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[SPOILERS] Woden and ljubljana like boats

I pinned a "Do No Take" pin at Fort Lankton. There is a mine that I can pillage bur you can ignore it if you like or not but if you decide to let them live another turn. But if you let them live, make sure you don't bring the health down to a point where Russia/Australia can sneak in an attack and take the city.

Just played my turn...there was both an emergency against me for taking the English capital and one against Russia for take the Indonesian capital. No clue why you couldn't vote for the Russia emergency. I put my free votes against the issues.

Bad news at Fort Lakton...I low-rolled in taking out the walls on my first hit, and they ended up with 2 health remaining. Then my next shot highrolled, leading to this situation:

Do you think I should leave it, or just take the city? It doesn't look like it's in range of my unpromoted caravel, but if Russia has one out there with Wars of Religion and Oligarchic Legacy the city could get sniped. I think I'll probably take it unless I hear back saying otherwise.

Blah, I guess in retrospect I should have just left the walls up and retreated. Sorry about that...

Take it! Better to have the city.

Will do. I've been really sloppy tactically during the Japan half of this war, and am sorry about that...hard to stay on point given a) the turn pace and b) the lack of any actual ships to fight. But that is no excuse and I will do my best to do better when it really matters smile

Turn 160 - Phoenicia

Both emergencies passed, which is a net good for us I think, since Kaiser doesn't have too many units left, but sub/roland might be a little better positioned to help versus Russia.

Fort Lakton is kill. I think I will leave four caravels and four frigates in the west to help hopefully trap marco, and the rest are heading home.

In the north, I killed the walls at Anoch Sun but didn't take the rest of the health down, on the theory that I think marco's DoF with Kaiser will run out soon (early t160s), and I don't want to make the city too easy to snipe. Unfortunately, he will probably snipe it anyways, though, and there isn't much we can do to stop him if he does due to the blockade.

Three questions for you:

1. Are you okay with me attacking that city state in the west next? We could try to deny marco an early CS liberation, but I doubt it's possible given how exposed your captured CS are. If we're not doing that, taking this city would be useful as a distraction.
2. What should we do if a big marco fleet appears in the south over the next few turns to start killing our Japanese conquests? I think this is pretty likely given his milpower numbers, so you should probably start walls soon in the exposed cities.
3. Are you still confident you can take Fort Krasia in the next 8 turns? If not, I'm not sure how feasible it will be to trap marco here while in range of multiple cities + encampments...

Fourth question for you, this one domestic. I can now make a campus in the capital, which will take 3 turns and not slow down any other ships due to wonky overflow things (it would slow down the Demotic trader by 1t, but who cares). It is worth a lot of beakers (4 for me and ~10-12 for you) and food (7 for me), but it is also not a ship, so I started another caravel instead. Do you want to overrule that, though? I'm open to a campus if you think the game will go long enough for it to matter.

edit: lol i just realized we are about to have ANOTHER WC turn after t161... We should also watch out on t174 for the chance to declare an emergency on Russia, which, even if it fails, would prevent them from declaring one on us and pushing it through with their diplo favor edge. Do you know if I have priority in calling an emergency as player 1? I literally don't even know how to call one lmao, but it's going to be very important to get that right when the time comes.

(August 27th, 2021, 00:46)ljubljana Wrote: Three questions for you:

1. Are you okay with me attacking that city state in the west next? We could try to deny marco an early CS liberation, but I doubt it's possible given how exposed your captured CS are. If we're not doing that, taking this city would be useful as a distraction.

Why attack it. It is not captured so no liberation bonus for marco. If you capture it, it will only give marco the opportunity to liberate it. I don't think it is worth it but if you want more experience for your ships, go for it.

Quote:2. What should we do if a big marco fleet appears in the south over the next few turns to start killing our Japanese conquests? I think this is pretty likely given his milpower numbers, so you should probably start walls soon in the exposed cities.

We probably see most of his fleet in the north, I don't expect a large fleet to sail up from the south. We will see his MP rise if that is the case. Regardless, our main focus should be our main island. If he palns on attacking our conquests, it will be a good distract so we can foucs on Russia.

Quote:3. Are you still confident you can take Fort Krasia in the next 8 turns? If not, I'm not sure how feasible it will be to trap marco here while in range of multiple cities + encampments...
I should be able too. I have my berserkers heading there now. I send my General south to aid in the bombardment of the southern cities but he will be shipped back north once the walls are gone on the first city in the south.

