Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILER]PB58 - Mr. Cairo residing over the remains of Serdoas Library of Knowledge

Having slept about this thing a night did help to clear up a few things in my mind, so lets put them down in writing:

1) Ruff is unfairly treated if he is not allowed to double-move 

This argument lacks any kind of substance. It is factually wrong as it is based around looking at the outcome of an event instead of at the event itself. To give a real life example, it would be similar to: He gained 100k $ by robbing a bank, but now that he has that money it would be unfair to take it away from him.

Another example within the game would be: He double-moved to get into position and attack a city before the other side could react, but now that he has, taking that away from him would be unfair and disadvantage him. 

I think no one would argue that in these examples of course the unfair advantage would be taken away. But maybe that is the case because they knew they were doing something wrong? Well, lets look at another one: Playing a board-game a player (A) rolls the die twice in row, having forgotten due to banter that he already did. He moves his pieces, than another player (B) mentions that he moved twice. © argues now that (A) should be allowed to keep his advantage because it would be unfair if he had to take back his second move and (B) should just have told (B) before (B) rolled the die that (B) had already played.

I believe we all agree, that in all these situations the only course of action to rectify it is to return to the state before the action happened. 

2) Ruff could not know that there was a settling race / that he could be prevented from settling, so he should not have to abstain from double-moves

That is again a twisted argument akin to 1) as it quietly adds the condition that him double-moving is ok as long as he doesn't know that it affects the game. But in actuality the opposite is true: Double-moves are ok as long as they do not affect the game but not if they do. Your knowledge or lack thereof does not matter. ¹

This would be a different case if the one double-moving would be punished - beyond not being allowed to double-move see 1). Basically if we would agree that someone double-moving has to pay every player 20 gold as additional punishment in order to deter that behavior. In that case it would be unfair to punish him if he didn't know he was doing something wrong (albeit that is how our laws work, in order to deter wrongful behavior; else everyone would get a free pass to do everything wrong once).

This argument also tries to move the goalposts. No longer is the question if the double-move gave one side an advantage, the question suddenly is moved to "but did that side know it would gain an advantage?". 

3) Serdoa should have told Ruff that they were in a settling race / turn split. Ruff should not be punished for Serdoa not doing that.

This argument is similar to 2) but also puts the blame on the victim. See ¹ for why double-moves that affect the game need to be corrected. See ² for why I was not required to tell him.

As for the "punished" part, see 1). 

4) Conclusion

I think the rules are actually pretty clear on how to handle a situation like this. Apparently though that is not the case for everyone, so I believe it would benefit us to have a bigger discussion about the actual intention of these rules and write that down, similar to how laws come with a rationale of the legislative branch so that in the case of ambiguities one can refer back to those. 

I believe the overarching goal is to allow double-moves for the sake of speed in each and every case in which the double-move would, had it not happened as a double-move, not lead to any other outcome. However, if a double-move is played that leads to an advantage for the offending party, the negatively affected party has the right to request a reload in order to establish a turn-order. This turn order is established in accordance to the order of the turn that was played before the double-move. E.g.: If party (A) played last on T-1 and first on T0 gaining an advantage over party (B) that is directly dependent on being able to double-move, the turn is reloaded in such a way that party (B) is able to play first on T0. 

This does not cover cases in which party (B) does not even realize that a double-move led to it being disadvantaged, for example if party (A) moved a scout next to a Chariot of party (B) and then (A) moved the scout immediately away the next turn, denying (B) the possibility to kill the scout. I don't think there is anything that can be done in these cases though. 

5) Closing statement

In general I have to say that I'm unhappy that some people in my opinion argue fairly unfaithful when discussing these rules. If they use these rhetorical tricks unknowingly or knowingly I do not know. Though I will say, if someone already apologizes or makes restrictive statements it shows to me that they most likely do know already that what they state is questionable. Maybe if you can't argue neutrally just ... don't at all? These discussions should never be a popularity contest, but be decided on the overall merit of the argument. In real-life terms: If Mark Zuckerberg is in a car-accident with a factory worker because that factory worker did drive to fast, Zuckerberg should not be the one being punished just because he has money and can "afford" paying for two new cars. 

¹ We all agreed that simultaneous turns can lead to situations which clearly favor one player over the other, something we came to call "double-move". If no rules against these double-moves are in place players will play clock-games, with those having the most time running the clock till the absolute end to make certain no one can double-move them. We do not want that and we also don't want to play slower sequential, so we agreed on rules that - condensed in one sentence - state:

"Don't double-move to get an advantage."

