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[SPOILERS] Chevalier Mal Fet and Marcopolothefraud lead a Soviet Down Under

No worries on the gold management! It takes getting used to, after SP when you can basically build whatever, beat up the AI for gold, clear lots of barbs, run international trade, etc. Gold is a precious, precious resource in multiplayer due to its flexibility in tile buys and unit upgrades. In your defense, you also didn't have too many natural gold tiles in your starting area - the silver tiles in the desert will help once improved. Work the plantations and the silver, grow your pop, and then, hopefully, harbors and trade with Russia will solve all. 

As for the tactics, let's see...The main thing is to keep him out of Rodeo. You need 4-6 galleys between him and the city. I'd concentrate them just south of the chokepoint, so that if he takes the "unblocked" northern path you can swing in behind him. It takes 4 attacks to sink a jong, and most of your galleys will be killed in the counterattack, BUT if he comes this way you'll be getting Russian reinforcements in 3 turns. 

So, I think stay defensive. Block up the chokes, don't let him in, and hold until Russia has his galleys sitting near TCD. Then, you can "fall back" and lure him in, and then we swarm him. Once he's down to 3 jongs, he'll only be able to sink 1.5 galleys per turn, and if he doesn't pull out right away - possibly because he's trapped? - then we'll sink ANOTHER jong on the next turn, and at that point he'll be swamped in the numbers and we should wipe the fleet. 

Yes, I think that can work. Occupy the chokes with 3 galleys each - one in the point and 2 backing it up, that will make it impossible for Sub to push through due to ZoC even if he kills 2 of the 3. We wait and see which way sub goes. If he goes south, towards me, we execute Case Luck - I'd possibly stick most of my fleet at Mikasa, lure him to Knyaz Suvurov, then spring the ambush there. If he goes east, we activate Case Matilda - hold, do not attack (so you soak up more damage), until Russia arrives. Then we lure him in - and destroy him.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

What if those Jongs receive lots of promotions from killing my galleys? That "Line of Battle" promotion looks particularly dangerous.

Turn 101

Everyone except Norway secured a Golden Age. This catapults Archduke into the research lead, though he has a lot of ground to makeup, and props up Ljubljana's science. The good news, I think, is that with me, Kaiser, Roland, ljublana, and soon enough Marco all researching a renaissance tech the medieval era will be a short one. The two Free Inquiry civs have until then to get some real research infrastructure down or they'll stagnate and grind to a halt. Similarly, Woden is already ages away from anything and will find his longships obsolete within 15 turns. What will he do then, I wonder? 

Did I say two FI civs? I meant 3 - Kaiser also opted for Free Inquiry over Monumentality, doubling his Harbor's adjacency for 12 gold/12 science per turn. Not bad. He didn't get a lot of value out of monumentality, I think - no settlers, just builders. 

I opt for Monumentality again:

There was an argument to be made for PBV since I have so many districts, it would have taken me up north of 50 culture per turn. The saved faith could be spent on the Grand Master's Chapel. With 2 harbors, also, soon, I could have pushed Free Inquiry at a pinch as well. But with such a high faith income and so much tundra nearby, it'd be insane to NOT leverage that into snowball (literally) expansion as best I can. If I can get peace with ONE SINGLE TEAM I think we can run away with things here. 

This turn's ongoing minor fuckery with suboptimal:

Taking inspiration from PBEM18's wars, I anticipated lots of pillaging of my improvements when Sub invaded. So, when I transferred all my tiles to Vladimir Monomakh, I ALSO flipped the camp over to Shikishima. Thus I deny sub a nice little chunk of pillage gold and slow down a jong upgrade by a bit. It's petty and small but it gives me satisfaction to fight back in this way and in messing with him with the Great Writer. The writer is now in an annoying spot up in some woods, where sub will have to divert an entire military unit to root it out. 

Speaking of, I think I know more or less sub's entire military. He's got 600 points, ballpark. 220 points in the 4 jongs we know of. A further 144 in swords, now we see TWO heavy chariots, makes for 420 altogether. The remaining 180 - he has 2 quads and 2 galleys we have seen, for 110. That leaves only 70, and I saw a slinger on the island, leaving only 50ish unaccounted for. That's another slinger and a galley, most likely. It's VERY unlikely that he has 2 galleys we havent' seen, but possible. 

