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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Quote:Question: Is city population now supposed to never decrease, even if land conditions change so that the city location has a smaller maximal pop? Corruption attacks sent one of my cities max pop to 15... city pop stayed at 18 unchanging. Seemed odd.

Yes, it has always been like that. Population doesn't decrease unless there is a food shortage or a spell specifically forces it.

It might be a good idea to rename this thread to "bug reports" since that's what everyone kept using for after alpha.

(August 28th, 2021, 12:59)Seravy Wrote:
Quote:People usually quit those by clicking the X on the corner of the window to close it.

Yes, I would like this button too.

Reuploaded the updated 1.2 test version. You can download it from the same download link as the first one.

Two minor things made me wonder if there could be bugs:
-         Triremes and Floating Islands with “Water Walking” can traverse the landscape nicely, but both are unable to attack anything. It's the same with “Wraith Form”, but not with “Flying”. The latter will be limited to ships in 1.2.
-         AI units no longer display their ep, only the level. (V1.1.2 unchanged)

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Test version 1.2 (upload 2)

Tested Planetary Mastery extensively (Intakas report), no matter what I did it was working as intended each time in version 1.2.
(Also loaded 1.1.2 up again, tried less extensively to replicate, but was working as intended each time.)

All my AI normal/hero units display their "EP" correctly, testede around 15 enemy units. (Slingers report)
(Also loaded 1.1.2 up, tested around 5 enemy units, all working correctly.)

Triems and floating islands with water walking can walk all over land, this is awesome.. smile (Slingers report)

Clicking [Game], [Settings], [OK] returns me to the game instead of the [Game] window, i'm guessing this is a new feature?

Enemy dispelling wave in a water battle removed alot of my units water walking spell, I can't move those units in the fight, but the units can continue to fight for the rest of the battle. Guessing this is intentionel?
MOM wiki says " if Water Walking is removed" (...) "the unit will drown and be destroyed immediately" (...) "The same applies if Water Walking is dispelled by the enemy during combat." Guessing that means 'immediately' arfter combat then..?

Stealth and invisible units still counts as units in the "unit counter" setting. Intentionel?

You can see invis and stealth heros as the leader of a group even though they should be hidden (unit group on the overland map is the hero icon), but if you right click on the group to see the list they are not there as intended. Was this a feature?

CASTERWIN.html - Magic Immunity: "100 defense and resistance against all spells, and magical ranged, gaze or touch attacks."
Dosn't the "and" infront og "magical ranged" feel a bit weird? What about: "(...)against all spells, gaze, touch and magical ranged attacks."?

Auto rebuild works alot better now, but it is still not working right.. Hmm.. Or maybe it is the "building destroyed report" that is not working right?
Earthquake on my town. My ship yard and library vanish from the screen. Popup text says Ship Yard is destroyed, at start of my turn I am moved into my cityscreen and library is being autobuild, but my Ship yard is just fine.
Ahh.. It is the auto rebuild that is doing stuff, could be called a feature I guess.. It automatically adds things to the build queue and build them before my turn "at start of my new turn".
In this example it is the Library that is reported destroyed but it isn't. (Horus cast Earthquake during his turn on my city)
Freiburg destroyed building Library is cleared.
Freiburg progresses production by 39
Library is build, it have a build cost of 52 hammers, citys build speed is 39 this turn, have 16 stored, that is 52 hammers and city now have 4 left. Seems like the right amount of production is used.
Ahh.. I only saw this problem with the ship yard and the Library, because when the other buildings got destroyed the city lost too much production power to instanly rebuild a building.
Do we call that a feature or a bug? It gives an unfair faster rebuilding compared to players who don't use the "Requeue All" setting.. In super rare cases it could change a trade goods city into building structures and with no money in the bank your entire army could disband..

Game crash.
Stack of 3 units moves from 1,9,5 to 9,7 (Crash)
Easy to replicate. Press next turn and it crashes doing the AI's movement every time.
But you can also right click on the unit groups of Halberdiers on 1,9,5 or 1,11,5. Both groups will result in an instant crash too.
Tried going back 5 turns, still crashed shortly arfter,
Stack of 1 units moves from 1,13,5 to 14,6 (Crash)
Crash when the AI try to move these units, also crash when right clicking on the units. (3-4 turns before crash)
... Uh.. Actually.. Just clicking around on the empty tiles in this general area can crash my game..
Also clicking on the minimap in this area can crash the game.. Pressing [Plane] and clicking in this area on the other plane also crash.
Nevermind, clicking in this genereal area crash the game even way back from turn one. Prolly map already broken from creation.
This game is created with the new plane of water setting, disconnected and continental lord. I can replicate this by creating new games that will also crash when clicking at the top of the map.

