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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

When you have so many testers that you get 100 bug feedback reports on day 1 of testing. smile

(August 31st, 2021, 20:30)Intaka Wrote: Seravy did you look into the map right clicking crash bug? I posted save files for two of them in the other thread (1.2 testing). I will post them here from now on. Is it a "minimal" problem?

Haven't looked at that thread yet, I still need to finish the bugs in this one first.

Test version 1.2 (upload 2)

Magic items are not being recovered when a hero dies but you win the battle.

Disjunction cost was adjusted to match the most expensive spell which I believe at that time was Armageddon at 1250 (->1875).

So the bug here is the AI overspending?
Looking at the code, the AI only uses the real effective dispel resistance of spells when dispelling the two most critical spells, Meteor Storm and Power Link.
For other spells, it uses the spell's cost. This results in reduced chance of success if the target has an ability that raises dispel resistance. This is necessary because otherwise raising dispel resistance would just make the AI spend more instead of actually protecting the enchantment.

Then it multiples the value by 1.5.
If the AI has Runemaster or AEther Binding, it halves the cost needed next.
So for that spell, this should be 1350/2 = 675

It then uses slider equal to this value divided by the Disjunction spell's base cost.
So for this spell, it uses "1.8" as a slider.
This part is wrong, as it ignores the base cost of disjunction.
It should be using 0.8 instead.
This matches the reported number, as 675+375 = 1050.

Fixed for the next upload.

295. No, there is no additional "1".
This is scaled by the number of cities the AI owns and the turn count.
For example, assuming the AI is not expansionist, has 5 cities, map size is Fair or higher, and it's turn 40, they should want 2 ships.
So I need more information about the turn and city count to know if the numbers are right.

In general, Lizardmen have no exception for producing ships. Sooner or later they will conquer other races, hire mercenaries, hire heroes, or summon walking creatures that need transports. They also have a racial boat unit that comes early and is superior to other early boats. While the AI isn't smart enough to load already water walking units on the boats intentionally, for military purposes the 4 speed boats are still a very important upgrade to the naval forces over the speed 2 invasion force that's much more viable for conquering land than actually destroying enemies on sea. For sea dominance, the speed is necessary,

296. We don't have a wind walking icon for that type of display/icon size. The ability is not relevant in combat and that's the combat move type icon. Unfortunately, displaying flying would also make it display flying for combat which is incorrect. I need to special case this to override it for the unit list view only. Will be fixed in the next upload.
However, fixing this will hide the information that the unit is unable to fly in combat from the player before attacking them. We might want a new WindWalking icon for this.

297. Bug. It checks for the unit being "Seaworthy" which is an overland movement check and includes Wind Walking.
298. The logging was inserted to the wrong place. It logs the numbers even if there is no lightning. Will fix for the next upload. In fact it probably shouldn't run the script if there is no fortress either.

300. Tried reproducing this. I used +17 mana and it correctly logged and used 27 MP. This most likely either only affects AI players or has some other trigger condition. If you can consistently reproduce it, please post a save file.

301. Added the missing space character. There seems to be two instances of logging the spell name, one specifically for this spell and another for every global spell which this counts as. I will remove the duplicate one for the next upload.

303. The AI pays an extra 40% for global enchantments to make Spell Blast against them viable. Otherwise they could instant-cast most of them on high difficulty. It also makes Disjunction slightly better to use. be continued.

288-289) (again)
With nothing AI stealth units are completly gone and dosn't count in the group.
With nothing AI invisible units are completly gone and dosn't count in the group.
Clairvoyance lets you see stealth units on the overland map as "group leader" icon, and counts in group number but can't see them in the list of units.
Clairvoyance lets you see invisible units on the overland map as number icon but can't see it in the list of units. Even though it should show invisible units.
Shift + O dosn't show stealth or invisible units at all, as intended.
Shift + I Show invisible units correctly, but dosn't reveal stealth units at all, not as group leader or number.
Hmm.. Seems it is only Clairvoyance and Shift+I that makes things weird..

291) (again)
Just felt quite weird with the "your library is destroyed!" look it's right there not destroyed..
I like it as a feature though, but makes you rebuild faster than you normally could if playing without this feature.

