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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Oh, you mean the default starting spells.
Yes, that table is not in the modding files yet. I'll need to add it.

Probable bug: over the end turn in this file, 2 units desert because of lack of food.

This happens despite ending the turn with enough food. To my understanding, this should never happen unless you lose a city or resource building; the food deficit should just be present next turn so that the player has a chance to respond to it.

Zombies and Skeletons are not undead? They have all the buffs from undead and as the only death summoned units can't heal. But can be raised again with raised dead?

Regeneration 2 (the spell) can't heal "no healing"(undead) units in battle?
Same with naturally regenerating units, they do not regain health doing fights once animated. Animated dead Vampires do not approve..
Guessing it is the same with raised dead units? Kinda changes the units regeneration x to regeneration 0 I guess.

Exaltation: 57hp skeletons? Sure, why not..
Looks like Exaltation gives 8 hp divided by the number of units. This wounded unit have 1 figure and gets all 8 hp to a total of 9 hp, but it also brings back the missing 6 units that each have 1 hp.
Resulting in a unit with 7 figures and 9 max life and a few life missing. For a total of now 57 hp remaining. Looks like it buffs first and then heal non-buff missing figures. The buffing/healing should prolly be reversed..

A few Wind walking units can move a hero/unit/group of 7, all around the world in one turn.
Because: "Carried units cannot drop below 0.5 movement points unless the windwalker runs out of movement points". I can just keep changing to a new windwalker.

Prosperity just got changed to a 77% bonus, but the text did not.

Gold: Omniscient(%), Prosperity(%) and Miners guild(%) do not benefit from Dwarven Miners ore bounus or each other when talking about gold.
Mana: Omniscient(%) benefit from Miners guild(%), Cult leader(%), Dark ritual(%), normal ore and Dwarf Miners ore bonus.
Seems a bit inconsistent. Have 47,5% Omniscient bonus in video.

With the setting Requeue All turned on, I still had to requeue all destroyed buildings myself, when rampaging monsters was done stomping on my town.
Same if I destroy a building in my own town with raise volcano, it opens the city screen but I have to add the buildings myself.

Volcanoes removed with Gaia's blessing still gives terrain mana, if a new volcano is cast on same spot as the previous volcano no new mana income is gained though.

Crash in auto battle. I pressed the "d"-key right as the phantomwarriors was attacking in an auto battle, I have tried this exact crash before back in number 50
Wee.. Finally managed to replicate this bug..
I can consistently reproduce this crash, starting [auto] and pressing "d"-key repeatedly while there is a melee fight happening have a high chance of crashing the game.
Done it with no problems in a lot of different fights with different units on both sides.

134. Correct, summoned units are not undead until raised. I admit it's weird.
135. Seems to be a bug? As far as I remember Regeneration and Herb Mastery did heal undead in the DOS version.
136. Definitely a bug. It's a "not healing" unit so giving extra hp is correct and the amount of 8 is fine (the dead figures can't come back to life either way), but it shouldn't also raise figures as if they were healed.
137. It seems chain transportation only applies to the Transport ability at the moment. Wind Walking should probably be added, but how?

The current rule is effectively "If this unit has been moved together with a Transport earlier this turn, it cannot move with another transport unless at least one of those original transports is also moving."

If you read that carefully it means Transports can always move in any stack because they themselves are one of the "original transports" from the previous move. So Wind Walking would do the same if included but then the Wind Walker can be carried by any number of boats.

So we'll probably need a completely new rule for that. Any suggestions?
(oh and keep in mind a boat can also have wind walking.)

139. Looking at the DOS version :
Gold : additive +X% bonus handled the same way as Bank.
Power, Research : Multiplicative bonus (Power doesn't have any other percentage bonus so additive would be the same effect)
Production : additive +X% bonus handles like Miner's Guild.

So basically the bonus is supposed to be always additive. This seems to be working as intended except for one part, mineral bonus which is not an additive global gold or mana bonus.
That one can either be included in the "base gold" and "base power" or not but currently it's included for power and excluded for gold.
I'll change it so that it's also included for gold.

