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We Need a Jagiellon! - A Crusader Kings 3 Story

Hello and welcome to beautiful Lithuania!

Table of Contents

King Sventaragis (r. 1066 - 1090) Emperor Skirmantas (r. 1090 - 1133) Emperor Vingoldas (r. 1133 - 1147) Emperor Ringaudas (r. 1147 - 1149) Emperor Butigeidis (r. 1149 - )


Realms Beyond had a brief love affair with Crusader Kings 2 when it came out: there were walkthroughs and a few succession games before things dried up.  I'm hoping that there's interest to do something similar with CK3 now that it has been out for a while and gotten its own first expansion which features and fleshes out the Norse characters more.  However, for this game I'm going to focus less on the gameplay and more on the storytelling.  Crusader Kings has always been a series about families and characters, and so to keep the thread fun and engaging I am going to gloss over a lot of technicalities and focus on the bigger stories.  So if you want to know why something works or what something means in the game, you might need to ask because I'm going to try and not get too bogged down in that level of detail in my reporting.

For this game I will be playing as High Chieftain Sventaragis of Lithuania.  Let's meet the fellow:

He's 42 yeras old, married, and has 1 child.  At the very bottom you can see he has 4 siblings: 2 brothers and 2 sisters.  His father and grandparents have died (that's how he became chief) but his mother is still alive.

Characters have 3 main personality traits, and pick up other types of traits through decisions and events along the way.  Sventaragis is Content, Humble, and Gluttonous.  In addition he is a Tough Soldier (education trait), a Reaver (commander trait), and Gallant (lifestyle trait).

These traits influence my character's stats, which in order are:
  • Diplomacy: 8
  • Martial: 15
  • Stewardship: 11
  • Intrigue: 3
  • Learning: 7
  • Prowess: 15
Unfortunately we're not really good at doing much more than fighting.  Our Martial and Prowess are both good, the Stewardship trait is just average, Diplomacy and Learning are Poor, and the Intrigue is just terrible.  Sventaragis seems like a decent ruler who is not too concerned with anything beyond his borders or learning new things.  He's happy to just live free and live well, and while he might give diplomacy a try now and then things are better solved with a sword if it really causes trouble.

But Crusader Kings is more a game about famliies than individuals, and our family name is Palemonaitis.  You can see our crest to the right of our traits and stats.  It's a Noteworthy household name, so we're not the smallest and people have heard of us, but we aren't nearly as big as the descendants of Rurik who have created the Russian duchies to the east.  The head of our house and dynasty is our cousin, High Chieftain Kukovaitis, who rules in neighboring Samogitia.

Here's how our corner of Europe looks if you are only going by Households:

Between our stats and family name you can see our religion (Vidilist) and culture (Lithuanian).  I won't dig into those too much, but religions all have their own traits and bonuses, and personality traits can be either Sins or Virtues.  They also influence your realm's laws and marriage.  Vidilist is becoming very isolated and that will shape a lot of our diplomacy going forward.  Here's a map of the local religions:

Religions also have Holy Sites, which are shown by the tree-like symbol for Vidilism.  Right now we have 1 in our country, the county of Braslau.  There are 2 others controlled by other Vidilist rulers, and 2 more which have been taken over by heathens(!!!)

Older tribal religions like Asatru, Slovianskan, and Vidilist are becoming more and more boxed in by the Christian religions: eggshell white Catholicism from the west and south and purple Orthodoxy in the east.

Let's look at our family more now.

We are married to High Chieftess Gaila

Gaila is Just, Diligent, and Callous, and an Astute Intellectual per her education.  The Just trait is considered Virtuous by Vidilists, so she gets extra Piety each month.  She has good Learning traits, average Stewardship and Intrigue, and terrible Diplomacy and Martial skills.  These matter because your spouses traits will add on to yours for governing the realm.

We have a son and heir, Skirmantas:

Since Skirmantas is so young he hasn't had a chance to develop any traits yet.  As he gets older he'll be assigned a guardian, who will help guide and develop his traits.

Because he's my son he also has claims on all my titles, but no lands for himself yet.

Finally, there is one more person we are going to look at for our introduction to Lithuania:  our only vassal, Mingaila:

Mingaila is also of my dynasty and rules over the Chiefdom of Gardinas in the far south of Lithuania.  But he also has claims on the High Chiefdom of Samotagia ruled by our cousin, as well as claims on all the individual Chiefdoms.  (Chiefdom and High Chiefdom is the tribal equivalent of County and Duchy for feudal lands.)  He has 3 children of his own, and likes my character will enough (+32 out of -100/100).  Actually, most everybody likes the High Chieftain of Lithuania, except for my Marshall.  (But Rodslaw of House Mazowiecki is a Catholic Pole, and I really have no idea how he found himself in my court as he is the only living member of his house.)