Army upkeep is changed? That is so awesome..

292) (again)
You should prolly focus on this one, seems that every single game i create, no matter settings, crash if I right click towards the top of the map. Or if I move the minimap to the top. Or use the F2 map to move to the top.
Random size and random continents, random AI. Random difficulty. All generated maps crash. No score modifiers. This make testing other things quite hard because most games quickly crash..

295) (again)
(Advanced AI, Peaceful, Theurgist, minimal map size, Islands, only one plane open)
Horus START TURN PROCESS FOR TURN 57 (Oddly enough turn 57 is first time this line is shown in the log)
AI ship production decision. Have :0 , Want :11 (8 citys)
AI ship production decision. Have :3 , Want :16 (8 citys)
AI ship production decision. Have :6 , Want :17 (8 citys)

300) (again)
Only AI casting that is affected, seems to happen every single time the AI cast a slider spell.

AI selected to cast :Dispelling Wave
Skill available :363, skill cost : 25
AI slider selected additional multiplier :4
Skill available :334 (Price 29 SP, should be 125 SP)

AI selected to cast :Dispel Magic
Skill available :400, skill cost : 10 (Total cost 11 SP, should be 40 SP)
AI slider selected additional multiplier :3
Base Dispel Strength =11
Adjusted Dispel Strength =11
AI selected to cast :Dispel Magic
Skill available :389, skill cost : 10
AI slider selected additional multiplier :3
Dispel Magic Effect
Base Dispel Strength =11
Skill available :378 (Total cost 11 SP)
I have 100s of these logged, it happens every single time the AI cast a slider spell. No multipliers work. Very easy to replicate.
(Be warned that if you right click on the units higher than his city the game crash, as with all other games in this build, right clicking to close to the top of the world crash the game)

Cracks call not working at all, crash the game. Also crash if the AI cast this spell.

I attack onto land from a water square, got my water walking dispelled, made a safe flee and my unit drowned because it was moved to a water tile. Sometimes the game give me a popup telling me it drowned, sometimes it don't?

Enchanted unit is invisibile : cannot be targeted by ranged attacks
Ranged attacks works fine from units with illusion immunity and spells works fine too.

Just killed an enemy hero, got all his items. If you kill the hero with petrify/disintegrate or such irrecoverabl damage you won't recover the items.

Grafical glitch when Torin level up.

Praymaster "for all units in battle"
Leadership "for all normal units in combat" (Leadership is oddly enough only one that affects normal units only, intentionel?"
Guiding beacon "friendly units in combat"
Divine Barrier "in battle that softens enemy blows hitting friendly"
These all gives their buff on the overland map.
+1 from holy bonus to all (intended), +1 melee from leadership +1 ranged from Guiding Beacon +1 defence from DivineBarrier and +3 from praymaster.

Crusade manual "All of the caster's units gain a level". Ingame "all of a wizard's normal units" Quite a difference.

Note: Seriously? Torin the chosen can role soul linker and super soul linker? That is so unbalanced and cool that I want to play life now..

All the starting cities for all wizards have names taken from Race 0 (barbarians).

(August 31st, 2021, 21:35)Mqz Wrote: Cruel100>
Enchanted unit is invisibile : cannot be targeted by ranged attacks
Ranged attacks works fine from units with illusion immunity and spells works fine too.

Just killed an enemy hero, got all his items. If you kill the hero with petrify/disintegrate or such irrecoverabl damage you won't recover the items.

Earth Gate's magic isn't working or I don't know how to use.

(August 31st, 2021, 20:45)Cruel100 Wrote: Test version 1.2 (upload 2)

Magic items are not being recovered when a hero dies but you win the battle.

Please provide a save file where this can be reproduced and the hero did not die to irrecoverable damage.

292. Fixed for the next upload. I think I probably should upload it as soon as I finish reading the rest of the bug reports.
295. The numbers seem to be correct. Maybe I should adjust the formula, 11 ships seems too much.