Seismic Mastery Trigger Queued!
Seismic Mastery Trigger Executed for AI player!
Horus finished casting Earthquake
No target, spell failed!
I am his only target, I have only one city, we are not at war, but I chain cast earthquake on his fortress city and threaten him to give me money, we are Troubled at this time.
AI personality: Peaceful. Objective: Theurgist.
Addendum: He have cast several 100 earthquakes on me now, the 10 times he didn't cast was prolly just because he didn't hate me enough? He is a nice guy afterall..

Disjunction preferred target wizard =Jafar Spell=Call the Wild
Horus finished casting Disjunction
Disjunction Effect
Base Dispel Strength =1050
Adjusted Dispel Strength =2100
Disjunction ResistanceCall the Wild = 1350
Call the Wild is a 900 mana overland spell with a dispel resistance of 1350. Most expensive overland spell I have active cost 1000 mana and has a disjunction resistance of 1500.
Might be a bit excessive to cast that strong disjunctions? (He have a dispel 100% bouns from Aether Binding). Yes, Aether binding might get dispeled or maybe I cast a stronger spell or find Runemaster in a lair, but still..?)
Maybe adjust casting cost compared to the preferred targets disjunction resistance? Casting this strong disjunctions can be many many turns difference in casting speed and mana..

AI is a pure Lizardmen empire, this is his thoughts about ship building through this game..
AI ship production decision. Have :0 , Want :11
AI ship production decision. Have :1 , Want :12
AI ship production decision. Have :2 , Want :13
AI ship production decision. Have :2 , Want :14
AI ship production decision. Have :2 , Want :15
AI ship production decision. Have :3 , Want :15
AI ship production decision. Have :3 , Want :16
AI ship production decision. Have :4 , Want :16
AI ship production decision. Have :5 , Want :16
AI ship production decision. Have :5 , Want :17
AI ship production decision. Have :6 , Want :17
AI ship production decision. Have :7 , Want :17
Guessing there is just a random "1" infront of that number that dosn't count, seems to work as intended, just log-data that is wrong?

The Huntress with pathfinding skill and Wind walking is displayed with a 6 movement pathfinding icon instead of Flying on the overland map.

The Huntress with Windwalking can move away from the "cloud area" in an ocean fight even though she have no water walking or flying?

Stack initiates combat! (AI attacks me next to my fortress)
Fortress Lightning triggers. Strength =34, Turns=23 (Me)
Skill available :403, skill cost : 25
Stack initiates combat! (I attack AI next to my fortress)
Fortress Lightning triggers. Strength =60, Turns=23 (Advanced AI)
Skill available :400, skill cost : 25
Neither of these are a Fortress fight.. And there is no lightning. In the last one I moved my units from my fortress into an ocean tile where Horus army was located.
Seems to be alot of "Fortress Lightning triggers." in the log.

Shift+L "close and reopen log file", shouldn't this empty the log file or something? Can't really quite figure out what this function is for?
If this have no other function can we make it clear the log? Or make another hotkey for that? My log gets quite big and I have to quite/start game to clear it.

AI selected to cast :Dispel Magic
AI slider spell casting,Dispel Magic MP available =6946 spell cost with range modifier =10
Skill available :181, skill cost : 10
AI slider selected additional multiplier :4
Dispel Magic Effect
Base Dispel Strength =11
Adjusted Dispel Strength =22 (Aether binding)
Dispel Resistance, Water Walking =20
Skill available :170, (...)
Cost 11 spell points. Dosn't seem to have any real effect from the additional multiplier. Should cost 50 SP bust only cost 11 SP.

My test of dispel magic in number 250 showed that there was a dispelling chance for immolation of 8,77%. Now that I can see that the additional mana isn't working as intended, that gives an expected dispelling chance of 8,39% matching my findings.
So it seems this perfectly explains the 100% strength we where missing from the formula, yay!