So the entire Indonesian navy is:
4 jongs
3 galleys
2 quadriremes


12 Russian galleys
3 quadriremes
8 Australian galleys
2 Australian quadrimes = 20 galleys and 5 quads. 

Note that sub's 600 points is now outnumbered by Marco and I's combined 815 points. Even throwing in Roland's 200 (still no ships though! lol ) and the 'attackers' are already outnumbered. FURTHERMORE, note that most of sub's cities are building walls, not units, AND I'm pretty sure that sub finished a district this turn (or grew two pop points...), so this joker is building civvie stuff at home, NOT follow-on jongs. He'll be able to faith purchase one more in 3 turns, bringing him to 5 total, but after that we'll have Frigates on the field before any more jongs show up. 

So, yeah, for the 80th time, this attack is doomed. 

Have I been unfair to suboptimal? Did he intend an invasion of us at all, or was this just meant to be a quick, punitive strike to secure the central area and he'll offer me peace on turn 109 in return for yielding my two cities? That might be what his play was, and certainly makes more sense than an 'all-out' attack as weak as this, but in THAT case, why did sub build 4 swords and 2 chariots? It's like he intends to land an army somewhere and go for inland cities, he knew he didn't need those to take Vladimir. Did he intend to attack Norway or Kaiser? But no, we know he didn't intend that, because he locked himself into peace into the frigate era (personally, I think that was also a huge blunder by sub - Norway is slipping into irrelvance and Japan desperately needs to expand, not fight a war - both teams *crave* peace, so why offer it to them? [wait a minute, does that mean I SHOULDN'T offer them peace? Hmmm....] At least keep your options open so if this attack (purely hypothetically) were to come to grief outside Rodeo, you could switch gears and descend on Norway). 

But maybe the units are just meant as a garrison for Sakhalin. He'll take that, and Novaya Zemyla, and use his jongs to control the seas around the "Indonesian Archipelago" and get lots of kampung cities up with kampungs and coastal districts. That...doesn't explain the non-coastal settles, but it SOUNDS like a suboptimal play for sure. From there he builders his way ahead. If that's his plan, I hate it a -little- less than this invasion, because at least it would make sense of his weird force mix. But I would still hate it, because it totally squanders Indonesia's big sell. I dunno. Can't wait to read suboptimal's planning documents for this attack to see what his mentality was. 

Moooore worrisome is Japan:

That bastard Kaiser is gearing up for an attack on Yerevan! This is totally unacceptable! If he takes it, I can't declare war to get it back because of Australia's bonus. I miiiight be able to loyalty flip it from Oslyabya - it's an iceball with no value to Japan. If he razes, I can replace it with a Monumentality settler. But ideally I'd take the already settled city. I have 2 galleys and a quad available, with a third galley entering in 2 turns. I'd like to wait 4 and have 4 galleys and a quad, surround the city, and and keep Kaiser from sniping it. 

Kaiser might be also going to surround the city and keep me out of it. That's possible. In that case, I should save my envoys and Amani and neutralize his suzerainty, booting him out, then declare war. 

This area is going to be a minor flashpoint soon, keep watching, folks. 

I should be able to settle Donksoi on 106, barring complications, and attack Yerevan on 105. 

One turn til Petropavlosk is active:

It's already making 16 faith per turn, ahaha. Entirely surrounded by tundra, with nearby mountains, and 2 neighboring lavras, it has a +8 adjacency. This city will be NICE once it matures. 

Just across the bay is Mikasa's defensive setup:

4 ships, 2 archers, walls, and a shipyard make this a tough-nut to crack short of an all-out assault. My harbor at Navarin will be active in 6 turns as well, and then we will average 1 new ship every turn in these waters. That's more or less immune to what Woden will be able to scrape up. 

Marco, you have 6 galleys available right now. I'd wall up either like this:

All 6 giving each other support (you have Military Tradition, right? If not, make that the next stop), and keeping Sub AWAY from Rodeo if he comes. OR stick ships just on near side of the 2 1-tile chokepoints, again in triangles, to keep sub from pushing through the narrow area. I've started shifting my reinforcing ships this way, but I need to keep close to reinforce my own 6 ships near Point Luck. I also shifted my 2 galleys at Mikasa back north in case I need them. 

We hold at Matilda until I've got my fleet just south of that point near Rodeo, then we can let sub in (the north entrance) and then we swarm him in the open waters. Together we'll have damned near 20 galleys attacking 4 jongs, he'll be overwhelmed. 