Any suggestions? Currently it is based on turn count and cities but that seems to be working even worse than the previous one which was based on I think turn count only.
How many ships should the AI try to have in play in general per cities in the early game, midgame, late game?
At the moment it is set to 2 ships for each city and 160 elapsed game turns, plus any modifiers.
So 8 cities on turn 57 is (2*8*57)/160 = 5.7 ships but the game size being small doubles that.
I also will change that to look at continent size instead of map size, since we have that now in the windows version and the map width is variable so "tiny" land doesn't mean a lot of sea with a few islands anymore.

Modifiers to the default 2 value are, +2 on small or below (now continent size), +3 for expansionists (added gradually, at +1 or +2 in earlier turns). be continued.

300. Found the problem!
Everything was working correctly, except the AI was setting the amount of slider cost to the multiplier wanted, not the actual slider percentage.
So it basically added 2% of the slider value instead of 2 times the original cost.
Fixed for the next upload.

304. Typos in the script, Fixed for the next upload.

305. The attacker always flees back to the tile they came from. Only the defender can flee to any tile. So drowning in this case is normal and happens after combat. Not very intuitive unfortunately.
When the drowning message didn't show up, pressing F6 to manually display it still shows it being there. It only displays it automatically once per turn, so if you had something shows already, it won't appear until next turn. I'll change that to always reset the "report already seen" variable when anything new is added.

306. Should be fixed in the next upload, please test.
307. Text is outdated. DOS version didn't support these types of abilities outside combat, but now that's possible. Unless we have a reason to limit these to be combat only, I think it's best to fix the text.
I don't remember if we ever had a discussion about Leadership affecting summoned units but it does buff attack and ranged both which is more than the other abilities that buff one stat, so it's fair I think, especially because we also have one that only works on summons (Soul Linker).

308. It's actually the same considering fantastic units have no levels so even gaining one wouldn't do anything for them. But yes, I'll fix the manual.

Reuploaded the fixed version. Download link is unchanged.
The updated changelog (not included in the documentation yet) :
Quote:Version 1.2.0
WARNING : Save files from previous versions are not compatible, to support the new modding features/additional data.
Avoid downloading the update while you have an ongoing game you are intend to finish and/or make a backup of the previous game version first.

