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[SPOILERS] Chevalier Mal Fet and Marcopolothefraud lead a Soviet Down Under

Turn 100 99 State of the World

Total Scores:

The civs kind of fall into 3 categories right now. At the top are China and Russia, both miles ahead. Russia has 20 extra points in lavras, China 90 extra points in wonders. Further, Russia has a much larger military than China and much better research - China has made good use of its eurekas to keep pace in total techs researched, however. Phoenicia is starting to creep into this tier as well. China surged ahead early with Stonehenge and the first religion and has largely maintained his score lead with timely wonder finishes and buckets and buckets of era score. 

In the great swampy middle are Indonesia, Japan, and England, all with almost identical scores. These have middling research, with the exception of Japan, who has world-class science but lags badly in population and expansion. 

Finally, at the rear, are Australia and in dead last Norway. Australia has actually closed the gap significantly in the last 30 turns, and has passed up Norway. Norway was strong in the middle but has lately stagnated. 


After an early lead largely built on city-state conquest and early settlers, Norway hasn't grown in half the game. Phoenicia had a very slow start, presumably researching Cothons, and since has exploded, growing quite as rapidly as Russia albeit from a later start date. Japan, China, and Australia all stagnated for a while and have only lately started settling again, but note that Australia's recent cities ahve brought him firmly into the middle tier of civs. 

Population and Buildings:

Here, though, the gap between Russia and everyone else is pretty evident. Russia has a massive lead in total imperial population and buildings, built on work ethic production giving lots of buildings and a maniacal focus on population growth so I can field more districts. My score here is 50% higher than anyone else. Australia lagged badly for a while but the reforms he's been doing the last 20 years are paying fruit, and he is middle tier. Kaiser's gift of his 6th city to Archduke has led to him having by far the smallest pop of any empire. China nad Indonesia are both only about as developed as Australia in terms of pop and buildings, kind of shocking given their earlier leads. 


It's not just lavras. Ljubljana and Archduke both have built as many RNDs and Cothons as they can, they just don't match Russian levels of production. The drop in Punic districts halfway through was a correction to some errors in the data that had crept in - you find a corresponding spike in ljubljana's population above as I re-adjusted which points were where. I'm not at all confident in NOrway's districts and think most of those are in error, he just keeps getting double pop growths. District count is one area Australia still lags in, but this is a trailing indicator, I hope. 

Era Score:

While Russia has a 20 point lead in pop, China has a 30 point lead in era score. This suggests that China's top of the scoreboard placement is largely illusory, since era score matters little once you pass the Golden Age threshold, and in fact, getting too much makes later golden ages harder. Phoenicia lately surged to secure a golden medieval age, Archduke should be in a heroic age, and Norway in a dark age. 

Science Per Turn and Total Techs:

Our team was doing very well on research until Australia moved Pingala, but that's temporary. Australia was in danger of stagnation, like Japan, due to low pop growth. Archduke, Woden, and sub are all doing kind of mediocre. Ljubljana has two spikes: One where he unlocked Naval Tradition and doubled his Cothon bonus, and then a late wave of multiple Cothons and I believe at least one campus per era score finishing. Japan and Russia have been neck and neck in improvements for about 20 turns. 

No real distinction in techs researched, other than that China has more (eurekas?) and England less (rushing the expensive Cartography?). 

Culture Per Turn and Total Civics:

Here is a tale of the haves and the have-nots. China has Sacred Places, Choral Music, and the Great Wall fueling hsi culture, Woden has culture from pastures, and Russia has a vast number of monuments finished. Australia is lagging badly and has been for ages, largely due to not many cities to put up cheap monuments in. He will be able to in the near future, hopefully, and his best era dedication is probably Pen, Brush, and Voice to fix this grave area of weakness. This is very visible in the civics, with China leading and Australia trailing, everyone else in the middle. 

Total Income:


Note that the spikes are data artifacts - I don't update income every turn. Woden, Kaiser, and Archduke also all have scrambled colors for some reason. But the two naval civs have spiked incomes, probably running Naval Tradition, China has the Great Wall and Petra, and Russia has Tithe. AUstralia has no gold-generating luxuries and no gold generating districts but has a large number of buildings, which has tanked his income. Learning experience. 

Total Faith:

Russian Monumentality broke the chart. Note the lesser Indonesian Monumentality as well, and the growing Norwegian faith pile. 