Horus only cast great unsummoning one time this turn, casting two 700 mana spells in the same turn is a bit extreem even for Horus.
Typo: "0of your units died!" For a couple of seconds I thought it said "Oof your units died!" was kinda funny.

When there ain't any room next to my summoning cirkel for my units, they desert for lack of space. That warning works fine for units summoned over the end turn, but units with instant casting dosn't give this warning, they just vanish.

Horus is a 6 sorcery books, 7 life books, no retorts, advanced difficulty (AIOverlandCastingCost=66)
Horus starts casting Great Unsummoning
Total cost : 646 (Real cost 700 mana, that is a casting cost of 92,3%?)
Horus starts casting Heavenly Light
Total cost : 39 (66% cost)
Horus starts casting Stream of Life
Total cost : 79 (66% cost)
Horus starts casting Destiny
Total cost : 264 (66% cost)
Horus starts casting Disjunction
Total cost : 841 (66% cost)
Base Dispel Strength =1275
Adjusted Dispel Strength =2550
Disjunction ResistanceFairy Ring = 1800
Unsummoning have a weird spell cost for the AI, it dosn't get the proper casting cost reduction? Also another example of quite overpowering dispel strength.

Test version 1.2 (upload 2)

Could you check if the air elemental is immune to magic? (looks like magicians can't hurt it)

(August 31st, 2021, 10:59)Mqz Wrote: MOM wiki says " if Water Walking is removed" (...) "the unit will drown and be destroyed immediately" (...) "The same applies if Water Walking is dispelled by the enemy during combat." Guessing that means 'immediately' arfter combat then..?

Fixed, thank you!

Quote:AI units no longer display their ep, only the level. (V1.1.2 unchanged)

I see the exp displayed. Are you sure that wasn't a 0 exp unit controlled by a Warlord for +1 level?

Quote:Triremes and Floating Islands with “Water Walking” can traverse the landscape nicely, but both are unable to attack anything. It's the same with “Wraith Form”, but not with “Flying”. The latter will be limited to ships in 1.2.

Water Walking should not enable ships to enter land.
Non-Corporeal should not enable ships to enter land. We nerfed that several years ago because it was too powerful at common tier, carrying units like Wind Walking.
Flying should enable the ships to enter land, enter combat on land, and carry units on land.

It might be useful to add a modding option to allow non-corporeal to enter land, as it was a fun feature (but unfortunately, very unbalanced.)

Edit : Added the modding option. Honestly, that feature was fun and I somewhat miss it, but as long as Wraith Form is common, which it sadly needs to be to have any use for Weapon Immunity, I can't make it the default. Having three realms with "flying" boats is too much anyway and we already have it in Sorcery and Chaos both.

284. My primary suspect is maybe he modded the Earthquake spell to cost 380+ MP so it was triggering on itself. I couldn't make the bug happen either.
285. See previous post
286. Yes, it is.
287. Yes, working as intended.
288. It should count them for the human player's own stacks but should hide units that belong to anyone else. Does it?
(They should also be visible if you have Clairvoyance in play)
289. Sounds like a bug. Can I have a save file with an enemy stack that produces this problem?
290. fixed
291. What happens is, they get added to your queue automatically. Production happens at the beginning of your next turn, so if there wasn't anything else in the queue and you have enough production, the building will be finished by the time you see the city.

Feature, and it would be very counterintuitive to make it not happen, as it requires suspending your city production for an entire turn if the destruction happens when you were producing nothing. (otherwise the new things go to the end of the queue so it makes no difference)

Armies cannot disband, payment is calculated and spent as soon as you click the "End Turn button", only the surplus income is delayed and added when your next turn starts. It's no longer possible to lose anything to maintenance costs unless it was intentional.

293. Use Ctrl+H to show AI hostility levels. If he is not casting when Hostility is at zero, then it's working correctly.
299. This forces Windows to write everything that's cached into the file. Otherwise, the last half of a turn is often missing and appears later. It's useful if you need to read the log while still in the game. be continued.

Seravy did you look into the map right clicking crash bug? I posted save files for two of them in the other thread (1.2 testing). I will post them here from now on. Is it a "minimal" problem?

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