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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Quote:Life steal is weird. If a unit ends combat with health from life steal, but is damaged, that unit will be end the combat with its normal HP and then take the damage on top of it.
Life Steal : It should heal damage first, then add "extra hit points". Unless the damage was irrecoverable in which case it should do what you describe.

Quote:More raise dead bugs: Sometimes the unit is raised with no HP, and is invisible (graphically).

I will need a save file to reproduce this.

Necromancy should raise allies. If it raised enemies, it's a bug.

Quote:True Sight won't remove illusion based debuffs if they're already on the unit.

It never did, works as intended.

Quote:Illusion immunity does not provide any protection against psionic blast which is an illusion based attack. I feel like this should be a thing.

Are you sure? It should remove the Illusion property of the spell and make it deal damage normally (reduced by armor)

Quote:I could not cast raise dead on chaos-channeled units, this intentional or design oversight?

Intentional. It only works on normal units, not on undead, raised, or chaos channeled units.

Quote:Sometimes i get random unit raised from death as undead to serve me even though that battle involve no hero, I have no unit with ability to create undead too, both me and enemy has no create undead spell/creature.

Is there a save file for this?

Quote:Animate ammo could target magicians, is it intentional? and if it possible to cast on magicians, why it could not all fantastic units with ammo too?

Intentional. It doesn't work on fantastic units as it would be too powerful. For example disables a 30 MP summoned catapult for 5 MP.

Quote:I also have already researched spell of mastery but node still able to counter my spell, is it new feature in CoM2 or it is a bug?


80. Sounds like a maintenance problem. The AI doesn't only care about their MP but also their mana income vs upkeep. If they expect to be unable to pay the upkeep for the long term, they disband units. I will have to check the save file to see if the AI really has mana issues or it's a bug, but the former is more likely. This is why originally even Normal difficulty had 50% maintenance costs for AI, but we've raised it to make low difficulties easier.

81. Yes, it's intended.

82. You have to use the "show invisible" hotkey for that.

(May 16th, 2021, 02:10)Seravy Wrote:
Quote:Sometimes i get random unit raised from death as undead to serve me even though that battle involve no hero, I have no unit with ability to create undead too, both me and enemy has no create undead spell/creature.

Is there a save file for this?

Sorry, save file may have properly overwritten by this point. And even with turn autosave, I still have to dig into which save and which battle, by time I get this bug, it has already turn 400+ and too many battles happen that turn and I don't know how could I tell you which place and which battle it happen on maximal size map.

Edited: I have recalled additional detail, This kind of undead rising seem to in previous game twice in battle which I fought against other wizard on node tile (I am attacker) so maybe effect maybe linking to node.

I think in version 1.0, ai give priority to dispel global enchantment are too low when consider that effect of them could change world balance of power very much. I have not suffer attempt for ai to disjunct my global enchantment at all, while some other ai wizards not even consider dispel global enchantment which would doom them just for being the work of their ally although it would kill them in the end when effect piling up. So I think AI should have crisis mode that trigger once global enchantment become overheated.

Doomsday should have additional ai condition for put extreme priority to put it out if more than 1 Doomsday casted even if the spell is casted by their ally (although they should consider disjunct the same spell from non-ally first).

Armageddon should have similar condition once it start to stack more than 2 or 3 at once especially if they are life/sorcery wizards.

AI should also need to add consideration to disjunct Call the Wild once More than 1 Doomsday or 3 Armageddon casted and not being caster of any copy of Call the Wild themselves as effect of Call the Wild would become deadly once economic collapse happened on factions. so factions which suffer from mass desertion should have consideration to dispel Call the Wild if they have low resource to spare (due to it is easier to dispel than Doomsday and Armageddon).

Wizards which have ally which at war with wizards of chaos realm but not willing to go to war themselves, they should consider disjunct chaos surge and blazing eye of other wizards to shift the balance if they are not get any bonus from those global enchantments. The same could be said with belligerent wizards' charm of life, crusade, inner power, reinforce magic, survival instinct as way to support ally and such action by ally should give positive effect toward relation with ally wizard which at war in general.

Perfectionist AI should have high priority to disjunct global enchantment which damage city infrastructure or degrade their effect such as meteor storm, and darkest hours due to it clearly go against their main interest (building tall cities).

Life and Death realms wizards should have special consideration to disjunct darkest hours due to how much they dependent on religious buildings for power.