Total Power:

Australia and China trailing, Phoenicia and lately Indonesia leading. Visible is the Battle of Writing On the Wall, Archduke's conquered city-state, and a later spike about 20 turns later, even more vicious and bloody than the initial battle. I guess Archduke made a play to reconquer, failed, and signed peace. 

State of the Game:

Here's what I can puzzle out:

- The Central Powers: Japan went for early high adjacency districts - Campuses and Holy Sites, probably leading with HS to trigger the discount, while Archduke did his thing and trained a big navy to go for city-states. This plan was working well, with England an early leader in total pop and Kaiser killing it in science, but they ran afoul of the raider team. A bloody fight for a city-state ensued, which Archduke lost. He burned a ton of production and now is left with low development, while Kaiser has overinvested in districts and lagged in expansion, much like Australia albeit a bit more focused on food and production. 

I would say these guys are out of it, except Archduke is the best player in the game and these guys have their choice of peace or war for 30 turns. They could try  to pile onto us in 10 turns, or they might try to recover from the earlier fight. I personally think Kaiser is leading the charge to Frigates, with Archduke following behind as closely as he can. Then they'll try and upgrade a decent navy and go ruin someone's day - either us or the raiders. Their weakness is Kaiser's small size - he won't be able to field many frigates quickly - and Archduke's growing backwardness, EXCEPT I think he's going to explode this turn. Archduke will have Free Inquiry, Pen, Brush, and Voice, and Monumentality all at once in the Medieval Age, so he will have RNDs that give gold, science, and culture and quick builders (albeit no faith income). England is going to roar to life here in a few turns and people better watch out. 

- The Raiders: Ljubljana did a deep dive on Celestial Nav at the start, got his Cothon down, and started alternating settlers nad ships. He got into a scrap with Archduke, but used his and Woden's UUs to power through to victory, easily replacing the losses. Then he hit a golden age and let his science explode based on Cothons, and with the coming of peace is madly pursuing settlers and districts now. The good news is most of ljubljana's power spike is behind him, I think, with this being hte last age of Free Inquiry and settlers rapidly escalating in cost even with production bonuses. Biremes will be obsolete and it'll be up to his native production to see how many modern ships he can build. Still, I think his navy apart from Russia's will be the most dangerous in the future. 

Woden...I don't know. He did an early settler grab, then an early wolfpack to grab lots of city-states, then got itno the fight with Archduke. Since that war he's largely been passive, not really improving much, not finishing many districts, nothing. It's a strangely disconnected game from Woden. But Norway is at present even weaker than Australia, with fewer cities and the smallest navy among the naval powers - as Norway! He has high culture from plantations, but that's about all. He will need me or Archduke to stumble to catch up, really. 

- The Sandbox: I have said plenty, but I really do think this team is actually the worst off of anyone here. That's counterintuitive, since they're tops on the scoreboard and are currently no-doubt chortling over their unstoppable jong attack. But you know and I know that that attack is doomed to fail, that it was inadequately prepared for and poorly planned, and that once it fails this team has no backup plan. Sub's cities are very badly placed to contest the sea, he's made erratic choices in development, and China is strong but also almost entirely irrelevant to the larger game, building a wonderful hermit kingdom there in the north. After everyone unlocks frigates, what will this team do to stay relevant? Will they surge ahead in science? How? With what campuses, located where? Will they lead in expansion? They both have decent faith income but it's nowhere near Russia's, and unlike Russia they can't freely settle tundra and make it productive.  Will they win militarily? With what fleet? 

Guys: This team is doomed. They will not win this game. Calling it right here. 

- Us:

I got lucky with lots of good tundra land and was able to properly exploit it since the others let Work Ethic fall to me. We know our strenghts and our weaknesses. The biggest weakness is Australia, which takes ages to produce anything when not at war, and, I think more worringly, has little food, gold, and culture. Most of it stems from the food: Australia still has his first two cities comparitively small, and with no gold generating improvements readily available, he is having trouble getting to the sizes needed for harbors. Frustratingly, we had JUST gotten Marco there and he was on the right track when this attack came and we HAVE to build galleys - if we don't, he just loses the cities anyway and what good does that do? 

If we survive, though, I think Australia is about on a level with Japan, and ahead of Indonesia and Norway. Marco will ahve productive cities, will be able to build harbors for gold, and his natural pop growth and some monument builds will rectify the culture situation. The foundations are there for an Australian recovery, we just need time to pull it off. It is my job to buy him that time. 

