durbaldgur.., well to bad warriours cant wear an iron weapon(I dont know to heavy or too expensive)

So yeah, i will build 3-4 wood golems for the border city( do those get fortification bonus?) and rest chariots and go on religious route i think. 

Clearly this is the weaker civ i played after the mighty vampires in 8(they werent nerf) , ethne which is strong(not like vamps but still) and sandolfon which is more then ok .Oh i see civ are weaker and weaker.

As i said i chose this just for the wines becasue with settler view  i see many tiles and i was afraid i will get no calendar resources.

I supose the map maker gave everyone diferent resource although seeing that auro got the other dwarf , with the weaker leader he might just got wines as well, or other option were that bad.

Hi Mack, enjoyed your pre-game thoughts. smile

How are the early turns going, made any big plans yet?
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

(February 1st, 2021, 22:28)Amicalola Wrote: Hi Mack, enjoyed your pre-game thoughts. smile

How are the early turns going, made any big plans yet?

Hey Amica(male or female?) I didnt know you are into FFH thing. I wast as well but reading post from Ilios and Toth  got me hooked like 9 years ago, they disapeared but me still playing here. 

I always have grand plans  and if there is a FFH civ suited for plans that is the lurchuip(without a plan they are the worst). Unfortunately what i found till now doesnt gave option 


No calendar resources, well there is  one but doenst gave happines and is far away and the other happines fur and wines(excelent and why i took this civ), which gave just 4 g, lest hope the other got this way of resources. In the other pbems all got incenses, or dyes and near were other resources, here ninch, whats worse there is no metal happines as well so mining is just for mining several hills  i see. Well somewere there is copper so one of the hills gave + 2. So with all that in mind is hard to take decisions. No happines, means an early religion its mandatory or stay at this size till turn 80 when somehow get sanitation. 

Not easy but always i liked the economic play at FFH, i still need more map info but i am kind of decided.

The start is not bad at all, is not what I am saying, 2 riverside corn and wines thats super, but id those corn were a litle spread like a second city can grab one of them...

To be honest, I'm not into it. lol

I've never really seen FFH before, but that's why this game is so interesting! Perhaps reading this game will get me hooked the same way you were.

What makes the Luichirp so important to have a grand plan?
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

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