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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Re-uploaded with yesterday's bug fixes.

(September 3rd, 2021, 20:35)Seravy Wrote: Re-uploaded with yesterday's bug fixes.

Is save compatible?


(September 3rd, 2021, 20:19)Seravy Wrote: If you have a good and reasonably simple algorithm the AI could use for optimizing the movement of First Strike and Thrown units, you can post a new thread for that.

Based on my observation of the AI, I have not seen a major deficiency in that aspect of the AI. AI currently uses greedy algorithm, and that is not too bad. I think it is quite complex to squeeze out a little more performance. It is not an independent topic. It overlaps many other topics and should be considered together.

Instead, the slow AI units trying to corner faster units should be improved. That is easier and would have a huge improvement on the AI performance.

(September 3rd, 2021, 20:35)Seravy Wrote: Re-uploaded with yesterday's bug fixes.

I re-downloaded. Printed version number and date are the same as before: 2021-09-02.

Check the date of the caster.exe file, if it's different then it's new otherwise let me know.

(September 3rd, 2021, 21:52)WhiteMage Wrote: Instead, the slow AI units trying to corner faster units should be improved. That is easier and would have a huge improvement on the AI performance.

That would be useful, yes.

"That would be useful, yes."
The heuristic is simple. Typical map has 4 corners. AI lines up its identical slower than target enemy's unit at equal distance from the corner that is closest to the slowest enemy it tries to kill. AI keeps 0, 1, or 2 gaps between its units depending on how many units it has. 2 by default. They keep a line and wait for the others to catch up. Move at same speed. AI does not try to go around forest. If AI has an injured unit in this line it moves it towards the center. AI unit tries to cover the 2 edges of the the map near the corner ASAP.


B13: When I clicked Lose I got: No Overlap: 0.70x. But in settings it was displayed as 1x
B14: I captured a size 4 neutral city. That is population >3,999. It displayed that some 948 people were killed. But the city size fell back to 2. So the number of dead was underreported. I repeated this many times and consistently received lower dead report than the math would work out. Sometimes the city even fell back to size 1 and the reported dead were ~1,450. And sometimes there was no reported dead at all, but city size fell back by 1. PopLoss.sav file.
S20 (again): I played on Lunatic level. All neutral units still had 0XP when I attacked their town.

S24: Casting Web was allowed on Ghouls with Wraith Form, but failed of course. It should not be allowed. Impossible spells should not be allowed. Reason should come up if tried or the UI should show red X trying to cast on invalid target. Casting impossible spells should not even come up in spell book: those should be dark. For example Wild Boars on water battle.
S25: Demon Lord has 18 mana/turn upkeep and generate 12 power. Change upkeep to 6 mana/turn and remove power generation. Similar comment on Sanctify.
S26: Add a fast battle option to move units fast: less animation during existing combat. Can be turned on during battle. So clicking done many times to end battle would take less time. Maybe holding Shift.
S27: Add Space character end unit’s turn in battle (while keeping the d work too). More intuitive and more ergonomic to press Space many times.
S28: Add option to settlers to settle on the top of an existing friendly city to get +1 pop. It would be useful when settler can’t find land to settle on. (Civ has this feature)
S29: Move spearmen out of Trireme to attack a lair. Flee, survive, get back to the Trireme. Now the Trireme can’t move. But if the unit just moved and used up all its movement without a battle then the Trireme can move in the same turn. OK, but not intuitive and not consistent. Maybe allow the Trireme move even after a unit on it had fled into it. TriremeCantMove.sav file.
S30: Shift – C moved out of main menu and pressed continue. Maybe change this hotkey to something else so it can be used in the menu.
S31: Final score is unclear how it gets calculated. Everything seems to be a multiplier. Some number and the formula are missing. It is also unclear how I earned the individual values. Some of those values were declared in the game setup so those are fine.
S32: Instead of current 2 units make 2 citizens content, make 1 unit make 1 citizen content. More intuitive and removes some micro.

B17. fixed for next upload.
B14. Will test tomorrow.
B20. Units gain experience during their owner's turn. The "Neutral player" doesn't have a turn so they don't get experience.
I think that's fine, as it helps players know the level of the units guarding the city more accutately (Barracks/War College = that many levels). As long as the units did have the levels they were supposed to get at the start of the game from those buildings, it's ok. If they were missing those levels, let me know.
S24. There is a scoring option for this. Use it if you want that feature.
S25. Intentional, reasons explained in older posts I prefer not to search for.
S26. Press Q.
S27. Remap in keys.ini if you don't like the default.
S28. I don't think this feature is worth the amount of work it requires.
S29. Players have been abusing that in the past so it's intentionally disabled. You could carry a unit into multiple battles using flying boats and have the same army fight 2-3 groups of enemies each turn. 
S30. Not sure what you mean by this, assuming the debug hotkey, those don't work in the main menu anyway. They work on the overland map, or a few also in battle. The list is only shown there to provide information for testers.
S31. The score multiplier is calculated from the map size. Larger map = higher multiplier. Map size depends on a whole lot of settings and isn't simple enough to display it there.
S32. 2 units should reduce unrest by 1 not 2. Bug?

Test version 1.2 (upload 4)

Minor bug:
*After cast clairvoyance I could see the magic of enemy wizards. Sometimes cities where they cast magic appear unnamed.

*The effect of Haste magic in magic item is exclusive to melee?

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