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[SPOILERS] Woden and ljubljana like boats

(January 26th, 2021, 22:53)ljubljana Wrote: The exploring bireme is not really finding a way around to the north, so I think it'll have to start backtracking to the south next turn, unless you think there's more of a reason to keep poking around up here.

I would suggest continuing north to see if there is a path by the ice, since there isn't a path between you and the ice so far. If I were mapmaker, that is something I would do.  No guarantee but you are fairly close to the pole anyways. Maybe give it a turn or 2 north before turning around.

Turn 44-Vikings
Open the save to find the barb spear did move towards my slinger. My warrior takes the camp and slinger hits the spearman. He should be dead next turn. My 2nd city finishes a monument and starts a settler. My eastern longboat comes across a city state...

They want me to boost the Wheel. I guess that means I can't research it without it. I will switch to Archery next turn to give you the boost. Poking around the map, I think I can tell how much is left to explore. Form the west...

You can see the compass rose at the top and the octopus. If we look from the east...

In the upper corner, you can barely see the octopus. If I look in the north, I can see a second compass rose, that is pretty close to another one above the dragon under the leader ribbon. That would be the one above the octopus. It looks like we have about the length of a full zoomed out screen to circumnavigate the world.

Turn 45 - Phoenicia

Looks like you might be right about the possibility of a Northwest Passage in the ice. In other news, warrior pops at the capital, two turns left to CN. Looks like overflow will let me finish the bireme next turn, which means I'll have some leftover production to dump into another partially-completed bireme on the last turn of CN research.

We should probably talk at some point about whether we actually want to take the circumnavigation ES points during this era, or if we want to save them for the next era, since we both are likely to have some headroom on ES this era and we have more control over when to take these points than we do over the points from meeting the other civs.

Turn 46 - Phoenicia

Another Bireme pops in the capital. Not sure where to send it - I sent it towards China this turn, but am starting to rethink that, and may start moving it south instead. Next turn, CN comes in and I'll swap both cities to Cothon, obviously.

Turn 45-Vikings
Killed the barb spearman and my longboat found suboptimal's capital...

You Can Call Me Al is not listed in his trade screen, so it is his capital. He does have 3 cities now. Other longboat doesn't find anything useful. There is a path south that I think I will take to see if I can find another set of players. 

As for circumnavigation, I think we get close and then keep a unit around just in case one of us doesn't make the cut-off for a Golden Age. I will have my longboat travel southeast for a bit and poke around there and let your Brieme head west. We will have to be careful once we get close, all you have to do is defog a tile across the whole map, so just having vision on a tile can trigger the it. We have a little way to go though, still can't see the minimap trapezoid wrap around the minimap yet. 

Your 2nd Brieme should go south of your 2nd city, might be a city state somewhere off the coast. But, maybe not. We already have found 3 next to our island. At least it would be good to know what is down there. We have time to check out China and Indonesia.

Turn 47 - Phoenicia

CN comes in, Cothons in 4 and 7, respectively, after which I'll swap to Colonization and start the settler push. I start on Mining and the slow crawl to Defensive Tactics, which will at least speed up slightly as Pingala establishes next turn and gets the culture promotion when the first Cothon comes in. We're getting pretty close to circumnavigation now, so we should start thinking about which of our ships should stick around here to finish it off. I imagine yours probably makes more sense, since it's further away from any military applications?

(January 29th, 2021, 19:16)ljubljana Wrote: We're getting pretty close to circumnavigation now, so we should start thinking about which of our ships should stick around here to finish it off. I imagine yours probably makes more sense, since it's further away from any military applications?

You can actually see a defog tile in the polar region from where my eastern-most longboat is located, so we are getting close. I did send my longboat more south than east and found the tip of an island. Not sure if it is small or big but given the city state location (just off the coast of it), it might inhabited. I will look around it. I say keep your Brieme heading west to see if you can find land and I will look for life and look to get closer to circumnavigation as the end of the era nears. 

Turn 46-Vikings
Not much going on. I did defog suboptimal's capital...

Must be nice to have all that production! Also as suspected, he did take Earth Goddess. My longboat will continue east to look for his other cities.

You could be in a good position to set sub back and claim some free gold by pillaging those juicy tiles with the longship coastal raiding ability. Do you think that's worth thinking about? My instinct is that it's probably not worth it because of the potential to a) give away the possibility of a larger attack and b) make us a game-long enemy, but I tend to err on the side of passivity so I figured I'd pitch it to see what you think. Maybe it'd make more sense if we ultimately decide to not attack with swords and boats or to go after city-states instead than if we think we're going to go after sub soon in force. If we do go for some coastal raiding, I can send over some biremes to support you, of course.

(January 30th, 2021, 12:26)ljubljana Wrote: You could be in a good position to set sub back by pillaging those juicy tiles with the longship coastal raiding ability. Do you think that's worth thinking about? My instinct is that it's probably not worth it because of the potential to a) give away the possibility of a larger attack and b) make us a game-long enemy, but I tend to err on the side of passivity so I figured I'd pitch it to see what you think. Maybe it'd make more sense if we ultimately decide to not attack with swords and boats or to go after city-states instead than if we think we're going to go after sub soon in force.

Plan is to push out 4 longboats after the settler and probably go harass him and roland. Current longboat will look for more cities.

Sounds good. If you want, I have two biremes 2 turns from completion in the Cothon cities - do you want me to finish them up and send them over to help before I start in on settlers?

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