Bug fixes, gameplay, general
-Fixed bug : The game crashes when the player attempts to move a unit outside the map area.
-Fixed bug : Rare and Very Rare spells can be found in treasure when it shouldn't be possible and cannot be found when it should be possible.
-Fixed bug : Armageddon and Doomsday cast by the human player doesn't increase unrest in AI cities.
-Fixed bug : Nightshade has twice the intended effect on Cathedrals
-Fixed bug : When Darkest Hour is cast by the human player, it doesn't reduce enemy research and power.
-When multiple opponents have cast Darkest Hour, the effect will be merged to one displayed line in the resource detail view.
-Fixed bug : Doomsday cast by the human player doesn't cause AI cities to shrink when exceeding maximal population.
-Multiple instances of Doomsday enchantments will now show the total population growth reduction as a single line in the detailed view.
-Racial resistance modifiers now apply to settler units.
-Fixed bug : the Leave Me Alone setting also forces the AI to build at 6 distance from their own or other AI cities in addition to the human player's.
-Fixed bug : Starting a new game with "I am the Boss" and very high player count can freeze in an endless loop.
-Adjusted the AI's "need casting skill" strategy flag to depend on difficulty level.
-Adjusted how the AI's "need troops" strategy flag depends on the number of owned cities per land size setting.
-Fixed bug : Resistance removed by Eternal Night does not display a grey icon.
-Fixed bug : Animate Dead doesn't grant +1 thrown or breath attack strength.
-Fixed bug : When the AI casts Spell Ward, a different city enchantment is applied to the city instead.
-Fixed bug : Scoring screen shows item looted from the final battle.
-The AI will not cast Stasis during Time Stop anymore.
-Fixed bug : The human player could target heroes with Animate Dead even though they were invalid targets.
-Smallest map size is now forced to be 15x15 tiles. Any settings that would result in smaller maps will raise the size to this number.
This is required because on smaller maps, the game sometimes freezes due to not finding valid locations for objects, such as nodes.
-Fixed more spell descriptions in the documentation.
-Fixed bug : Mystic Surge fails to add Adamantium and Mithril to units.
-Fixed bug : Animated status fails to set resulting undead effects until the unit's data is recalculated twice.
-Fixed bug : End of turn healing caused by Regeneration is applied on the wrong unit.
-Fixed bug : Eternal Night reduces the resistance of the owner's units even though it should only apply to enemies.
-Fixed bug : Floating Island can appear in combat on land if it gains Flying.
-Fixed bug : Angels had Exorcise +1 instead of -1.
-Fixed bug : Focus Magic didn't convert thrown attacks to ranged.
-Fixed bug : AI and "Random" wizard starting spell selection doesn't clear selection slots 11 and above or any very rare spell slots.
This could lead to incorrect spells when starting a new game after winning/losing another one.
-The AI will prioritize targeting enemies during war higher when targeting a Raise Volcano spell.
-The AI will prioritize players in range for a war declaration (adjacent empires) higher when targeting a Raise Volcano spell but lower than targets they are already at war with.
-The AI is now allowed to send a magic spirit to any nodes regardless of distance if they already have troops guarding it.
-Fixed bug : Raise Dead and Animate Dead couldn't be used in sea combat.
-The AI will reduce tax rates during the first 40 turns of the game if necessary to get rid of unrest and aims to have no rebels at all to maximize production output.
-Fixed bug : In Automatic Combat, army ammo is sometimes considered zero when ranged units and nonranged units fight together.
-Fixed 1.1.1 bug : Normal Caster units don't have the Fireball Spell in their spellbook.
-Reduced the AI's chance to build Amplifying Tower in the early game.
-Fixed bug : Doom Gaze is applied once per figure instead of once per unit attacking.
-Fixed bug : Carrack consumes 1 food enough though boats should not have upkeep costs.
-Fixed bug : Spell Lock didn't protect units from Great Unsummoning
-Fixed bug : Death Immunity didn't protect units from Final Wave
-Fixed bug : Mithril/Adamantium is now visible on units in the list view.
-Default Tower Budget multiplier for I Am the Boss score modifier is now 70% instead of 50%.
-Fixed 1.1.2 bug : AI starting race selection only sets the city race but fails to set the AI's home race variable. This can lead to poor AI decisions and incorrect unrest values during the game.