Quote:Fourth question for you, this one domestic. I can now make a campus in the capital, which will take 3 turns and not slow down any other ships due to wonky overflow things (it would slow down the Demotic trader by 1t, but who cares). It is worth a lot of beakers (4 for me and ~10-12 for you) and food (7 for me), but it is also not a ship, so I started another caravel instead. Do you want to overrule that, though? I'm open to a campus if you think the game will go long enough for it to matter.

Build the campus and then you should have enough faith soon to buy the library. Pillages are becoming less available and it would be good to increase my science rate to keep up with Russia. The time of frigates is coming to an end and we need to make sure we can get to battleships around the time he does, if not sooner.

Quote:edit: lol i just realized we are about to have ANOTHER WC turn after t161... We should also watch out on t174 for the chance to declare an emergency on Russia, which, even if it fails, would prevent them from declaring one on us and pushing it through with their diplo favor edge. Do you know if I have priority in calling an emergency as player 1? I literally don't even know how to call one lmao, but it's going to be very important to get that right when the time comes.

Not sure if emergencies can be called soon after a world congress but if you do call one, they will get a change to call one on us (reason for the turn between when it is called and when you vote), so it doesn't really matter who calls it first. You call emergencies in the world congress tab.

Turn 161 - Phoenicia

Spotted what could be the start of another marco fleet:

My 3-range frigate frigate was agonizingly just one XP short of promotion, with no easy way to get anything else with no Kaiser ships around frown(((

I am sending it up towards the northern cities, but it will not be promotable until t168, the first turn of the war frown

I am feeling a little more confident about my ships near the home islands, with Abjad having pumped out 3 Line of Battle frigates (one of which is still a quad) and with 3 more on the way before the war starts:

As you correctly noted, I am also totally bankrupt now even after sending you a new TR from Abjad, so thank you very much for the 400 gold donation smile

Where are all of Russia's ships, though? They have a bunch of scattered ones floating around our territory, but we have no intel at all on roughly 3/4 of their fleet...

I didn't do anything at Have a Good Time (former CS), but I may attack next turn. My logic is that marco is certain to be able to liberate a CS anyways, since he has ships by the indefensible CS conquests we have by the home islands, so we may as well grab the extra city to distract him for a few turns. There is also a nice Kaiser trader there that I can kill, though I should get it either way in a few turns. Does that seem worth it to you, or do you think we can block him from getting a CS liberation somehow?

(August 30th, 2021, 02:18)ljubljana Wrote: I didn't do anything at Have a Good Time (former CS), but I may attack next turn. My logic is that marco is certain to be able to liberate a CS anyways, since he has ships by the indefensible CS conquests we have by the home islands, so we may as well grab the extra city to distract him for a few turns. There is also a nice Kaiser trader there that I can kill, though I should get it either way in a few turns. Does that seem worth it to you, or do you think we can block him from getting a CS liberation somehow?

If you think it would be worth having a base you can heal at in the west, then take it. It should have a harbor (I wouldn't pillage it).

Edit: You should bring Anoch Sum's health down. I have a unit coming over to take it in 2 turns.

I guess we had better do some coordination on the WC:

The first one probably doesn't matter much. Russia will probably try to lock us out of campus buildings (I guess), so I'd say let's vote for option A, but on something innocuous. I think we should aim for a district that Russia doesn't have too many of so that they won't use the boost to pull further ahead (since it's not like we're going to build district buildings anytime soon). Maybe Entertainment Complexes, if it's an option?

As for the second one, I'm not sure how much it matters which unit class gets buffed/nerfed, since both us and Russia will have to deal with the consequences. Because of niter limitations, I imagine we have similar numbers of frigates, so most of Russia's numerical edge is probably in melee ships. I guess we should therefore probably vote to nerf those? Another option is to nerf heavy cavalry in case they try to land Cossacks on our shores, but to be honest if they pull that off we're more or less dead either way lol. I don't think a buff of naval ranged is a good idea, as we don't want to strengthen Russian frigates against our cities.

Not sure if it's worth spending diplo favor on either, though, as defusing an emergency will be more important if the game is still competitive when that comes up. But I can see an argument for spending on the melee ship nerf, since Russia's team probably has roughly twice as many of those as we do. Thoughts?

Re: Anoch Sun - I will lower the health next turn, and then I think also take Having a Good Time after that, since I realized I will want a base over there not just for healing, but also potentially for upgrading a few ironclads, if you don't think you will have enough caravels for the full 18 fleets.

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