T100 Mega Report
If you follow PB60, you know that today sucked. But it's T100 so you get a report; maybe just not quite as big as I planned. I'll start with an overview of my territory.
I'm up to 15 cities, roughly on track with the IMP civs; I'm very pleased about that. You can also see two more settlers finishing; I wasn't kidding about the 'Classic Amica Recovery.' I went through this midgame emergency expansion in PB56 and PB58 too - Oops.

The big question is whether or not I can hold it together. On this subject, I think this map favoured the slower traits over the faster ones (other than maybe CRE), because the starting areas were so clearly defined. I think I got more land than average, but even then I'm talking about a couple of fishing islands; nothing crazy.
I'm very pleased with my combo - I got two mid-late game traits, and pseudo-CRE (the most useful early trait here). The Great Lighthouse is proving so powerful that it plus Stonehenge are probably as good as a 3rd trait, which is awesome.

I'll show my finance screen when currency comes in, but as of this turn GLH makes me 33 commerce, and my coastal cities already break even.
Here are my demos:
You can see that I haven't exactly fixed my population problem. Too busy whipping out settlers!

I'm optimistic, considering that Food/Hammers/GNP are passable already. My goal for the next 20-30 turns is to convert my land-area lead into a population lead; then we will see how I'm really doing.
(May 24th, 2021, 21:36)El Grillo Wrote: I expect you'll cover these, but - How has the early going been for you compared to how you expected it to go? What's the tech path from here? Anything you wish you had done differently in hindsight?
Thanks for this. The early game has (mostly) played out ideally. I landed my two goal wonders, I've kept up in expansion, and my economic situation isn't ruined! In hindsight, I wish I'd not screwed up my worker micro early. I must have set myself behind at least 2 or 3 turns with those wasted turns and roads; imagine where I'd be if not for that. It actually made me like simming less; I way overthought everything. I've been doing much better since I stopped simming and just spent time thinking about micro during turns. I might start doing that instead for future games. I also wish I hadn't razed Pindicator's cities, but that's just life now.
Here is the tech tree:
I was thinking about either Calendar for MoM, or Code of Laws for Confucianism. However, TBS got the former (yikes) and someone got the latter. Instead, I'm considering Literature for the Great Library in Unison, but I'll update if the plans change.
I was going to do an opponent overview of the 4 people I seem to share an island with. Here's an abridged version. One thing worth mentioning before this list is that besides Pindicator, everyone on our island is pretty strong in the demos. We remind me of Africa in the World Map PB; if everyone is strong, no one can kill each other, and thus we will eventually get outpaced. I'm curious to see if that comes to pass. If I was on this list, I'd be between Cairo and Mackoti.
Pindicator: Might have been leading our island if not for the attacks. However, he's now been knocked out of contention. With that said, Pindicator is far from irrelevant, and can still play a major role on the continent. He can absolutely screw myself or Naufragar over, if he's feeling spiteful. I can't say I'd blame him.
Cairo: 2nd weakest player on the island. He's just got a very slow pick, and hasn't built any lighthouses despite being FIN/ORG, which feels weird. I've noticed Cairo doesn't whip much; I don't think that's objectively bad, but on this food-loaded map, it seems like a mistake. Cairo has won a game, and is much better than me, so I'm probably missing something.

If he's left alone for long enough I'm sure we'll start to see that GNP spike, so Cairo is still a powerful factor.
Mackoti: I hadn't expected much from Mackoti after he wanted to quit and had a weak combo. He's rocking my world; Mackoti is the top GNP as Genghis Khan!!!

No idea how he does it. But I'm glad, because it means Naufragar has some competition instead of just steamrolling us.
Naufragar: Currently winning our island, although Mackoti is much closer than I expected. Easy access to Pindicator, and all of Pindicator's eastern portion after the Dutch settled towards me. Naufragar does have a clock, but his food is near the top and I need Mackoti to act as a counterweight over there. I'm still annoyed that he left me out to dry, but I'm letting his scouting WB through, as a peace offering. Sometimes you gotta make the first move, right?