Skirmantas, Part One: The Shy King
Let's meet the new king
Skirmantas is
Shy, and
Forgiving and has become a
Grey Eminence making him a very good diplomat. Unfortunately he is pretty bad in everything else. The 4 Stewardship especially: that means we can only hold 3 county titles ourselves without penalty. Suddenly the idea of murdering my youngest brother to inherit his lands seems less appealing as I would just have to give other lands away.
On the Lifestyle tree, the AI has already started him down the August branch of the Diplomatic tree. August is a very good branch for Tribal leaders because it earns more Prestige, and Prestige is needed to construct buildings and men-at-arms instead of / in addition to Gold, whereas Feudal leaders need primarily Gold to pay for those things. We already have 3 perks assigned within that tree:
- Benevolent Intent: +30% Sway Scheme Power
- Firm Hand: +1% Monthly Prestige per Dread
- Inspiring Rule: +5% Monthly Prestige per Powerful Vassal on the Council
Skirmantas filled out his council on the first day:
High Chieftain Sotvaras reprises his role as Chancellor. His Diplomacy stat of 22 is the best in the realm.
Chieftain Skirmantas of Gardinas becomes my Steward. His 14 Stewardship is very solid.
I could make Chieftain Varaka my Marshall as he is the highest among my Powerful Vassals at 18. However, Chieftain Pukuveras is at 16 and will actually have a positive opinion of me aftewards, so I give it to him. Chieftain Varaka has a -100 Opinion and so I do not think he will ever become anything more than a pain.
My Spymaster stays as Charna Frostwhisper. My remaining Powerful Vassals are only 10 and 8 in Intrigue and I'm not letting Varaka close to the position of Spymaster.
Vaidilute does not appear to be open to any landed characters, so I keep it with Adleta.
All the positions keep the same tasks as before, except I have Chancellor Sotvaras work on improving Domestic Affairs, both to increase vassal opinion of me and to hopefully end these wars. Sventaragis should have been doing this, but he was more the warrior than the diplomat. In addition, Marshall Pukuveras improves the County Control of Siauliai; he had been doing so in Raseiniai but now my brother Dravenis controls it.
I start a Sway Scheme, to improve Charna Frostwhisper's opinion of me. While my excellent Diplomacy means it has the highest rate of succeeding (95%), because I am Shy this also means the task will cause me to gain 35 Stress. This is a bit of a shock to me, as I forgot that the Shy trait did this with schemes. I had really hoped to lean on Sway Schemes with Skirmantas being a great Diplomat, and now I will need to find other ways to improve Opinion.
For the next idea we go to the Dungeons:
All those wars that Sventaragis fought brought a lot of captives, and he would always look to ransom those captives to bring in more gold. However there were some where whether their lord did not care of them or just did not exist any longer, ended up as my long-term prisoner. (And any of them that were good fighters Sventaragis would release on condition they would serve as a champion for him.) Here are the remaining 6, and they serve their purpose now: gaining Dread for my new ruler. Only one Vidilist Prussian remains, because it would cost Piety to execute someone of the same faith and upset my courtiers.
Executing prisoners of Hostile or Evil faiths has no penalty, and still gains Dread. Characters of high enough Dread are feared, even if they are not necessarily liked. My idea here is to clean out the dungeons and build up Dread to buy enough time for the Short Rule malus to fade away and to buy time to boost vassal opinion. In the end, I have 5 prisoners executed, earning 60 Dread. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me: why would killing a bunch of heathens that have languished in prison make vassals fear me? But if it keeps them cowering in their corners and not revolting against Skirmantas then all the better!
We use most of our gold on hosting a feast for my new vassals. But again the Shy trait is a curse: I do not lose Stress for attending a feast, thanks to being Shy. This is less of an issue as the main reason for the feast is to make vassals happier, but my character is becoming very stressed and it would be nice to have a way to decrease that! We have some feast events pop up over the months: there is no wine, so I spend 50g more to buy some more in town. This gives me +10 Opinion with everyone attending and extra Prestige each month for 10 years. I am complimented on how perfect the feast is and give credit to my wife Soaba, which increases opinion with everyone for 5 years and makes my wife happy. And then the end of the feast gives 150 Prestige to myself.
I need to gain Prestige again, much like I did with Sventaragis: Prestige gives me more levies from my tribal vassals, and in warfare having an Illustrious Level of Fame means I can conquer whole duchies at a time, and not just single provinces. I am also broke from the feast, so I decide to go on a raid.
I'm taking advantage of Chernigov and Smolensk being weak to go raid them. Raiding mostly gains gold through capturing hostages, which you have a chance of doing at any county where a ruler holds their palace. You can also earn Prestige based on the amount of gold you successfully bring back so we will stop to pillage down all the holdings we can along the way. Smolensk and Chernigov are both very weak, though they have few wealthy holdings.