Russia's biggest weakness has obviously been diplomacy. I figured that it was hard to coordinate in a game like this and that most people would follow their own interests, as they have before, but obviously that's not the case. I'm also clearly not making enough use of the deal screen or something, since somehow Woden and ljubljana were able to swing DoFs with both their neighbors, including the neighbors they just stuck their thumbs into the eye of, and Suboptimal was able to ALSO get DoFs with both, maybe intimidating with jongs? I was not. I got one DoF with Archduke in a moment of weakness, which I wanted ot build into a possible partnership, but everything since has met with the cold shoulder - either ignored or, most recently, rejected. 

That's obviously a huge problem. It's our biggest obstacle to winning the game. 

So, chances? 

If we can get a period of peace and DoF with ONE neighbor, I think we should be favorites. Russia is roaring along, I still have excellent prospects to expand, and my potential military power is unmatched. Australia will be able to use peace to get his feet under him and get hsi core set up and then he'll be approaching Russian levels, albeit 50 turns behind. We should be able to defeat any team one on one, IF we can get peace. 

If we can never get peace but get stuck in Forever War with a rotating cast of opponents, eventually we'll fall behind and get ground down. My #1 goal is to avoid that. In that case, the winner will be whoever of the Raiders or the Central Powers successfully invades a neighbor first.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 100

Images to be put up later.

I slot in the Monarchy government, reducing my gold deficit to just -0.5 gold/turn. Roland/Suboptimal also finally pull the trigger, and Shikishima will 100% fall next turn.

I have 3 Galleys at Point Matilda, but that'll be 5 galleys in 2 turns. The problem is that Point Matilda has quite a few chokepoints, where only 2 Galleys could attack a Jong at a time...this makes me feel like I should take a stand elsewhere.

At 32 production/turn, MBDTF is churning out a Galley every single turn, and this is even before it has Work Ethic. I wonder what I can do with the overflow production?

I was hoping for a one-tile sea passage - that way you can hold on the far side but Sub can only shoot with 3 jongs per turn - the two on the far side of the chokepoint kill one galley, then one jong enters the chokepoint, gets caught in ZoC by the second galley, and can shoot.

If he only has 4, It's a major risk to Rodeo, but if you WANT you could lure him into more open seas and I would send up a significant portion of my navy as well, and we could try to trap and destroy him in the open with a galley zerg rush. The danger of course is that he blasts through the few tiles, sinks a lot of Australian galleys, and takes Rodeo. So, we can only pull this off if you can sustain 2 galleys sunk/turn without losing the city. Otherwise we gotta just park galleys on all the 1-tile entryways and reinforce losses until he gives up and goes home, I think.

Or if you have any tactical ideas I'm open to them! Tactics aren't my forte, really, I'm more an operations and strategy guy.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Archduke is the best, and he's paired with the perfect partner, I think. Kaiser is good at planning and building a SP civ and creates really nice cities and districts, but he doesn't really have an aggressive mindset when it comes to war - it felt in PBEM18 like he came in with no real plan beyond massing a modest handful of units and throwing them at the nearest city, ignoring terrain, fortifications, other possible targets (ie, attacking Bruins at all instead of just going straight for Blues). But those are exactly the things that Archduke is good at - he loves blood, and revels in battle, so he'll act as warlord for the team and let Kaiser handle the development.

Their plan was working before they ran into the raiders, and it's still not going terribly. Kaiser has the most beakers researched out of anyone and will probably beat me to Caravels by 5 turns or so - he knows where it is thanks to England while I have to find it still (using Navarin). In the next age, Archduke will quite possibly have the highest combined science and culture out of anyone, and the fact that he's finished so few techs - fewer than Woden - suggests to me that he's going deep into the tree for something. What could that be, except Caravels and Frigates? Kaiser will eureka most of the way there for him, and then Archduke will find himself one of the first players to modern warships, he'll have the warchest to upgrade a lot (though not, thankfully, the niter, at least not yet), and from there SOMEONE's day is getting ruined. If I'm still looking scary, well, he'll probably come for Ilmatic, I expect, then Russia next. If we could somehow set up a 2 on 2 alliance, though, then I think we can both smash the other teams, and the final result would be settled between the two of us.

Archduke I view as the biggest competition to win right now, then Ljubljana/woden, and finally the sandbox team in their sandbox.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn came in as I left for work. I loaded it up to have a look around and I'll noodle it over in my spare time today. 

No surprises, other than Point Matilda is indeed a nest of passages, and Woden's longship is skulking to the south. That will need to be addressed since I have an iron mine in the area. 