-Ice Bolt will no longer freeze Non-Corporeal or Immolating units.
-The AI will not add additional priority to the Ice Bolt spell based on the freezing effect, if the target cannot be frozen.
-Casting Wraith Form on a unit will now instantly remove the effects of the Web spell from the unit. However, movement points will not be refilled until the start of the next turn.
-Cities on the minimap will now glow for better visibility.
-Adjusted Shore/River/Lake/Swamp/Hill pixel color on the minimap.
-Adjusted Myrran Forest pixel color on the minimap.
-Fixed bug : Monster Invasion event sometimes fails to generate monsters.
-Rivers now have a greatly reduced chance to turn in the same direction twice in a row.
-Changed the score modifier for Plane of Earth to 80% from 50%.
-Added new scoring option : "Standardized".
This causes all opponents to use default wizards.
Normal difficulty level does not have this effect by default anymore, but Easy does force using this option.
-Added new scoring option : "Plane of Water"
This option increases the Sea to Land ratio, the opposite of the effect of "Plane of Earth".
-Fixed bug : "Mixed" continent size option works incorrectly and generates only continents of one random size on the Myrran plane.
-Slightly increased the default size of continents on Average and Large continent size settings.
-Fixed bug : Stream of Life effect is applied before Chaos Rift damage instead of after
-Pressing Ctrl+1 to 9 saves the current location on the map. You can reset your view to the saved location by pressing 1-9 afterwards.
Starting a new game or loading a save file clears saved locations.
-The AI will not cast the Fire Elemental and Construct Catapult spells if the enemy has Entangle in effect
-Fixed a few bugs that could cause the AI to cast direct damage spells on undesirable targets.
-Scoring : Size multiplier is now based on the number of land tiles in the game, instead of the plane's width.
-"No Overlap" score modifier is now worth 70% instead of 100%. Fewer cities/land tile makes the size modifier overestimate the difficulty compared to the default.
-Clarified ingame help and documentation : Ruler of Heaven protects all of the caster's enchantments from dispel, not only global enchantments.
-Darkest Hour now has an additional effect : The caster's city enchantments are 100% harder to dispel.
-When the player starts on Arcanus, the maximal amount of Myrran wizards rolled is now only 1 higher than the minimal requierd amount instead of allowing all but one wizards to roll the Myrran retort and start there with extremely bad luck.
-Added new scoring option : "Inverted Worlds"
This swaps the number of Arcanus and Myrran wizards with each other.
-Adjusted the amount of ships AI players intend to have in play.
-Fixed bug : The scoring screen sometimes displays the wrong score multiplier value (applied value was correct).
-Fixed bug : "Rebuild All" option doesn't remove then readd Housing/Trade Goods to the queue, resulting in invalid queue data.
-When neutral monsters spawn, the nearest city will be displayed instead of any city within a valid range.
-Heroes in a wizard's fortress now contribute 20% of their Caster ability instead of 1/6th.
-Fixed bug : Ships enchanted by Water Walking or Wraith Form can move on land.
-Fixed bug : The AI prioritizes targeting Warships with Wraith Form even when the new modding option to enable these units to fight on land is not enabled.
-Fixed bug : The AI uses 375 more MP on disjuction sliders than needed.
-Fixed bug : Windwalking units in the unit list view do not show "flying" as their movement type.
-Fixed bug : WindWalking units in combat can move outside the "wind" area over sea as if they had sailing movement.
-Fixed bug : Great Unsummoning and Final Wave is added to the monthly report twice for each cast.
-Fixed bug : Clairvoyance fails to show invisible enemy units in the list view.
-Fixed bug : The AI fails to use the additional slider cost on combat spells.
-Reports added during the human player's turn will now always force showing the report scroll, instead of waiting for the next turn.
-Fixed bug : Only 10% of the calculated bonus priority based on expected damage from combat direct damage spells was applied to the spell priority.
This resulted in the AI failing to pick the best (highest damage) direct damage spell to cast.
-Improved the AI's decision on using spells vs shooting with Magician or similar units. Actual expected damage is now used instead of spell priority.