In July of 1091 I am still raiding when I receive word that my Uncle Poklius has died. This combined with all the stress from extraverted activities in managing a realm is just too much, and Skirmantas has his first mental breakdown:
Poklius had been the uncle who mentored Skirmantas and gave him his education as a Diplomat. After they had been friends and the only vassal who really had a positive Opinion of him when he took the throne. But the wars in Courland had gone badly, ending in him being deposed, and forcing his 8 year old son Utenis to take the throne. Losing Poklius was too much for poor Skirmantas and he suffered a mental break. When you reach 100 Stress the game gives you several options for losing stress in this situation, all of them coming with a drawback. Or you can do nothing and bank on decreasing it on your own. Regardless what you choose, if you are still over 100 Stress in 5 years then you suffer another break. I decide to donate to charity option; it gives Skirmantas the Inprovident trait, good for -15% monthly gold and giving me the ability to donate gold to charity every 5 years to decrease stress. Since I am not able to use Feasts to decrease stress I feel that will be a good replacement.
My sister Roze comes of age that summer, and we find a match in Khan Saru of Cumania. Cumania is a huge, sprawling khanate, and I am drawn to their 3,700 troop army. However it is some distance away and so I cannot rely on them. It also is a very tumultuous region, and there is a risk I get drawn into their wars.
The summer of 1092 sees several huge events. My raiders arrive home that summer, carrying back 163 Gold and earning me 163 Prestige. Second, the Rurik lands have undergone a massive readjustment:
When King Iziaslav of Ruthenia died in October 1090, the Kingdom of Ruthenia went to his oldest, Yaropolk II. And then the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia went to his 2nd eldest, King Mstislav. In order to split the realm fairly, the game's inheritance rules created the Kingdom Title of Galicia-Volhynia, as Galicia-Volhynia was created Oct 23, 1090 the same date that King Iziaslav died. (So you can't get around not splitting your kingdom by not creating the kingdom titles!) Mstislav already started as the Grand Prince of Novgorod, and so now he is a bit of a monster to my northeast and south. He commands 3,600 men and is allied to Ruthenia and Sweden alike.
Meanwhile, King Yaropolk of Ruthenia is being invaded by King Boleslaw II "the Bold" of Poland. Boleslaw would marry a Byzantine princess, securing an alliance with Byzantium's 10,000 men. If Boleslaw had chosen to come north to Lithuania I'm not sure there was anything I could have done to stop him.
Smolensk has also claimed Chernigov and the two duchies are now at war, with Smolensk winning the early battles. King Mstislav will eventually join in that war, and help Chernigov to hold off Smolensk, but it will keep the area in war for some years.
I have done no expansion yet myself, all my efforts going towards internal affairs. Yet that October I spy my first opportunity and declare on the High Chief of Livonia. He is down to one county, Vidzeme, and has an ally to the north in Nyland. However, my 2,000 men suffice and take the capital before their ally can bring any forces to bear. We will finish the war the following May.
That winter Sventaragis develops his childhood trait: Bossy. He is more inclined to a Stewardship or Martial education now. I am tempted to have him follow in his grandfather's footsteps, but for variety's sake I choose Stewardship.
I also found out how Sventaragis got the Ugly trait! The AI, bless its heart, had Skirmantas take a concubine with the Ugly trait. And so just my luck he had his first son with her and not with his Genius Wife Soaba.
I organize another raiding party in winter 1093 and raid northwards into Estonia before taking advantage of Galicia-Volhynia being away at war, and raiding their capital at Novgorod. I host another feast in 1095, to earn more Prestige. That was a lively feast: my sister Saule who had just come of age was found having a tumble with the Chieftain Kugis of Sambia. Chieftain Kugis is one of my powerful vassals who I have left off the court, and he clearly did this to ruin my honor. I immedately send Saule off to be married to Chieftain Susi's son, Asko Itkonen, in the Finnish Chiefdom of Kakisalmi. They command 1,300 troops. I had the option of marrying her to High Chieftain Tolun of Chuvashia with double the men, but they are just north of the Caucasus, and I do not want all my allies so far away. Speaking of the Caucasus, Cumania has splintered and Roze's husband has ended up only with that kingdom to his name.
As for Chieftain Kugis, I can have him arrested for Adultering. But it is risky to do so and the game tells me it is about a 50/50 chance that I will succeed. If I fail he will raise his armies in revolt along with any other disgruntled vassals. I choose to wait.
The world gets a lot less safe in 1095:
Poland has won their war for the Kingdom of Ruthenia! They are now a monster threat to my south. They also picked up the duchy of Turov, east of Novgorod, and the County of Tmutarakan on the northeast shore of the Black Sea. In addition, my strongest ally, Cumania, has splintered! I've outlined what the realm used to be in blue, but it is no longer the regional force it used to be. My sister Roze is married to Khan Aibak of the Caucusus and so that is where our alliance moves. They have a daughter together now.
Worse than Poland's might, is that now they can now direct it against anybody who is not Christian: The Crusades are now open for business!
But at least I now know how to tell a good tale:
Of course, you already knew that
Other happenings:
- I hired a new Vaidilute who has better (20!) Learning and likes me, solving my problem of not being endorsed by my lead clergy.
- Kiire, the wife of my uncle Sotvaras, tried to seduce me. Recall that she had done the same with Sventaragis; that woman likes power.
- My brother Dravenis liked me enough to accept an alliance, but of course Shy means that cost me 10 stress.
- Duke Svarnas defeated Count Rogvolod and seized his holdings.
- My cousin High Chieftain Utenis lost his war and was deposed; his sister High Chieftess Mikova now rules Courland.
Next update will catch us up to where I am currently at