The 3 competing priorities of Point Luck, Point Matilda, and Mikasa are stretching my fleet thin. I need to choose the most important front and commit to it. But that's not my decision - it's sub's. Thankfully the swelling number of ships coming off the ways will ease the burden soon.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.


It's 18 turns out at present rates. We'll chop about 4 off when my archer finishes in 3 turns and probably shave one or two more from my libraries and campuses finishing. Call it 12 turns from now. That's how long we need to hold out, Marco.

I will start planning gold and niter allocations as well.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

...Good God. 12 turns till Frigates is amazing news, considering that we don't have many Campuses down.

Should I switch away from Buttress and go for Square Rigging too?

(April 9th, 2021, 09:27)marcopolothefraud Wrote: ...Good God. 12 turns till Frigates is amazing news, considering that we don't have many Campuses down.

Should I switch away from Buttress and go for Square Rigging too?

That's an excellent question, and one I've been chewing over in my head for a few weeks: How should we allocate our limited niter and gold reserves?

There's an argument to be made in favor of having only one player (in this instance, realistically Russia due to Work Ethic) build Frigates at first. That way the limited niter can be concentrated, and frankly the more frigates the better - 5 Russian (or Australian) frigates are better than each civ even having THREE of each. It's hard to coordinate between multiple civs, due to turn order issues, and generally mass is the best way to operate. By having one player regularly gift niter to the other, the other can build Frigates at double the rate. The total number of ships thus goes up, the gifting player can build economy instead of military units, and once there's a sizeable Frigate force in place we could reverse and start building up Player 2's frigate force. 

The counter to this is that each player I think needs to be able to act independently. From a strategic standpoint, it's better to have two unified fleets, one nation handling each theater - say, Russia the west and Australia the east. Mixed nationality forces will run into the problem of Australia always moving first, then Russia, or vice-versa in the case of a war with Archduke/Kaiser. That will occasionally cause issues, and there's the trouble of communication and coordination. So it'd be best for each player to have his own independent fleet entirely under his command, so all his ships can act with the same mind. 

From a metagame standpoint, I also want you to have your own frigates. This is your game and your team, too, and it should be fun for you, and frankly, frigates are tons of fun. They blast anything at sea in their era, they're pound-for-pound the best city-crackers in the game before bombers, and I want you to enjoy yourself and to have a hand in crafting our strategy and striving for victory. 

I think the optimal way to balance - feel free to disagree! I'm not married to this - is to have Russia go Square Rigging first, while you finish Buttress. There's definitely a chance that there's Cartography behind Buttress, a 50/50 shot I believe with Printing? So we'll want the Buttress eureka in hand as soon as possible in that case. Second, Australia's economy, while it is productive for 10 turns, does not have the gold to support numerous frigates yet. Russia, thanks to Tithe, can. I will also have gold to upgrade. I'll need Retainers and Professional Army, obviously, but that could be anywhere between 5-10 frigate upgrades in 12 turns (will dig into the numbers later and then set a budget for quads - I have 3 already, which must obviously now be preserved from destruction, but might need as many as 7 more!). Russia will have the gold income, and it might be better to combine your niter income with mine to enable more upgrades sooner. Then I can drive the invaders back from our shores. 

In the meantime, whle Russia builds the modern fleet and pushes back the other teams, Australia gets its house in order - gold, culture, and the new cities. Once gold income is healthy and able to sustain a fleet, we start funneling my niter to you and begin building out your force. Its mission would be twofold: Protecting the sealanes between eastern Australia and that southeast continent, and a possible attack on Mohenjo-Daro and the Japanese coast. If we get a DoF, I'd even want an Australian attack on sub's eastern flank at Brussels and helping sink his navy. 

So, bottom line? Let's not rush Australia there yet. Australia won't be able to build or support too many Frigates due to the weak gold situation. Instead, we will spread our research out and cover our bases, concentrating Niter resources in Russia to get the first wave out. Then, once Australia is on a firm foundation financially, we reverse and build out Australia's force. 

It WOULD be worth picking up apprenticeship soon, depending on how many mines you have, since that's +1 production on every mine.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 100

I'm shocked, shocked to find Shikishima near death:

...actually, not that shocked. Just as predicted, sub didn't have a melee unit in range to capture the city this turn. He diverted his galley last turn to chase down Homer (NOT Ovid, who is actually my eastern Great Writer, oops), whom I had stuck in a goofy spot precisely to draw a ship into a slightly-more inconvenient position. So Shikishima lives another day. I swap all its tiles to Vladimir Monomakh just to be annoying. Next turn we'll see if sub liberates Nazca or just captures the city. 