141. Fixed for next update.

142. Will disable the input for those buttons (Done,Wait,Spell,Flee) during auto combat.

More findings in V1.01.00:

-         The sale of the Granary didn´t result in a pop shrink! >image
-         A heroes Water Walking buff is dispelled. He cannot move on the water, but continues to fight. After being triumphant, the hero is gone/ probably drowned. If you push the green “Flee” button instead, he will return happy and alive to the land tile he came from. Intended?
-         Razing a 48 pop city took much longer than 2500 people/turn.
-         A fortress city without fortress while banished cannot be razed.
-         A city - previously visited but not destroyed by monsters - will leave behind a ruin containing these monsters after being razed. ... Actually, that's pretty cool.)

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Quote:The sale of the Granary didn´t result in a pop shrink! >image

That's normal. You need Doomsday or Famine for the population to shrink down when exceeding the maximal.

Quote:A heroes Water Walking buff is dispelled. He cannot move on the water, but continues to fight. After being triumphant, the hero is gone/ probably drowned. If you push the green “Flee” button instead, he will return happy and alive to the land tile he came from. Intended?

Yes, pretty much. The fleeing part, not really, but it's consistent with other sea fleeing behavior so it's ok.

Quote:  Razing a 48 pop city took much longer than 2500 people/turn.

I'm suspecting the growth rate isn't zero while being razed?
Usually not an issue but if you skyrocket growth with Stream of Life and Klackons...

Quote: A fortress city without fortress while banished cannot be razed.

Added to my buglist.

Quote: A city - previously visited but not destroyed by monsters - will leave behind a ruin containing these monsters after being razed.

I suspect the ruins were there in the first place after the monsters, but the city covered it. I'll check the rampaging monster razing code.

(June 24th, 2021, 15:45)Seravy Wrote: I'm suspecting the growth rate isn't zero while being razed?
Usually not an issue but if you skyrocket growth with Stream of Life and Klackons...

That's why it must be.

135) (again)
Regenerating undead. They sure did, and it was glorious.
Here is also a video from MOM - community patch

Consecration: "All corrupted map squares around the city are purified at the end of turn". Same as in number 49 and 115
You fixed a typo back in number 115. But still not working.. It only removes around 3 squares total of corruption.

Casting Haste on my sky dragon only gives it 6 movement for this turn. But 8 movement for the rest of the fight.
This is only if cast when on the defence though and only if it is the already selected unit.
Savegame: Press [Next turn] twice and cast haste on the sky dragon.
Hmm.. Removing this dragon and summoning a new one seems to give the full amount of movement every time.
I can only get this specific sky dragon to do this. But it does it every time.. Moving it out of the city and back into the city dosn't change anything.
Moving it out of the city and attacking something with it, seems to fix it when I move it back to the city.

Moving with web on..
Giant Spider cast web on my sky dragon, I cast haste on it and it gets its extra movements. It can now move and attack while still being affected by web.

Ranged attack cost all movements points. I cast haste on an doom bat with endurance, giving it 14 movement points.
It does attack two times because of haste, and it do use two ammo. But the price for a ranged attack used to be 10 movement points. This used to allow movement or another attack arfter the ranged attack.

Razing a city.
Tried with my small dwarf city that can have a total of 34000 inhabitants. But only have 20800 inhabitants right now.
Takes me 10 turns to remove all people, that is 2080 people each turn.
Growth in the city each turn is (1st turn: 320, 2nd turn: 340, etc: 360, 280, 250, 360, 440, 520, 600, 680)
4150 total growth in those 10 turns, making it, in total 2495 dead people each turn. Prolly a rounding error, so 2500 a turn seems about right.
So if its a huge city with massive growth it will take quite a bit of extra turns.. Sell farmers market and remove stream of life tongue

Tried razing the same city again, now without farmers market and stream of life: Growth was now 130, 140, 150, 140, 170, 240, 345, 415, 485
Only 2215 total growth in those 9 turns, making it a full turn faster.
A total of 2557 dead people each turn.

