Time for an actual update
The mongolian empire as it stands of this turn.
Karakorum the capital is working on a settler, but a chop coming in next turn should change it to a 3-turn endeavor.
Beshbalik was the second city - a weak city, but copper access + crabs which could be improved from other cities made this an obvious choice. Pumped out a few warriors here for garrison dty and a spearman, whipped out a settler. This settler is going for the gold/floodplains honeypot area. Have a worker roading there now to connect the gold asap and get capital up to size 7.
Turfan, the third city, has been growing well, and will chop out a monument soon.
Ning-hsia, planted this turn, has a worker going to it to improve the farm then the second copper. After that, will spam mines and make keshiks here.
Tech plans:
Need to grab sailing and archery, then get iron working to be able to cut down the jungles on the island i want to settle and for the gems, then HBR, keshiks, and harrasment.
Not too great... but i expect all of these to improve soon as the capital grows out and gets a few cottages, as other cities get built, etc.
Note to self: current number of workers (4) is insufficient for the upcoming number of cities. Probably should go granary->worker in capital?
I'm competitive with neighbors in mfg/CY/power/GNP
Some cities planned here in the south. Gold/FP and deer are the next ones.
I think turfan should go monument -> worker. Get it to size 4, then double whip and send to improve tiles.
Cities 7/8 in the north, will need a galley. ICTR important!!!
Also, should probably focus on getting a few WB's out to explore and get circumnav.
"I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition."
- William Tecumseh Sherman