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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

(May 12th, 2021, 08:47)Seravy Wrote: Demons are low hp and low armor units with slow movement speed. Sprites destroy them at range. Unfortunately, the "Caster 40" on demons doesn't seem to work even though it should be treated as a magic ranged attack.
...oh, it's not working because it basically is considered as having zero ammo.
This will be fixed in 1.0.5.

I see ... so ammo-wise, this is not impacting caster units with ranged attacks? (which is most of them)


Hello there!
Started a game at small island. Managed to enchant settlers unit with water-walking spell. Settlers unit construct a new town, after that i got an High Elf Swordsmen (intended) with same water-walking enchant - bug or feature? Thanks.

(May 12th, 2021, 11:33)zitro1987 Wrote:
(May 12th, 2021, 08:47)Seravy Wrote: Demons are low hp and low armor units with slow movement speed. Sprites destroy them at range. Unfortunately, the "Caster 40" on demons doesn't seem to work even though it should be treated as a magic ranged attack.
...oh, it's not working because it basically is considered as having zero ammo.
This will be fixed in 1.0.5.

I see ... so ammo-wise, this is not impacting caster units with ranged attacks? (which is most of them)

It doesn't affect those.

Quote:Hello there!

Started a game at small island. Managed to enchant settlers unit with water-walking spell. Settlers unit construct a new town, after that i got an High Elf Swordsmen (intended) with same water-walking enchant - bug or feature? Thanks.

Feature. After your settlers build the city, they change their job and take up weapons to defend it.

When picking Green for a 5 Chaos, 5 Life Tauron with Alchemy and Artificer, the game threw up an unhandled exception. Version 1.0.4.

What were the other settings? Map, game size, difficulty, etc?

Wee.. And we have version 1.00.04

77) Spell binding is doing spell binding things again. This time it just gotten quite a bit worse..
Games crash every time it is cast by player. Havn't tested what happens if AI cast.
Savegame - just next turn to crash

78) Intro movie. This was kinda bugging me for the longest time, couldn't quite put a finger on it. But intro is missing 3 lightning strikes sound effects.

Also music is way too loud in the intro, can't hear what they are saying for parts of the conversation.
But my point number 9 where they stopped talking in the middle of a sentence, seems to have gotten quite a bit better.

79) Stack count. Awesome QOL feature! But hero dosn't count as a unit?
Edit: Ahh.. It's the hero "assassin" he has a stealth skill.. Might be the reason, I will test later.

Life steal is weird. If a unit ends combat with health from life steal, but is damaged, that unit will be end the combat with its normal HP and then take the damage on top of it. So if a unit normally has 10 HP, and life steals in combat for 30, takes 9 damage (21 during combat) then the unit will exit combat with 1 HP. Not sure if the unit will die if it takes more than the normal HP. Unsure if this is how it's supposed to work now ...

More raise dead bugs: Sometimes the unit is raised with no HP, and is invisible (graphically). It can be healed and will become visible once done, but only by the AI, as a player I cannot heal these units - doesn't seem I can heal them outside of combat, either, nor do they regenerate.
Sometimes the unit does not get raised at all (maybe getting destroyed but it can still be raised?)

Necromancy items that raise allies after combat do not seem to work at all. Many halflings were sacrificed to sky drakes to make sure it wasn't working. This is after winning combat. (Edit: Oh.. it's raising enemy units? The description says allies... )

True Sight won't remove illusion based debuffs if they're already on the unit.

Illusion immunity does not provide any protection against psionic blast which is an illusion based attack. I feel like this should be a thing.

If an action normally would start a war, like attacking and taking a city, without the AI wizard able to make first contact, the enemy AI will declare war, but from that point on no other contact can be made with any other AI for first contact. - At least so far, my little island is swarmed with all the other wizards' units, but I've only "met" the one wizard I attacked early in the game. (Edit: This started working after exiting and reloading the game.)

Is there anyway we can get it so the AI can't cast spells on stacks of units it doesn't have some form of current vision on? There's pretty much 0 chance of being able to use overland only unit buffs like Holy Armor when it's immediately dispelled and the closest unit the AI had was half way around the world on a completely separate plane of existence.

I could not cast raise dead on chaos-channeled units, this intentional or design oversight?

Sometimes i get random unit raised from death as undead to serve me even though that battle involve no hero, I have no unit with ability to create undead too, both me and enemy has no create undead spell/creature.

Animate ammo could target magicians, is it intentional? and if it possible to cast on magicians, why it could not all fantastic units with ammo too?

I also have already researched spell of mastery but node still able to counter my spell, is it new feature in CoM2 or it is a bug?

(May 14th, 2021, 12:23)Seravy Wrote: What were the other settings? Map, game size, difficulty, etc?

[Image: unknown.png]

This is what I was playing with. I also picked No Overlap, No Trading, Leave Me Alone and Tree Mastery.

68) (again)
From version 1.00.04 update
"-Fixed bug : It's possible to activate the relations window when clicking the ok button on the wizards screen"
You can still activate the relations window when you are contacting the wizard or looking at their stats/crystal.
Unchanged from video and picture in number 68.

Was testing with the stealth skill, in this case the thief hero, I placed him in a choke point next to enemy capital. Enemy is quite chill about this.
Seems like a powerfull strategy if they don't get mad at me for this. In this case they have waterwalking/flying so they can easily get around, but in other cases I could have blocked off importent areas and stay right next to his city.
But that is not really the interresting here.. The interresting was that suddenly his fortress only have one swordman left as defence.
He then rushed back home with a group of 9 storm giants, disbanding 5 and leaving 4 in his fortress. Then he summons more. Have 3400 mana and tons of money.
Note: Managed to replicate. Seems like he disbands large amounts of his units when he gets around 3000 mana. This time leaving his fortress totally empty and 8 storm giants standing around well away from his fortress. Should prolly not disband his fortress units first.. This time he dosn't move the storm giants home, he just summons new units.
Savegame - just next turn 5-10 turns and he disbands everything in his fortress

Also.. I tried placing a lot of normal units next to his fortress and just kept them there turn arfter turn, to see if it was the stealth skill that was overpowered or not. Turned out that he was also totally cool with this.. He should prolly be getting a bit annoyed by now, but nope.

I cast a Djinn to try and attack, and his Fairy ring summons a phantom warrior in his fortress for him. Other times it summons an Air elemental. Is it intended to summon these units as overland units?

Debug mode omnivision dosn't show Invis/Air elementals?
Savegame - there is an air elemental in his fortress now, just been summoned by Fairy ring because I summoned a Djinn

Note: Wind mastery gives flight to all units in the battle mode too.. Well.. Yikes!
Note: Creature binding can't be dispelled, fair enough. But shouldn't I at least be able to cast creature binding on it to get it back? Dunno..

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