Map Feedback:
So let's talk about the map. I prepared a stitched screenshot of our continent. Luckily everything is mirrored and therefore everything I say about our continent applies to the others as well.
Before I say anything controversial about the map I want to say that I enjoy playing on it. I was not in the mood for a tight rush heavy map and it delivered in that regard. That's mainly due to the distant between capitols and most importantly due to the jungled isthmuses. The only minor downside with this is that the map feels constructed and the area of influence is clearly defined for every player as well as areas of conflict. For this time this is ok for me, but I would like to play a map with less clearly defined player areas next. Overall I don't have a big problem with that fact about the map because it lead to a longer development phase for players.
I think it's important to mention how it feels to play this map. It's like every group of 5 players is playing a PB of their own with some loose connection between those PBs. I think you will understand later what I mean by this. I also would say that players will first attempt to capture their whole continent before attempting any naval landings on other continents (islands of course are a different story).
If you look at the 5 player areas one would say that they are totally or near totally balanced between them. This is true if you take resources, tile distribution and access to islands for example. Everybody has the same resources like for example gold and gems. By the way the fact that we are missing silver makes me think that there are astronomy islands with silver in the fog of war. This and other things are one of the up/downside of a mirrored map like for example that I knew a lot about Lazteuq's territory even though I never explored it. Looking more closely though I see that there are in fact some meaningfull differences between the 5 player areas. Let's start with the shape of they areas. My player area is a dream with a centrally located capitol (look for the only sugar resource to know where the capitol is) and therefore core cities that can reach all the border areas easily for unit production. The quality of the shape decreased in the following order I would say: Mjmd->Lazteuq->GKC->Ramk. Ramk has the worst shape because his capitol is shifted significantly north. This in turn increases maintenance cost when he starts settling towards Mjmd. It also meant he had less time to develop a border region in that direction. The upside of this of course is that Mjmd is not able to reach Ramk's core that fast, which made defending this area a bit easier.
Another difference is access to the other continents and therefore trading partners. Mjmd, Lazteuq and to a lesser degree GKC are in a better position compared to the other two. Reason is that these players can easily deny the other two trade by declaring war. As long as you haven't explored the whol x-access-wrap you could nothing to prevent this, especially if you are at war with both of your neighbors like Ramk was and is. Another reason why this is a stronger position is that war between players is less likely, because taking care of your own continent is more important for security. This is also true for Ramk and me even though we are on the same continent. With just galleys it is just to hard to establish a bridge head on a different continent or on the other side of ones own. While we are talking about travelling by sea another small difference is the distribution of lakes. Here I and to a lesser degree Mjmd are the only players to be able to hide navies in the inner sea.
Getting back to the mainland we see more differences on the isthmuses. Everybody isthmus has a stronger and a weaker side. The stronger side being the one with banana and more hills. Now everybody has at least one of those versions in a regular pattern, but the important difference here is the distribution of mountains, which allow for more visibility. Take the border between me and Lazteuq. Thanks to the mountain I have constant vision on his border city even through the jungles. He on the other hand has no vision of my border city because the jungle prevents this. I realized this almost to late, when I started removing the jungle and in order to station unseen knights in my border city I stopped removing the jungle. If we make the round we see that I have another mountain on the Mjmd border, while he has none. Mjmd and Ramk have both one as well as Ramk and GKC. GKC is in the same advantage as me vs Lazteuq. Now it's also important how you can settle those border cities and here I think GKC and I have the best border positions towards Lazteuq.
One last thing I wanted to talk about is the lategame, when naval landings across continents are realistic and play mostly devolves into a 5 player PB on a huge map. Here the map clearly gives an advantage to going for a culture victoy. Reason for that is the only the players on the neighboring continents are in a good position to challenge such a victory. The other two have such a big distance towards the culture player that making an earnest attempt of preventing the culture victory really hard especially if all the culture cities are inland.
With all this in mind I want to briefly talk about the state of the game on the other continents. First
AT, Miguelito,
Donovan, Elkad: On this continent we have two superpowers (civac and Miguelito) keeping them selves in check so far. The fate of Elkad will decide this continent and which of those two will take the continent.
Cornflakes, Ichabod, Frozen, Picadilly,
Jowy: Picadilly is on a stronger position thanks to conquering Jowy. Still nothing is decided yet. I would especially keep a watch on Cornflakes, who makes an earnest attempt at a culture victory so far.
Joshy, TBS, Commodore, Superdeath, Tarkeel: Since TBS conquere Joshy his other two neighbors Superdeath and Commodore keep him in check. Who would have thought that those two have to ally against a common enemy.
Mr. Cairo, mackoti, Amicalola, naufragar,
pindicator: pindicator isn't eliminated yet, but he more or less is with just one city. (Yes that is knowledge that can only have because I played for him, but please show me how I benefit by that). This continent is very interesting because it is divided between 3 equally strong players.
My guess for this game at this state is that the winner will either be civac or Miguelito, who have the strongest positon as of yet. Especially civac, because if he conquers the continent he has an easy position to prevent the culture attempt by Cornflakes.