As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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FTK: For The King

It is been month since DlC came out, sharing some thoughts, starting with two new classes:

First one is which you get soon you installed DLC, so you can start new Lost Civilization adventure with Astronomer right away.
This is a another intelligence based class besides Scholar or Herbalist. However unlike Scholar and Herbalist who can't take too much punches, Astronomer is a mage tank version of FTK.
Higher vitality means that he can take more punishment before he falls comparded with other intelligence classes, also his weapon type (wands) are one handed which means you can pair it with shield, boosting tankiness of Astronomer.
However it means that he is slower than Scholar and Herbalist as trade off, Astronomer is good choice for Golden Hourglass accessory if you happen to have it in your hands.

Another disadvantage in my opinion is that wands aren't good, they are generally weaker than books or staffs, dealing less damage. I often ends up getting books and staffs for Astronomer instead wands because sooner enemies are dead, the better.
Wands do compensate by able to pair with shield and wands often have extra power for example refoces after end of battle. Also most wands deal damage with just one dice roll while stronger attacks or support magic have more dice rolls generally paired with accuracy penalty.
Main reason for usage of wands is synergy with Astronomer's signature skill: Black Hole.

I either love and hate Black Hole skill. When attacking single enemy succesfully with any weapon, there is roughly 5% chance to trigger Black Hole.
In that case enemy is sucked into black hole and transmorphed into Star Matter, however you don't gain gold, XP and loot from that enemy.
It is painful to see Black Hole trigger if it was supposed to be killing strike against very tough enemy and happy to see it trigger at start of tough battle so party don't get damaged.
Star matter can be sold for 13 gold or use it in combat. When you activate it, it creates invincible partywide shield with 3 charges. No matter how powerful blow or nasty status effect enemy throuws at you, your party don't gain damage, instead a charge is decreased for every strike.
Meaning that if enemy use a partywide attack, Star Matter do disappear instantly since all three character do get hit once costing 3 charges.
Star Matter is best used against very though enemies, scrouges or bosses. I generally get around 5 of them in single game from start till finish.

Lastly Astronomer get free skill support range, meaning he can support other party members with any weapon.
Also starting with spyglass which give Astronomer +1 sight means that Astronomer can scout bit further from other partymembers, uncovering more unknown terrain and at same time participate battles thanks support range.
Overall I think that Astronomer is solid class, though if you want to dish out more damage quicker with magic, then Scholar is better choice. A classic choice between attacking type or defensive type.

When you beat Arena Champion in Lost Civilization story, then you unlock second character: Gladiator.
Gladiator can be described as a pure glass cannon, high strength paired with speed means Gladiator can rival Hunter in terms of inflicting damage over time, Gladiator has very high awareness as well.
But big trade off is that Gladiator completly sucks at three other departement including vitality, which means that Gladiator tends to fall quickly if evasion roll fails or if Gladiator don't get decent defensive equipment from midway game of later.

Gladiator has two skills, entertain is same as Busker and other one is exculsive for Gladiator: Glory. It is a simple skill, when starting any battle, there is 10% chance that Gladiator get atk up from start for 2/3 turns. It don't stack with atk up from other sources.
Gladiator attacks with dual swords (Pugios), dual swords in FTK is stronger than one handed swords but weaker than two handed swords.
Biggest advantage of dual swords is that most(or all) of them have speed bonuses, which results in that I often use them for Blacksmiths or Woodcutters to compensate for their low speed.
This do negate speed penalty from strength based equipment somewhat, thus in late game phase Gladiator often still has around 70 speed unlike Blacksmiths or Woodcutters who are very slow.

Interestingly game gives Gladiator two sets of weapons from start, strength based dual sword (Pugios) which has atk of 11 with piercing ability or awareness based Worn Trident 10 atk with piercing ability paired with Wooden Parma (shield).
Instead have Gladiator make a choice from one of them, why not make a party including Gladiator and Hunter. You might see already where it is going...
When starting game, before you make first step out Oarton, give Worn Trident and Wooden Parma to Hunter. Just with this you have two killing DPS machines from start, one with 11 piercing atk and other with 10 piercing atk!  whip
With it, first area is basically cleared already at hardest diffculty before you even started it, enemies in first area don't stand any chance against this combo. Oversight from developers or their kindess to help players???
But from second area and onwards, Gladiator starts to struggle more and more due its low defense.

Generally I do like using this class, high strength paired with high speed is what makes Gladiator good. A party with Hunter is pure abuse for first area. But in later area's unless getting decent equipment, I often wastes a quite amount greenbeards for Gladiator.

Bit spoilers for new DLC.

Lost Civilization adventure is a adventure with new locations, enemies and things, for example fighting with angry chickens:
One of things that you probably noticed: instead chaos meter, it replaced by sun alignment. It functions same as normal chaos meter, effects becoming worse when more sun alignments happens.
1st effect is acutally not that very bad, it is a double edged sword: everyone gets attack boost, so you can kill enemies faster and your enemies can wipe out your party faster.
From second alignment and onwards, ending turn at daylight damages your character similiar when ending turn in freezing lands in Frost Adventure mode.