More importantly:

+1 to all mines, taking my capital to nearly 30 hammers/turn, and flanking and support bonuses in combat now that serious fighting is on the horizon. I have to plow through Military Training, Games and Rec, and Mercenaries in rapid succession to get policies in place for Frigate upgrades, then probably Feudalism or Civil Service, depending on inspirations. Research is obviously on the Frigate beeline, which is presently 18 turns. I will be finishing an Archer in 3, eureka'ing Machinery, dropping that from a 7 turn research to 4 turns or so, finishing a library at Oryol, and chopping a campus at Sevastopol in that time, so the eta might drop by a few turns. 12 is the most optimistic timeline, probably 15 is the minimum. 

In the west, it looks like the longship skulking about had a quick peek in at the city, then withdrew to the south to try to find a less-well guarded approach. I feel tentatively more confident that this is a lone raider (did Woden take my advice?), but will continue to treat it as the advance guard of an invasion until I have reason to believe otherwise:

One warrior shifts south to cover the iron mine, the second will cover the lavra and lumber mill, and my ships in the meantime shift south. I might keep Woden guessing about how many ships are actually present and get him to overestimate my forces here, if I'm lucky. He'll probably know it's the same ships just moving about, but you never know! I have 2 galleys and 2 quads in the area, next turn 3 galleys and 2 quads, etc, as Mikasa builds. The two archers on the island shift to the high ground. 

Point Luck:

6 galleys in position, 2 more in close support. If Sub comes south then I'll reinforce and he'll never chew through here faster than I can reinforce it. If he goes east the two close support galleys will lead a shift to Point Matilda. If the raiders attack Mikasa in serious force then I can shift south in support, but more likely Mikasa and Navarin will handle that front on their own. In support, I shift an invincible scout to Mikasa:

The Writer will head for the tundra island and serve as a lookout on the coast. That should give me warning in case more ships than this lone viking show up. If I get zapped back to Mikasa, so what, I can do it again, and again, and again. 

Here in the east, Ovid (for real this time) is doing the same thing:

He will setup on the orange grove and serve as early warning for attacks on Australia. But, Marco, we realistically have to prepare for an English/Japanese assault, too, in 10 or so turns. At least you'll get x2 production AGAIN, our galleys should make us more or less immune, and once Cartography hits we'll both be in good position to build modern fleets faster than anyone. If the 3-way alliance against us (more on that below) continues, we'll get worn down, but hopefully we can break it up and get someone to opportunistically stab their buddies. 

Okay, let's plan Australia's defense. Here is Point Matilda, where the Australian coast joins Sakhalin:

It's not nearly as nice as Point Luck. 2 one-tile passages give Suboptimal all the access he needs while limiting our own attacks against him. Marco, what do you think would be best here? Perhaps gathering your Ilmatic galleys to the north, as many as you can, while gathering everything else in the 4 tiles around Rodeo? He can sink 2 galleys per turn, so we absolutely need 4 between him and Rodeo to be safe. We could also stick the galleys on or just behind the 1-tile chokepoints and hold those more or less indefinitely. It's less risky, and might be the better play with Frigates on the horizon already, but we won't kill any jongs that way. Up to you. 

One last Australian note. Marco, please murder Confucius:

This GP can scout us out and reveal intel to sub, no need to let him scuttle around. Next turn use your archer and your warrior to run him down and zap him back to sub's nearest city. 

Internationally: I think Woden (at last) has a settler out. Ljubljana is now receiving GS and GM points, and from monitoring his income I think he finished a +3 commercial hub, doubled to +6. That accounts for 6 of his 11 point increase. It's possible the campus was +3 as well, and he didn't increase by 12 because of amenities or tile swapping, OR the campus was +4 and he's not in Natural Philosophy (that makes more sense since this is his first campus, after all), and the remaining 1 is from pop increase (seems more likely than a +5 campus). 

Roland and sub's military scores are stagnant, which is fantastic news - neither one is bothering to build more military, which means there will be no follow-on forces to what I can already see. Ljubljana is not so foolish, however, and his score is up to 650. He's...he's gonna go infrastructure soon, right? Or does he have one city on permanent bireme duty? Woden also gained 30 points - another longship - and Archduke 40. I'm hoping that the arms race is MOSTLY related to tensions on that side of the world, but they have something like 25 turns of peace! Who could that be directed against other than me? D: 

Diplomatically: Oh, fuck off:

Seriously?? they fucking KNOW the jongs are coming after us, and they don't want to have the POSSIBILITY of intervening? What if Australia totally collapses? What if we get conquered? 