This was meant to prevent situations that can lead to players being pricks with double-moves - but also to prevent clock-games. But it requires that if a double-move happens that matters (-> turn order in a settling race, war) because no turn order was established beforehand we reload and establish it then. If that does not happen then it means players are again incentivized to play clock-games, as else they can get double-moved and as long as the other party feigns ignorance or was really oblivious to the situation the double-moved player would get no recourse.² 

² The counter-argument against [size=small]¹
is rule 6. which states

"In a peace-time turn split (eg a settling or hut-popping race) the turn you realise there should be a split is when the order is established."

There are two important parts that should be noted here

1) This rule (and no other either) does not require you to tell the other party involved. There might or might not be reasons for that, but that is besides the point.
2) This rule does not state that the turn-split is only established for YOU but that it is established. As there need to be at least two parties for a turn-split that of course means that both parties are in a turn-split.

And yes, that can lead to one party being unknowingly in a turn-split. In this game I had several times already the situation that I did play last one turn and did - by choice - not play immediately the new turn, because I was obviously in a race / potential war situation with someone else. Heck, I even employed that rule when my scout could get attacked by another player because denying him that by double-moving would give me an unfair advantage.

Other players did so as well by the way, so it hardly seems as if I'm the only one acting according to this rule.

This rule exists for one reason: To prevent discussions about WHEN the turn split should have started. 

That is all this rule is meant to do. Make it abundantly clear for everyone before the game even has started how these situations will be resolved, so that there is no need to argue about who moved first 20 turns ago. It actually should have prevented posts like this by Cornflakes:

Quote:Where do you look for the turn split to be active? Do Ruff get precedence because he happened to play before you this turn when he didn’t know you had a settler headed for that spot? Do you get precedence because you happened to play before Ruff on the previous turn when you didn’t know he had a settler headed for that spot? Does Ruff get precedence because he happened to play before you 2 turns before that? ... ... ... where does one draw line?

You draw the line at the point that one party realized they were in a settling race. At that point the turn order is established. As I realized it T110 that is the turn a turn order is established and that means "Serdoa first, Ruff second".

In game news: I've lost a city to Ruff because I defended it with a Spear. Was a newly planted island city with 1 pop that really does not matter much but I could have easily defended it but didn't. Oh well. We are now at peace again, so we will see how it goes. 

I also think looking at the stats shows pretty clearly that someone going out to an early lead does not necessarily keep that the whole game. Jowy and SD are doing pretty similar to me now. Ruff is of course still behind because he did not expand. And Tarkeel and AT are at war which obviously will slow both down and set them back. AT needs to win this war decisively that it is worth it, while Tarkeel probably will have a hard time getting back in in any case. However, he has not lost much yet (1 city I think) and he probably can still close the gap to us others, depending on what happens between us. Tensions will rise for certain.

How are things going overall? Can we get an overview map, F1 screen, demos?

I'll try to take Demos and F1, but in general I'm doing ok. Biggest issue currently is that the outside cities needed more attention to be able to grow (jungle removal...) and I just had not that much time for that given the potential war-threat from AT and the war with Ruff. I think there will be a growth-spurt soon in quite a few cities though. 

GNP is ok, but not overwhelming, as I have so much culture production it is hard to see but Jowy has so much EP-production that it also inflates his GNP and others have their CRE-culture what given the number of cities we all have is now also influencing it... in short, GNP I'm still 1st or 2nd, though I have not built enough cottages which will come back to haunt me later. 

MfG is fine, someone is producing 110+ while I'm doing 96. I will finally start getting Forges down which will rectify that gap in production I'm sure.

Food is interesting as in... I'm not first even though I have 2 more cities than the next player. But many of my cities have not that good land and grow slowly. Not sure I could have done much different in that regards except settling more aggressively - but then I did have Ruff (as the only one severely slacking on expansion) only as neighbor via the land-bridge which in itself isn't very good. Jowy - who I presume it the one leading - could and did take good land from both Ruff and SD as far as I could see. Maybe his back-line is also better than mine. He also did not need to get military to defend against a potential Praet-invasion. As long as I could see it both SD and him kept very thin military. Which sure, you want to do, but that also hinges on you "knowing" that your neighbors won't attack you. 

Also I have by now the highest approval rate! That is one stat you want the lowest as it shows that you've grown your cities to their maximum. Going by that, my development potential should be quite a bit higher than that of the others.

In regards to Jowy; he offered OB after more than 100 turns of denying it and I have to ask: Do I appear stupid? Does he really think that I don't realize that he has poured countless EPs into me and just wants city visibility? Oh sure, my neighbor that at every opportunity I gave him clearly told me that he does not want anything to do with me suddenly wants OB after he has instated his state-wide spy-network. Lets do it, for friendship, whats the worst that could happen?  lol

And in international news: It seems AT is actually losing his war against Tarkeel. Not sure how this happens but after Tarkeel lost a city now AT lost one as well. Tarkeel burned it, so I assume he boated something he could not hold. I probably could have found out if I looked at the city-screen... wait a minute... no, I can't find out, I don't see a city name missing that I remember. I know that AT does an OOTS-theme and I did read those for some time but there are so many names that I can't remember that if it does not hit something like Durkon or Haley I'm just not going to realize it I think.