My city was producing 'housing' when I clicked on raze on the two previous attempts and I can see that the city kept trying to build housing all the way through.
I now changed to something other than housing beforing clicking on raze. Growth was now 90, 100, 115, 100, 110, 125, 135, 145, 160
Only 1080 total growth in those 9 turns. Could almost save another turn here.
A total of 2431 dead people each turn.

Having a city that actually can house 48 inhabitants sounds like it will have crazy growth.. Hmm.. Let's try..
And.. My 45 max city here have 1413 growth each turn, even without Stream of life that is still well over 1000 growth each turn.
Reducing raze speed with more than 40%, this is of course most obvious when there are only a few inhabitans remaining, because above 13 population housing dosn't do much.
Edit: (A babyboom and farmers market would send the growth up to around 2300/turn, making it almost impossible to raze the city untill the babyboom stops.)

Edit: Seems to be almost working like it should, except that it dosn't feel like it is intended that you have to change away from housing before you raze a city.
Edit: Also as can be seen in the video, "[city name] grows to population xx", it is pretty far off from the right number each time, also should prolly be something like "[city name] has been reduced to population xx".

(June 24th, 2021, 17:08)Mqz Wrote: 146)
But the price for a ranged attack used to be 10 movement points. This used to allow movement or another attack arfter the ranged attack.

That was actually a bug:

Master of Magic 1.2 change log Wrote:-  Units may only fire 1 missile attack each turn. Firing a ranged
  attack ends the unit's turn.

They just botched the fix, thinking that simply raising the cost to 10 would be enough. We've fixed it properly in 1.51, it's been like that ever since.

If there is a valid target for Animate dead, then I can't cancel the spell..

Disillusionise; the are some problems with the new changes that was made back in number 101.
Now it says "4 spells, and 1 more have been dispelled", when it removes 5 spells.
"3 spells has been dispelled", even though it removed 4 spells.

Disillusionise and city growth
If there is any turn news/city growth, then there is no way for me to see what actually happend, this is a generel problem with other spells too and very annoying..
Clicking will always remove the spell info before the turn news. And you can only get the turn news back with F6, not the spell info..

I'm in an alliance with Sharee. And she is just totally cool with me casting unbuffed Disillusionise 20 times on her citys removing every single of her city buffs. 13 spells total. We are at Friendly relation, before and arfter the 20 spells.. Seems a bit.. odd..
Arfter 50 overland stasis spells on her units and citys.. Also no difference at all..

But what would make her angry? I tested what I had to do just to bring our relationship down to neutral. I had to either:
Cast 4 final wave with 20 kills total, 4 volcanos on top of her citys, cast 5 eartquakes on her fortress, 6 spell blasts, 7 corruption, 20 firestorms OR 23 blizzards.
Difficulty: Advanced. Personality: Maniacal. I have no overland spells. She have 3 citys. We have the same spellbooks. Only 1 AI in the game. We have each our plane. (Savegame before I startede trying to anger her).

Casting 3 pestilence finally gave the correct response, she told me I ways betraying her and trying to kill her while hiding behind our alliance! Yay! And.. Then she continued to be pretty cool about everything (Calm). And then every single person in her empire died.. (3 towns with 1 population left each).
No dispelling or anything.. I then cast evil presence and chaos rift on her 3 citys. She yelled at me again.. And then we continued being great fiends..
100 turns later and she still havn't dispelled a single of the city curses, and we are great friends..

She have a hell of a lot bigger army and mana income than me, I just have way more spell power and population, so maybe she just thinks i'm harmless..

But seriously though, are we sure diplomacy is working as intended? I sure can cast many harmfull spells on my ally without any consequences..
Maybe she should demand that I remove my curses myself or our relationship decrease quite a bit if I don't? And maybe she should get a little more angry about having something like pestilence cast on her large fortress city?
And seriously.. 130 turns with 3x powerfull curses on each of her 3 citys.. Dispelling sure ain't working..
(Can also see the fallout in the savegame, in number 152)

Sharee is chain casting Cloud of Shadows on her fortress, sometimes several times in the same turn. Maybe she thinks Cloud of Shadows are a dispel spell?

I had an event that created an ore on top of a warped node. Sound familiar? smile
Same as back in number 45, back then it was ore on towers. (Can also see savegame in number 152)

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