Major part of Lost Civilization adventure is exploring jungle themed lands:
Notice some strange about my party? Galileo having -1 armor and black spots left of character pics? Those are the thing that I dislike most of this new DLC: diseases.
Diseases is bit similar as curses, they can be inflicted by diseased enemies, traps or other events. In this case my party contacted chaos fever which penalizes max HP and armor, but boosts resistance.
But worst thing of disease is that it stacks up forever over time, hence the numbers inside black spots. It is going stack up till max HP runs out and you die.
Also unlike curse, disease can spread to other partymembers just by ending turn at same tile or next it, or in combat when disease stricken character ends turn. As you can imagine disease do accumulate quite fast.
Thankfully they can be cured by visting healer, getting full recovery, events and finally panax cures disease too. This way however I often run out of Panax's quite fast.
Other annoying thing is, since disease is introduced in DLC, there is very few equipment that resist disease unlike curses or status effects. Resulting in visiting cities for healing or using Panax often.
In lastest patch diseases have been nerfed somewhat, which I am happy about it.

Diseases aside, being in aztec/maya themed jungles means that you get fight in ancient temples quite often:
Here you can see Astronomer's star matter in effect. It is very helpful especially against Golem enemies, they have high HP, hits hard and often partywide. In lastest patch Golems also have been nerfed, which I find bit unfortunate since they did pose a quite challenge as normal enemies before being nerfed.

Also including is some fights in Gladiator Arena's, this DLC has quite many marathon battles, entering any place unperpared is unwisely.
I was able to capture Astronomer's Black Hole skill in this screenshot.

There are more new enemies (including a new scrouge), bosses and other stuffs but I think that I covered most of new things of DLC.

Thanks for the update, Alhambram! thumbsup I have been busy the past few weeks and have not had a chance to get far in the new DLC yet. I am looking forward to trying the new classes. A strength-based class that is not painfully slow could make for some interesting party combinations.

Inspired by that case where I was forced to solo Vexor with hunter alone, I attempted to do solo run entire game with hunter at journeyman level.

First area went well thanks a interesting setup:
I picked up fighting sticks which are speedbased dual weapon. Altough fighting sticks lacks piercing attirbute, it makes up by having both normal and partywide attack inflicting daze upon opponents.
So every time I start with first move for me due high speed (95!), I almost always succeed wit inflicting daze upon opponets and then finishing them off, almost never getting injured!

I cleared first dungeon without problem:
Final battle gave me two problems, firstly undeads is immune for daze, second bone archer managed to inflict reset upon me, giving them 4 turns worth of attacks which most of them thankfully were evaded.
Ultimately I had to use godbeards for first time in this run and eventually finished them off.

Second area proved bit harder due more enemies having armor or immunity against daze for example jelly in cellar which I was able to finish off without hitch due hunter's high speed. This weapon merchant arrived at perfect moment:
With piercing alibity, with this weapon I cleared Lich's Crypt, Mind Lord's nest and the Maze without too much trouble. In battle dealing with chaos henchmen to lower chaosmeter however, I got bad streak of dicerolls resulting in loss of shadow sanctum, I replaced it with vitalitiy sanctum.

Soon I landed in Hasta, I got in battle which rewarded me with golden spear. Also I managed to collect individual proctection against burn, freeze and shock, no need to go into optional dungeon filled with mummy's.
With flaming tailsman, both demon caves wentwithout much trouble. Onwards to Harazuel then!

The fights against revenants were though but I was plently prepared. Then final battle against Vexor however everything went wrong. A freaky streak of bad luck happened:
Firstly evade down resulting my evasion of 50 drop to 0, then got interrupted, then dazed, then interrupted again in row, resulting in 9 attacks in row for Vexor and two Chaos Hounds...
Nothing that I could do against this. cry 
With this my solo run attempt has ended, but at least I know that it is possible to do it.

Very impressive run, Alhambram! thumbsup Making it to the final fight

After failure of yesterday at the brink of victory, I reattempted it with Arrow II.
It went well and how to deal with bosses at end of dungeons/caves best?
Equip some anti confusion equipment and drink Hildebrandt's reserve then  hammer !
But however this run ended at King's Maze, dice roll against undead minotaur flanked with fire and ice wizards didn't go well.

Attempt 3 then it is with Arrow III. This time I was more prepared.
Deimos Skull proved to be key for winning this tough boss battle: it negates all negative statuses from this boss battle.

This time I went even more overprepared towards last dungeon Harazuel.
I cleared revenants without problem and faced Vexor for rematch.

This time I managed to avoid the worst of dice rolls and I even got comfortabely leftover focus and godbeards at end of the battle.
100% chance to win solo all the way, which did happen. hammer


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