Quote:While building housing I changed the one farmer to a worker and the population gain went from +160 a turn to +457
That seems a lot of extra growth to from just one extra production.
It's not one production, it's the ratio of your workers between "free" population.
Assuming your city is something like 3 population that has 2 mandatory farmers, you have 1 free figure to set to either a farmer or worker.
If you set it to worker, then you have 100% of these figures as workers, so Housing is 100% effective.
If you set it to farmer, then you have 0% of these figures as workers, so Housing is 0% effective. (not sure if minimal 40 applies before or after)
If you have two figures you can change, each of them are worth 50% housing effect, with 3 each are worth 33% and so on. Basically if you have no workers, housing does nothing.
(June 10th, 2021, 06:53)hackflow Wrote: Next turn after battle where I used Mystic Surge on Dwarf hero I tried to use Natrure's Cures on him but it only healed 4 hit points instead of fully recovering him. One more cast healed him completely.
COM 1.06
Here is a save before casting Nature's Cures
I loaded this save file but the Dwarf hero was fully healed.
Raven casts earthquake on my city ... I agree with him on a wizard pact, Raven casts earthquake on a city anyways. Is this what 'Maniacal' personality is like? Yikes!