And there should be late-game envy issue among wizards that not like one another or toward wizard which lead in some field. AI should start to consider disjunct global's enchantment of wizard who lead in military power which increase their personal military strength such as charm of life, crusade, reinforce magic, holy arms, survival instinct, etc to keep balance of power from becoming too favorable to some powerful wizard. The same could be said Armageddon, Power Link, Planetary Mastery, Life Force for the wizard which lead in Power income and Enlightenment or other global enchantment which increase research/casting skill for the wizard which lead in spell power (mainly to slow down spell of mastery research).

SoM doesn't protect from counters :

Fixed for 1.0.5

Can't contact other wizards after sudden war :

Unable to reproduce. Attacking a wizard without contact and razing their city caused a war as expected but I was able to contact other wizards. I will need a save file for this.

Any chance you were playing with "Against the World" enabled?

Zero HP raise dead :

I found one problem in the code, the "undead damage" field on the unit wasn't zeroed. This will be fixed in 1.0.5, as it's the primary suspect for this bug, please let me know if it persists after update.

Dispel Magic removes own spell lock :

Will be fixed in 1.0.5 be continued

Save file for the no contact. If you hit next turn you'll get first contact with 3 more of the AI, I think? As I mentioned when I exited the game and came back to it, that's when it worked, but you can at least see in the save that it was happening for awhile.

This isn't with Against the World.

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Sometimes (all the time?) when you disenchant area with added power and have to wait a turn, the next turn (after casting) if you try to cast disenchant area again, you cannot add more power to the spell until the next turn.
- Exiting the game, and loading fixes this as well.

Keeps casting the same green spell on the ground, sometimes 3 times in a turn. I'm guessing he is casting a buff on a unit. A bit confusin that the animation keeps showing up on the same empty spot every turn.

Event monster invasion kinda working, this is first time I have ever seen any extra units spawn from this kind of event.. They are on the poles and can't move over water.. But still..

Raven send a full stack/army arfter each of the tree zombies. And then he just left them on the poles for 20 turns, now he just moved one of them for the first time.
Don't know if he should try and recall units to his own area if he has no plans for them? To better defend himself in case of an attack?
Is kinda a small map so could of course argue that this is his own terroritory. And leaving them random places might leave them in a better position to attack of course. But still..

I couldn't help noticing that if I place my armies next to the other wizards citys.. They are not getting the least bit annoyed anymore. And just before anyone says it is intended. I just want to show, why that might not be the best ideer.
So I just played a perfectly normal game. Placing all my units next to my opponents city. (217 mb)
The neutrals was a bit annoying, so I fixed them the same way. Blocking spawn points.
Turns just fly by now.. As long as I keep my military power lower than his and don't summon anything stronger than what he has, he have no reason to declare war. And even though, I would still lose a war with him at the moment, I can press the win buttom. But if I continued I could eventually win an actual war too.
State of players: Smallest world, one AI, average AI.

This would prolly work on hardest difficulty too. And if you don't want to go overbord like here, just placing a unit on the water tiles of the enemies costal cities would prolly hurt them quite a bit.

Using the GoG version:

You can cast flame blade on a chaos channelled unit overland, but not in battle.
I hired the Bard and as the capital was full she got moved one tile NE, but the units in the city all were showing the +1 holy bonus icons when I right-clicked them.

83. Bug. AI was able to cast Transmute on tiles with no ores. Will be fixed in 1.0.5
84. I will have to further test this event. Monsters spawning on poles is not intended and should be impossible due to the nearest city distance being more than 3.
85. Probably not a bug. Even if the AI marked the continent as "no valid target", unless they can find another continent with a target, the units are going to be left there. If you're not at war and they cleared all the neutral targets, the AI units have no reason to move at all, other than to build up new stacks.
(Edit : those are not continental stacks, but intercontinental ones. They should move to the AI's target continent even without boats but the AI likely has none. If the only remaining targets - the towers - are too difficult to beat, the continent enters a cooldown period and can't be chosen again for some time. )
86. You didn't form a Wizard's Pact so there was nothing to violate. AIs only complain at a 1/50 chance per turn without a treaty that forbids you from moving there. However unless they are Peaceful or Lawful, they can roll hostility and attack your units whenever they want without a treaty.

No contact bug : Any chance you were in debug mode and activated the "diplomacy immunity" key? Other than that the only thing that can postpone greetings is being banished.
The "greeting" flag is already enabled in the save file meaning the greeting should happen when the AI gets their next turn. Something is suppressing the effect.

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