We can see how all the characters we've talked about are related better on the Palemonaitis Family Tree:

Kukovaitis shows up twice because his parents were distant cousins who married.  That can happen a lot in this game, especially if you do it intentionally!

I think that's as much as I'll get into for Lithuania today.  My next update will cover the life and rule of Sventaragis.  I don't plan on regular updates, but I'm going to aim for somewhere around every couple days up to a week.  (It will depend on how long some of these characters will live!)  We'll get into what some of the prompts at the top of the screen are advisign me of and get into our lifestyle tree.

Also, if anybody has any input on how they think I should play this character or what my goals should be then I can try and incorporate those in.  Should I try to press my vassal's claims and conquer my cousin's kingdom?  Do I fight back against the encroaching Ruriks and Piasts?  Or stay gluttonous and content in my own realm?  Considering Sventaragis does like warfare I think we will need to give him 1 or 2 wars at least.  I hope to role play more than power game, but if you have an idea please share!

Finally, I didn't really touch base on lifestyle, but which Lifestyle should I go for?

Our character has already filled out the Gallant branch of the Martial tree.  Should we go for another Martial branch or something else altogether?
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Awesome  Toot 

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania managed to be the largest realm in Europe for a time, I'll be disappointedd if your line can't do likewise.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

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I think I will start playing on Monday, as this weekend is already a little busy with family obligations. That will give people time to discover the thread and give any suggestions if they want to. Then I will try to have the next update done in about a week from today.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I'm always intrigued by trying to keep the non-Christian religions going, especially the lesser-known and less-powerful ones like Vidilist - so maybe a medium-term goal is trying to unify the five holy sites under our banner? Sventaragis might be afraid of the encroaching Christians, and that means unifying his people first so they can stand against these threats?

Cool - looks fun!

I have no idea what "Lifestyle" actually does, but I'll support Martial on the basis that:

1) It plays to Svent's strengths (who needs to shore up weaknesses?)

2) Conquering new lands would surely be pleasing to Gail the Evil Paragon! (I'm really curious about what there is about her that the characterizes this way....)

3) We lurkers are supposed to demand blood after all, aren't we?

This does look interesting! I loved Jowy's equivalent before he stopped doing it, looking forward to this.

I agree, playing to your character's strengths and creating unusual, polarised characters (in this case, martial) sounds more fun than shoring up weaknesses and making all-rounders. It would probably create better stories if you want to go on that direction. Complete coincidence that warfare happens to be the strength here...   Blood! hammer
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

So here is the Martial Lifestyle tree:

The character already has the Gallant branch filled out. Gallant has traits which increase the strength of your knights, bonuses for attraction and your spouse, and the perk at the end gives the Gallant trait, which is +2 Martial, +4 Prowess, +20% monthly Prestige, and +20 Attraction opinion.

The Strategist branch is themed mostly on increasing unit effectiveness, speeding up siege and raid times, and increasing enemy casualties / decreasing your own.

The Overseer branch is themed towards gaining Dread and helping the Control of your counties / defending in your own territories.

If we stick with the Martial tree, then I think I'll go down the Strategist branch. There are other neat combinations, like I could go to Theologian branch of the Learning tree for the Prophet Perk: it gives me increased Piety for each knight since I have more knights due to being Gallant. Or I could go to the Seducer branch of the Intrigue tree and give myself more attraction bonuses if I want to seduce players.

But I think I'm leaning towards the Strategist branch. I'll select Chivalry focus, since I think we'll be doing a lot of leading attacks on our own.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Out of curiosity, how does 3 play compared to 2?
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

It's really been so long since I've gotten into 2. I remember trying to pick it up again a couple years ago and being a bit overwhelmed at all the new features that DLC had added. But 3 is a solid game even without DLC. It certainly has some spots where it could use fleshing out but even without it feels good.

I've started playing a little, but only gotten a few years in. One successful war down, and in the middle of a second!
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(May 15th, 2021, 12:23)pindicator Wrote: It's really been so long since I've gotten into 2. I remember trying to pick it up again a couple years ago and being a bit overwhelmed at all the new features that DLC had added.  But 3 is a solid game even without DLC.  It certainly has some spots where it could use fleshing out but even without it feels good.

I've started playing a little, but only gotten a few years in.  One successful war down, and in the middle of a second!

Thanks. I see you're giving plenty of blood to the blood god then.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

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