I'm sorry, guys, this fucking sucks for our team, ebcause literally EVERYONE else is in a DoF, NO ONE will take a DoF with me, and we've done jack shit all to earn this! We're not threatening to win the game, we're not dominating in research, we have hardly any more cities than Phoenicia, we haven't been throwing elbows on the world stage, so why the hell is everyone turning on us? The hell should I have done differently? Sorry for the salty language but this just feels like fuckin' personal malice at this point. I'm trying to be calm and tell myself it's flattery, everyone's decided we're #1 and need to be brought down, but...we're not #1! We never have been, other than in Russian city count! How in the hell is that threatening enough to cause EVERY SINGLE OTHER TEAM to go full military and dogpile us at the drop of a hat? 

Christ. I'm going to burn down each and every one of you fuckers' empires over this. Next time take the damn friendship and do NOT. TEST. ME. 


Okay, I'm fine now. I get it. I do. Everyone else is terrified and this is a compliment, really.  rolleye Or something. Hey, it's like when everyone dogpiled the Indian team in PB2! Although that at least had diplomacy coordinating it. That team held on, eventually the coalition fell apart, and they won. Well, I guess I'll use that as inspiration. But lurkers. You all know who the underdog team in this PBEM is now.  lol Marco and Chev versus the world! 

Overview of the east:

No changes. Niter mined, taking me to +4 per turn, good for a Frigate every 5 turns. That keeps one city busy. 

Overview of the west:

Navarin starts a 3-turn archer build, though it might drop the harbor at size 4 if it's discounted. We'll see. I need to finish a tech or civic AFTER Shikishima falls, which should happen in 2 turns when I finish Military Training. 

I'm having fun, but also I am mad at all 6 other players. How dare they try their best to win the game. Jerks.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(April 9th, 2021, 16:30)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Okay, let's plan Australia's defense. Here is Point Matilda, where the Australian coast joins Sakhalin:

It's not nearly as nice as Point Luck. 2 one-tile passages give Suboptimal all the access he needs while limiting our own attacks against him. Marco, what do you think would be best here? Perhaps gathering your Ilmatic galleys to the north, as many as you can, while gathering everything else in the 4 tiles around Rodeo? He can sink 2 galleys per turn, so we absolutely need 4 between him and Rodeo to be safe. We could also stick the galleys on or just behind the 1-tile chokepoints and hold those more or less indefinitely. It's less risky, and might be the better play with Frigates on the horizon already, but we won't kill any Jongs that way. Up to you. 

One last Australian note. Marco, please murder Confucius.

Yeah, I was wondering how to deploy my ships too. I mentioned back in November that gold management and military tactics were both weaknesses of mine...and look where we are right now. Heh.

I think I'll deploy most of my Galleys to the north of Rodeo, and maybe keep 2 or 3 around College Dropout to give me flanking bonuses. I already have 4 Galleys in the area; Illmatic's almost at the point of creating Galleys every turn, while Rodeo and College Dropout are only churning them out every 2-3 turns. I expect Suboptimal to come south at around turn 102 - or if he stalls, turn 103 - and I'm worried that I'll still be too unprepared.

Oh, and Confucius went back to the ocean at Low End Theory. I don't want to push an Illmatic Galley eastward to catch him, so I'm left shaking my fists at the prophet. Grrr.

[Image: uLOJBz9.png]
I researched Theology, so I slotted in Scripture. One more turn until MBDTF adopts a religion - then its production may reach 60/turn.

[Image: WjtYSli.png]
I also finish Buttress, which reveals Printing. I admit, I'm not a big fan of chasing down the south tree, when there are 20% discounts on Medieval Era techs. At current rates, I can chase down Square Rigging in 19 turns. Though I think you're right; if I rush Frigates too early, we will burn through our Nitre reserves.

[Image: KnzBSA8.png]

This is partly why I (shockingly) took Pen, Brush and Voice. Free Inquiry likely won't do that much for me, because I won't be receiving Eurekas for many Renaissance-Era techs. However, I *will* be receiving Inspirations, because your culture has hit 40 clefs/turn while mine is at 20/turn. With 6 completed specialty districts (only 6? Uh-oh), and maybe a monument at MBDTF, I can push my culture up to 28...but I don't want my culture to lag behind my science too much. Especially since we don't know where the Press Gangs policy card is yet, and we're quite a few turns away from the Renaissance Era.

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