But while I was in game: 

Demos (GNP at making ~0 gold):


Don't be too harsh please, I'm already frustrated as it is....

Also someone should build Pyramids soon else I'll do so. But I expect them to fall before T130, which is the earliest I would be able to do it in a reasonable way. Not going to whip another city into the ground... or will I?

I also got a Great Prophet on low odds. So GA soon, probably 2-3 turns from now. 

Also: I'm considering asking for a replacement for reasons outside this game. So if anyone is reading my posts and wants to manage a 20 (soon more) city empire with good prospects to win but no certainty on that (and the possibility to put the blame for any shortcomings of my early game decisions) speak up please. I most likely would still be around to give input if anyone would want that.

Did I mention this game being too fast? Part of my issue. Anyway, T120 rolled, so another demo-screen. As I stated before some of the issues will be rectified with some turns to grow so:

GNP can be ignored I'm teching right now (not at 100% though) while others are saving gold. 
MfG and Food has seen a surge - that's actually 23 more food in just 2 turns. I think that should go up even more in a few more turns. All those smaller cities are just now getting their Granaries and Lighthouses finished which means they had to grow first, get whipped down, grow again, get whipped down again. They will never amount to strong production cities of course, but they should be good enough to fuel research while producing the occasional unit.

Well, I mulled 30 minutes over the decision if I should whip Descartes - decided not to in the end. And now it got a "We love the despot day!" which should save me around 10 gold I think. Nice reward - if the unit that was not whipped does not come back to haunt me of course.

Tried to end the war with Ruff by wiping his stack - that did not go exactly as planned, as I had not planned to lose several 85%+ fights or flawlessly lose 35%+ fights. That I did win one flawlessly on 19% odds did not help. I offered Ruff peace anyway, as that war is really not doing anything for anyone except all others. Of course Ruff has much less incentive to agree to peace as he has only 12 cities while everyone else is at 18+. He also might be able to raze my island-city again, though currently his odds are still rather bad. But if my combat-luck persists, he might very well do it. 

As I wrote in the general forum and in the tech-thread, I have to stop playing. My civ is still highest in city-count with 22. I'm right around the corner to get Music which still holds the Great Artist. Apart from that the only real threat is Jowy currently, who teched Machinery and is most likely eyeing Guilds and Knights. Not sure where he leads them, Ruff would certainly the best target I think. But it could be me - though my civ can field LBs already and Guilds is for myself only a few turns out.

I also hold 2 GPs (Merchant, Scientist) that can be used to start another GA. That should catapult the civ forward again, especially if one is to carefully growing it. I am understaffed with Workers, though by now so much has been improved that I probably am fine with the 6 or 8 I have... 

Not much more to say. If there is peace, it is important to build a few LBs or other defensive units at the Jowy border but especially to get Infrastructure built. Many cities still need a Courthouse, that should probably be priority no. 1. Some are just building their Granaries and Lighthouses though - I'd say the last 20 turns I did really badly in actually developing the cities I planted. Some of that is due to planting cities that only have grassland, jungle and coast tiles - with only one food source. That really stunts your growth. And if you have to whip those for units it isn't making it better.

Anyway, that is the core overview of my civ. If anyone wants to take over I'm happy to answer questions or go into more details about specific things. But taking a look first I think makes more sense. If anyone wants to do so, send me a PM and you get the password.

OK, first things first, Ruff tried to take that island city but failed and offered peace. I think only an Axe and a WE of his survived. I accepted the peace of course.

I had a look around, and the main thing I noticed was the lack of workers plus a lot of jungle and forests, so now we're at peace I'm going to aim to at least double the worker count in the next 5-10 turns. Personally, even with Financial, I'd rather work almost any improved land tile over a regular coast tile.
I also did a few whips, I have a feeling I'm probably going to be more aggressive with the whip than Serdoa, but that's just kinda my style, even on food-light maps like this one.

I'll go for the GA once I reach ~1300 gold. Music->MC->Engineering will be the target, not as much for the Pikes but for the extra road movement, which is pretty important on a map like this imo (Pikes are nice too though). Then Guilds after that.

What is your eta for the culture victory?

Good luck and have fun


(March 1st, 2021, 16:50)Kaiser Wrote: What is your eta for the culture victory?

Good luck and have fun

Well, I need to get invaded by all my neighbors first, so I don't know.

I'm thinking I might turn on the espionage slider to 50% or 60% for a turn to deal with Jowy's EP advantage. I want graphs at the very least.

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