Overall theater, with Jong approach points as of THIS turn pinned:

In the east, here are good defensive points:

The forward area near Inaccessible Island is good to defend against a Punic attack. Ljubljana would only be able to attack each point from a single tile, and he won't be able to sink galleys like that. Your ships, meanwhile, would have mutual support bonuses. To the rear, a good fallback point against Phoenicia is the two-tile passage, blocking access to your northern coasts and to SFFB's territory, although he could concentrate attacks on the southern ship. Against Japan/England, or as a final fallback against Phoenicia, the 1-tile access to the south and the 1-tile access to the north would let you hold more or less indefinitely given reinforcements from MBDTF. I'd set up your galleys in some of those positions until I take Yerevan and get my Eastern Squadron into position in these waters, then I can take over those duties and the Australian navy can shift north to enable settlement in the desert coastal spots. 

I've got Ovid nearing his sentry point, he'll reach it next turn, to give early warning in case the Phoenicians come this way. 

Against Norway, there is no chokepoint defense. Just gotta mass ships and fort up. 

Internationally, Woden got his prophet but no religion yet - I expect saving him for this turn for the era score. I'll probably take an apostle too and grab my worship building next turn, since I can't settle at the moment. Nothing else that I noted, other than that the Duke and Ljub both have 5 Cothons/RNDs apiece. I fixed NOrway's district score in the spreadsheet, he has none except that one holy site, I think. Maybe 2 holy sites. Difficult to say. No campuses or harbors still. 

Overview of the east:

SV finished the shrine. Rather than start the temple, I wanna get 2 heavy chariots out for Mercenaries. Why HC? Because they're cheaper than swords and more useful than scouts, that's why. 

Overview of the west:

Military builds or growth builds. No surprises. 

WC next turn, I hope we get through it today if possible.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(April 10th, 2021, 11:15)marcopolothefraud Wrote: What if those Jongs receive lots of promotions from killing my galleys? That "Line of Battle" promotion looks particularly dangerous.

Line of battle still won't let them one-shot galleys, and that's the important part. It'll make 'em much more resilient, and difficult to kill unless sub lets us attack with 5 or so, but they still won't be able to blast through to Rodeo as long as we have enough bodies to throw at them.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Also, if I'm not around when the WC turn rolls, you don't have to wait for me. I'll follow your lead - you know what's up and can decide for the team.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(April 10th, 2021, 12:16)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Also, if I'm not around when the WC turn rolls, you don't have to wait for me. I'll follow your lead - you know what's up and can decide for the team.

Wow, responsibility. I suppose I should also analyse everyone else's Diplo Favour and guess what they vote for.

The military plans look good, and thanks for the advice. Looking at everyone else's research rates, I am *quite* worried about squandering Australia's potential. Hopefully I can make my fortunes better with a Campus in every city.

So, the way the Congress works, is it will first check all the votes for a proposition: A or B. A generally does something positive, B something negative. Once it's checked, it throws out all the losing votes and ignores them. Those civs get their Favor refunded (I think).

Then it looks at the votes on the winning side and makes another check. The proposition with the plurality of votes is declared the winner, everyone else gets half their favor back. Ties are determined I THINK by turn order but possibly randomly as well, not sure.

So you get some weird results where maybe voting to embargo Russia has 8 votes, but 5 civs each cast 2 votes to give themselves an extra trade route instead. So the A side (extra trade routes) would win and the winner would be either player 1 or a random civ.

As for predicting players, generally I find people either find one proposition they like and think they can win, and dump their favor into it, OR if they don't think they can win, they'll try to nudge things in favor of A or B at least. You know our needs - about 10 turns of survival mode, then hopefully a chance for Australia to catch its breath and get those campuses and monuments and harbors built while Russia goes aconquerin'.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 101 - World Congress

So it seems like neither Ljubljana or Roland of Gilead spent any diplomatic favour. Ljubljana had zero to spend in the first place, and I guess Roland didn't find the choices appealing enough to spend his 76 favour on.

[Image: 6ajQNEI.png]

Turtles are incredibly commonplace on this map, and I think this is a "safe" vote that can easily get a plurality. Not too important, though.

On the other hand, the Great People resolution is incredibly vital. Great Admirals and Great Scientists are *the* only competitive Great People right now. Everything else is trivial - maybe an argument could be made for Great Generals, though none of the continents (not even our fractalized blob, which seems like the biggest) is worth a land army.

Great Admirals are heavily weighted towards England and Phoenicia, because they're cheaper for them. Both of them are pretty much game-leading enemies. So I voted against Great Admiral accumulation.

Got it. Good choices - bonus turtles (I have 2 more I can connect) and no Great Admirals. That will nerf England severely, as it totally gimps the RND, and it'll be a lesser blow to Phoenicia.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Threw in my votes.

Suboptimal is heading for Matilda.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

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