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FTK: For The King

Found the monk during my Frost Adventure run. smile I am still looking for the hobo in the main game mode, and I have not tried Into the Deep yet for the treasure hunter. I like the lore store mechanism, adding more stuff to the game over multiple play throughs and helping keep things fresh.

If anyone has been thinking about giving this game a try, For the King is 60% off on Steam for the next couple days. It is a lot of fun, for a very reasonable price. nod

The game is currently free at the Epic store:


For the King has an 'adventure pack' DLC coming out on February 10th. dance The Lost Civilization pack apparently will have a new jungle-themed region (it looks sort of vaguely Mayan in the promo images), new enemies and items, and a couple new character classes. Hopefully it will be fun.

And for those who have not tried this turn-based dungeon crrawler-ish game yet, it is currently on sale on Steam. Give it a shot, it is lots of fun! nod

For the King is currently free at the Epic store, for anyone who wants to give the game a try.

I have been playing it again before the new Lost Civiliation DLC comes out next week. Lots of fun, even if my minstrel got cursed and lost most of her speed. rant Need to get that cleared before I try to deal with Coalheart. Why couldn't the curse have hit a minor stat?

Picking up for the King for same reason, to relearn the basics before starting with DLC.
Started normal story mode with Journeyman diffculty. Set up a team with high speed: Scholar, Hunter and Trapper (I had Trapper to specialize in talent based damage).

I did make some mistakes here and there and arrived at final dungeon Harazuel with no life left and no Sanctums left for Scholar and Trapper, no good...
It went well till Lighting Revenant which I made mistake to not heal before Lighting Revenant hit whole team with all-lighting attack that killed Scholar and Trapper, oops. duh
Hunter managed to finish off Lighting Revenant and had to solo Vexor by himself. Normally it would mean losing, but I boosted evasion rate of my Hunter over 50, resulting in evading half of all attacks, I might have a chance after all.

It turned out be epic fight, I had to make with everything what I took, eaten all weeds and drank potions to get that little extra edge and as bonus a death warding mushroom and shadow Sanctum meant I could cheat death four times.
The battle went actually well for me thanks high evasion, but things went dicey when Vexor used Acid, stripping away good armor, thus losing evasion and awareness points. I ran out of weeds, poitions and 4 extra lifes. However I needed one more shot:
Note that I shot Vexor many times that he is starting look more like a hedgedog. lol  But this was critical moment: next attack of Vexor would finish me off forever, therefore I needed to hit him now, 83%x83%=69% chance to succeed and the result?
hammer Altough notice my other mistake: due epicness I forgot that I got one focus point left to use! banghead , The reason for forgetting this is because I just got revived by sanctum. Before that I got zero focus left.

Congrats on pulling out a victory by the narrowest of margins, Alhambram. thumbsup I am hoping to manage a victory with a bit less drama lol, if I can get that far. My trio is still exploring the Poisonous Bog.

Just beaten Lost Civilization adventure at first try at journeyman level already! hammer
As long you do roughly same things as other modes as For the King or Into the Deep, it isn't hard to beat Lost Civilization.

But was it fun? smile

Have not had time to play it yet. What did you think of the new material?

(February 10th, 2021, 17:57)haphazard1 Wrote: But was it fun? smile

Have not had time to play it yet. What did you think of the new material?

Well, it was entertaining and sometimes frustating if dice rolls don't roll as you wants as usual. lol
I don't want spoil too much things right now, but most of new materials are just fine addition for For the Kings, though I dislike one certain new addition.

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