Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Mjmd #59] Sea Shanties!


Dreadnaughts are just great. I discovered a couple more songs I like from them today (this one I had planned). It's a very appropriate song for this whole war.

I should have raised Jaz Murian. Mind Ramk could have retaken Cruel Wars and fortified with archers if I had (the elephant and cat are new so couldn't have attacked if he had put stack on cottage). Now I can reinforce. I lost an axe I shouldn't have to a chariot from the fog. But ya Now we get to stare at each other. Creative is putting in work though. I'll keep all the tiles next to Jaz for vision and tile movement control (even if Gobi pops 4th ring).

[Image: OAsDvLL.jpg]

Ramk did not take a shot with his C4 trireme before, but he should this turn. I'm unloading troops on his horse island. ETA on attacking /shrug.
Mig finally gave him open borders, so had to put some units over there.

Charriu looks to be attacking Laz? He has tri and galley hiding in little lake.
GKC did not respond about going back to war. I'm assuming he will jump in whatever war looks better for him.


Someday Ramk will lose a 76% fight. Someday.

Ramk actually has a huge army that was freed up from GKC peacing out. I'm withdrawing the invasion force on his horse island to help secure the mainland (Have I mentioned how that line of hills is really annoying defending). I had built a road for my possible invasion, which it looks like he is using against me! He might get another city raze in........


I'm kind of sad Ramk didn't dive in. I probably would have lost a city but at least we would have traded stacks. He instead opted to retake Cruel Wars. I'm evacuating now.

Edit: Ramk razed a lazteuq city but he stopped trading with me. I get they have common enemy vs GKC, but ???? why me Laz.


A very STUPID raze. My best guess is Ramk put his galley in Charriu territory and declared war to get a magic teleport across my empire?. To then kill 2 fully loaded galleys and raze worst old ship. The stupidest thing is I meant to unload those galleys last turn......... Then I was like I guess it doesn't matter and then I lost 6 units and a city.........

Edit: I'm not willing to reread teleport mechanics, but why the hell don't units teleport to nearest space they can. IE MY TERRITORY GAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

EDIT EDIT. IT ALSO MEANS I"LL HAVE TO DELETE 2 units that were evacuating........ F#&#&#&^@*#$&#(%#$#

EDIT EDIT EDIT: I also 2 pop whipped grog for a forge instead of starting a replacement settler.....

EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: I figured it out. It probably did teleport into my territory and then ya know 5 move galley. BLOODY HELL STILL.

Ramk wants peace ROFL ROFL ROFL.


Ramk choose eternal war and moved to the corn.

Should take horse island in two turns. Can then pressure iron island. T136 is earliest he could have stack in my territory. But that would leave him completely exposed to GKC. I also have enough cats to make that very bloody.


Ramk who usually plays in a timely manner did not play today. Do I think it was purposeful to at least determine if GKC is invading. Ya probably. I mean he has to decide to reinforce or abandon horse island. To invade me or pivot his stack ect. But still kind of meh.

I meanwhile have whipped my capital twice including a dry whip and also dry whipped Donkey just in case he invades. The capital whips hurt.

Edit: GKC did log in before this turn. Doesn't stop him from declaring next turn I suppose / joining in first half.


Took Kumtag the horse island WITH NO LOSSES!!!! (you know to make up for the last time I tried to take it evidently). Ramk has stuff in the area including 1 cat, 1 axe, and 1 spear on the jungle and some galleys, but my 1 elephant survived with 100% HP and I have a full strength axe. His other island also has no garrison, so I imagine he will just load up and unload there.

So I was somewhat afraid of an invasion this turn (2nd part), so I whipped a HA in Whiskey. I then of course at the end of my turn remembered to double check the road on the jungle hill leading to me was still there (which I've done every turn), and it was pillaged. So wasted whip / sigh. Not even in the top 20 mistakes this game.

Traded maps with Frozen this turn. I now know everything except 1 of the islands.

T138!!!! I killed Ramks GG Trireme!

Anyways I was going to suggest to lurkers that Ramk take over one of the two major players that wants out of this game, but it actually doesn't look like Ramk is going to die anytime soon........ So I would suggest someone reach out to Pindicator and maybe Mr Cairo. I know Jowy had said he probably doesn't want to play many more due to time, but maybe. Pindicator if he isn't in a funk is a good replacement for either Mack or TBS though.

I was a little afraid of GKC running through Ramk and then into me (as I don't have a lot of elephants but instead axes). It doesn't look like that is an issue:
[Image: Iuo1hbc.png]

Invading into cats is hard unless you are Mig.

War situation:
[Image: nVmNCQx.jpg]
I probably take Sonora in 2 turns. I'll rename horse city so you all have a song. I predict GKC will retreat his stack and sign peace.......

My plan such as it is is to go optics for my UU. Frozen having paper means at least 1 team if not a couple more have or will soon have Galleons, but luckily Frozen is pretty far away so hopefully can get any asto islands in and around me. Optics trade routes would also be huge. I was thinking of skipping calendar, but will allow me to improve southern banana is main draw and stop paying TBS for a happy (although he is only charging 4gpt). Maybe I'll give a happy to GKC as a alright

I also think I'm going to finally work on a library in Old Billy Riley for my 1st golden age after its current trireme. Ramk evidently still has something over near GKC, but I should have permanent sea control now.


I learned something. For some reason I thought even morale GGs didn't have movement after being unloaded onto bare ground. I was wrong. Ramk razed DonkeyRiding with a morale axe.......... It had 2 settled GGs. This is actually the most devastating raze yet. I did resettle this turn with settler meant for WorstOldShip. I finally get to kill the bloody GG galley (he says 7 cities razed for that galley, but I'm pretty sure its only been 6; its 8 total.......). He also renamed the GG that razed so that when I killed it it broadcast a message to the entire bloody world (Mjmd played with a cat). This is strictly against the code of conduct....... 

Ramk also unloaded a chariot to I guess deny me the cow for 1 turn? Mind you it won vs a hose archer.......... I had 2 chariots in range to kill both the wounded chariot and the GG axe as mentioned.

Edit: it is 7 cities razed. He took Royal Oak the first time not razed it.


Kind of a classic. I maybe should have saved for a better city but eh. A lot of blood was spilled for a little nothing island so I think it kind of fits.

I took Sanora and actually won some high 40% battles. GKC seems to be serious about this and has knights incoming.

[Image: l5MwY26.png]

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