-Animation Frame count and Vizier priority is now moved to Buildings.INI
-The game will no longer freeze when there are too many buildings to display in a city (as a consequence to modding building data).
However, it's still recommended to use the "replaced by" feature to reduce the number of
possible simultaneous buildings to an amount where this doesn't happen. Excess buildings that
cannot be drawn will be impossible to sell for the player, as they cannot click on the building.
-It is now possible to change the amount of building types in Modding.INI, to add new buildings.
-Added "Iswall" parameter. This determines whether a building should be displayed in the "city wall" area instead of this being hardcoded.
-Added "OnShore" paremter. This determines whether a building should be displayed in the "ship yard" area instead of this being hardcoded.
-Added EcoSkill.CAS script to calculate the base, combat and overland skill of players.
This can be used to add new buildings, spells, or other effects that change casting skill.
Changing the base skill formula is not recommended.
-Added many new script commands and functions, see Scripts.txt for details.
-Tax table is now external in Tax.INI and it is now possible to change the number of different tax levels.
-Added EcoUnrest.CAS script to calculate the unrest of cities.
-Optimized the script engine to run about 50% faster.
Please remember that running scripts is still significantly more computationally expensive than running
an equivalent hardcoded function.
Avoid making scripts too complex or you may experience FPS drops or slow turn times especially
on scripts that are frequently used.
-Fixed bug : %F and %I have each other's effect in scripts
-Fixed bug : Space characters in scripts get removed from within string constants as if they were code.
-Fixed bug : Characters in scripts get turned to uppercase in string constants as if they were code.
-City economy data (unrest, gold, research, power, etc) calculated will be stored and will
only be recalculated when something happens in the game that might cause a change in the result.
This should reduce the number of calls done to these scripts and improve performance overall.
-Added EcoGold.CAS script to calculate the gold of cities.
-Added EcoProd.CAS script to calculate the production of cities.
-Added EcoPower.CAS script to calculate the power generated by cities.
-The scripts now support using <> for "not equal".
-Fixed bug : For/Next loops in scripts fail to run for the last value in the loop.
-Added EcoResearch.CAS script to calculate the power generated by cities.
-Added EcoFood.CAS script to calculate the power generated by cities.
-Added EcoMaxPop.CAS script to calculate the maximal population of cities.
-Removed Waterwalking,Windwalking,Forestwalk,Flying, etc script commands,
and added a generic GETSTAT script command instead to get any unit stat or ability.
-Added Settler.CAS script to set the base stats and abilities or settlers from various races.
-The data tables used by the AI to decide which race they prefer to build settlers from are now external in AIRacepref.INI
-Spells.INI now contains AIWaterMove flag to mark which spells allow the AI to not prioritize early game ship yards.
-Added AIProd.CAS script for the AI's city production decision
-Added AIBuilding.CAS script for the AI's building priority decision
-Script error : "Variable does not exist" will now show the missing variable's name.
-Fixed bug : "Call" keyword in scripts does not work.
-Added Earth Lore area size to MODDING.INI
-Added AI maximal spirit distance and spirit exception parameters to MODDING.INI
-Fixed bug : Offensive stats and abilities had no effect on Shield, Plate and Chain Mail type items.
-Added debug mode logging of AI building priority, mandatory building decision, and unit/building decision.
-Added debug mode logging of Automatic Combat army stats
-Shift-H in debug mode now also shows AI city production and income data. This can be useful for debugging related scripts.
-Added AIPreHousing script to decide which buildings the AI buys before starting to build Housing in a new city.
-AI resources bonus values and other difficulty parameters are now external in DIFFICULTY.INI.
-The unit ID of the starting units (swordsmen) is now included in RACES.INI
-Added the maximal number of races to MODDING.INI. This allows adding new races to the game.
-RACES.INI now contains the name of each race and their home plane.
-RACES.INI now contains data fields to mark races as playable, or valid as neutrals.
(Setting a system race such as Chaos Realm as a playable race will cause the game to crash.)
-Increased the maximal amount of disallowed buildings supported on races to 100.
-Added food upkeep field to Units.INI
-Conversion rate of excess food to gold can be set in MODDING.INI
-To Defend cap and cap effect can now be changed in MODDING.INI
-The AI spell rerolling feature can now be disabled or the difficulty level required to activate it can be changed in Modding.INI
-The spell table used for the AI rerolling feature is now external in AIReroll.INI
-Combat movement costs of each tile type and relevant special movement ability is now in Modding.INI
-Overland movement costs of each tile type and relevant special movement ability is now in Modding.INI
-Road movement costs are in MODDING.INI
-Added a parameter in MODDING.INI to adjust the chance of a river turning in the same direction twice in a row.
-Added a setting to MODDING.INI that disables the side effect of control changing spells (Confusion, Possession, Creature Binding)
where they irrecoverably kill the unit. Disabling this feature might lead to unwanted side
effects, such as Raise Dead reviving units to fight for the enemy side. Use this option at your own risk.
-Added FORTLIG.CAS script to calculate fortress lightning strength and duration.
-Added logging of the fortress lightning strength and duration during debug mode.
-Score modifier names, display order and score value are now external in SCORING.INI
-It is now possible to add new score modifiers by raising the maximal amount in SCORING.INI
-Calculated map size is capped at 200x200. This should prevent any crashes caused by raising map size related values in the modding.ini file too high.
-Added debug mode logging of dispel effect strength and resistance when Dispel Magic, Dispelling Wave, Disillusionise, Disenchant Area, or Disjunction is cast.
-Item power data is now external in ITEMPOW.INI
-Maximal house type ID is now in MODDING.INI
-Increased several data structure sizes to make it possible to implement modding for related features in the future without changing save game compatibility. (such as maximal number of spells)
-Added "ForceDebug" option to Modding.INI to make the game always start in debug mode.
-The rate of hero caster ability to wizard skill is now in Modding.INI.
-Added an option to MODDING.INI to enable non-corporeal ships to enter land and combat on land.
When this option is enabled, the AI should recognize these units as being able to carry their stack on land tiles,
however it will not actively pursue using this as a strategy by prioritizing boats as the targets for the Wraith Form spell.

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