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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Only follow up questions, nothing new here.

66) (again)
Not being able to complet buildings, was that intentionel?

70) (again)
Hugh upkeep to global spells, does the AI actually pay this upkeep? Then it kinda crippels the AI if it looses a big bit of its income, forcing it to dispand valuable strong summons instead. I understand that this is "consistent with original". But I'm guessing the point with COMII is to make a better game than the original.

71) (again)
Ahh.. Turn 100. Can't find mention of that in any of the documents. Let me try again then smile

72) (again)
Ahh.. Spells stay on citys. On one side I kinda like that ideer. But on the other side it's pretty counterintuitive when you have played many other 4X games. Pretty rare feature among 4X games.
Also shouldn't my buffs on a city I lose, stay on too then? I might capture it back next turn?

73) (again)
Ahh.. Obvious reason for the low food. Many years since I had any use for that rule, kinda forgot about it to be honest. Good catch. =)

76) (again)
"Weak wizards vanish".
1. The last wizard shouldn't "vanish" should it?
2. Shouldn't I get the win screen when the last wizard dies?
Kinda crappy that I have to press the "lose" button to win. Or wait till turn 100 to get a "win" buttom.

66. There doesn't seem to be a limit for production to progress based on having zero hammer output.
Maybe this is the already fixed "production doesn't work in cities with exactly 1000 people" bug.

70. The AI has a difficulty scaled upkeep multiplier that applies to all types of upkeep.

72. Maybe letting buffs stay could be a good idea as well. However it's easier to miss noticing that (curses at least have a negative effect on your city so you will notice) and causes a much more drastic distadvantage to you if you don't notice because it boosts the enemy economy or in combat for retaking the city.

76. Correct, the last wizard, in fact the last 4 or something like that cannot vanish.
Maybe the turn limit for the Win button is unnecessary? It mainly exist to filter out random luck causing you to win before starting to play, like, "oh, look I raised an undead Fire Giant on turn 10, hey why is everyone surrendering, it's just a Fire Giant! Yes, well, we only have swordsmen, the giant is terrifying". Or it could just be lowered to like, turn 50?

All 6 towers are in a concentrated area (playing 'tiny' 6 players, default plane rules)

This area of land in my screenshot manages to fit in 4 towers.


I did not summon any hero but for some reason, some of my end turn have red message "No hero answer your summon"? it is by 1420s at this point, what could this error be?

My first guess would be the heroes being summoned by an AI and the message appearing by mistake.

Towers have to connect land on both sides which takes priority over their distance. So depending on where the continents are, that can happen.

Couple of odd things (seems like all the changes to 1.0.4 fixes the majority of stuff!):

Gaia's Blessing only seems to 'roll' for the chance to clear corruption or volcanoes on the turn after they first appear and then never again. I've tried removing the enchantment and recasting it, but it doesn't seem to touch anything other than when they first appear. At least on Myrror if that makes a difference.

Not sure if this is intended, or an AI buff (this is on Advanced) but I attached a save game where Kali sends a group of 5 sprites versus a group of 5 demons and wins (no damage taken, either.) There were some other ruins cleared, and neutral cities captured with that same group of sprites that seemed highly improbable, even for the old automatic combat calculation in 1.31.

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.zip (Size: 47.65 KB / Downloads: 1)

(May 11th, 2021, 15:34)Seravy Wrote: My first guess would be the heroes being summoned by an AI and the message appearing by mistake.

Yes, likely that ai try to summon hero as message coming up on AI's turn.

Effect of conversion of desert into grassland is belong to Gaia's Blessing but not for Consecration, right? In version 1.0 city which I cast consecration on gradually convert desert into grassland some volcano even converted into hill which it not suppose to be.

For some reason, Abundance seem not able to make population go over 25000, is 25 is maximum possible population of single city?

(May 12th, 2021, 04:07)Suppanut Wrote: ..., is 25 is maximum possible population of single city?

Aha. That is why Surveyor shows 25+x for very good locations. But I don't know why this limit is. Maybe no more space on the city screen.

Quote:Maybe no more space on the city screen.

Exactly. It's 25 population figures wide.

Quote:Effect of conversion of desert into grassland is belong to Gaia's Blessing but not for Consecration, right? In version 1.0 city which I cast consecration on gradually convert desert into grassland some volcano even converted into hill which it not suppose to be.

Bug, will be fixed in 1.0.5

Quote:Not sure if this is intended, or an AI buff (this is on Advanced) but I attached a save game where Kali sends a group of 5 sprites versus a group of 5 demons and wins (no damage taken, either.) There were some other ruins cleared, and neutral cities captured with that same group of sprites that seemed highly improbable, even for the old automatic combat calculation in 1.31.

Demons are low hp and low armor units with slow movement speed. Sprites destroy them at range. Unfortunately, the "Caster 40" on demons doesn't seem to work even though it should be treated as a magic ranged attack.
...oh, it's not working because it basically is considered as having zero ammo.
This will be fixed in 1.0.5.

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