The luck on this game have been given to the rest of the players XDDDD
Amicalola took Sloe with an HA vs a spear crossing river with dun and won xDD, mjmd won those 3 battles, it had come odds than i spected 3 60%odds fights... I should have won 1 i think.
Anyway, amica did good an can hit grapes next turn, we could move everything on arbutus to hold grapes and give arbutus to mjmd. Not sure what to do. Also mjmd is coming towards the caw of Pome or goign to grapes, he is goign to fork them too.
If you had time i would like you to go into the game and tell me your thoughs chumchu. I thought to move a spear of figs towards blueberry to make him dewfend blueberry with at least another unit and then he has less presure on Grapes.
So i wanted to say my thoughts about this war amica just started. I think it has been a bad decision because of 2 things. He is coming with 12-15 units, of HA and mjmd has more than 30 praets, so mjmd can get the advantage of his power and get so much land since they are getting a really tense border, mjmd having Quince and AMica getting Grapes and maybe arbutus with the units of Sloe will make really weird border between them. Also Lazteuq just warpeaced Noble, and this last one has been making units lately so i expect Noble to atack amica, i think amica has really little on the other front, we have more power than him and he has 12 units near grapes so... In order to tell this intel to noble i told him copper copper declare on Amica, wanting to say that amica has everythign on this border.
So Amica just made mjmd and Noble their game easier, if amica, who is the only one that has a decent economy acording to graphs lose some cities of the border with Noble, he will lose all the advantage he might get on my land. So i really dont think this has been a good idea. Having us holding his other front and a peacefull border i think it gave him more advantage than getting in the middle of 2 big empires. Or at least if i delay 10 turns more the conquest of mjmd he could try to get to a good military tech to warranty one of the borders for example xbows? Im not sure if he already did this and have longbows since he bulbed monarchy it would have been easy for him to get that. If thats the case it will be much more costly for Noble to destroy his cities and then it wasnt that bad, but i think all the beautifull land is for mjmd in the sharing. Lemon, Pome and Figs are just too good.
Some pics for lurkers.
Amicalola took Sloe with an HA vs a spear crossing river with dun and won xDD, mjmd won those 3 battles, it had come odds than i spected 3 60%odds fights... I should have won 1 i think.
Anyway, amica did good an can hit grapes next turn, we could move everything on arbutus to hold grapes and give arbutus to mjmd. Not sure what to do. Also mjmd is coming towards the caw of Pome or goign to grapes, he is goign to fork them too.
If you had time i would like you to go into the game and tell me your thoughs chumchu. I thought to move a spear of figs towards blueberry to make him dewfend blueberry with at least another unit and then he has less presure on Grapes.
So i wanted to say my thoughts about this war amica just started. I think it has been a bad decision because of 2 things. He is coming with 12-15 units, of HA and mjmd has more than 30 praets, so mjmd can get the advantage of his power and get so much land since they are getting a really tense border, mjmd having Quince and AMica getting Grapes and maybe arbutus with the units of Sloe will make really weird border between them. Also Lazteuq just warpeaced Noble, and this last one has been making units lately so i expect Noble to atack amica, i think amica has really little on the other front, we have more power than him and he has 12 units near grapes so... In order to tell this intel to noble i told him copper copper declare on Amica, wanting to say that amica has everythign on this border.
So Amica just made mjmd and Noble their game easier, if amica, who is the only one that has a decent economy acording to graphs lose some cities of the border with Noble, he will lose all the advantage he might get on my land. So i really dont think this has been a good idea. Having us holding his other front and a peacefull border i think it gave him more advantage than getting in the middle of 2 big empires. Or at least if i delay 10 turns more the conquest of mjmd he could try to get to a good military tech to warranty one of the borders for example xbows? Im not sure if he already did this and have longbows since he bulbed monarchy it would have been easy for him to get that. If thats the case it will be much more costly for Noble to destroy his cities and then it wasnt that bad, but i think all the beautifull land is for mjmd in the sharing. Lemon, Pome and Figs are just too good.
Some pics for lurkers.