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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

(September 11th, 2021, 15:45)Mqz Wrote: Seravy> Not sure what part of the world you are in. When is tomorrow evening for you?
GMT, give or take, I believe (Europe).

Roughly 12 hours from now.

My Chaos Surge spell doesn't appear to be augmenting the breath attack of any of my chaos fantastic or chaos channeled units.

B36. AI moved Shadow Demons to Stonehenge and stayed there without killing them.

S55. Illusionist hero should have Illusion Immunity. Fits the character.

S56. Heroic Heart is too similar to Healing. And it is less efficient, but costs more. No reason to cast it if you have Healing. To make it more interesting and less of a duplicate, I propose it also randomly increases Attack, Defense, or Resistance by 1 in addition to +3HP. Increase casting cost to 22.

S57. All 25 citizens on AI’s Klackon city are displayed on the left side of the city screen. All 100% of real estate should be used for display, not only 50%.

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s56: No reason to cast HH if you have healing, but if you don't have healing, it's what might save your hero. It would be nice if we could click on "Don't want to research that spell" to avoid wasting RP just to clear it out of the way. I admit to reloading if I get a spell I don't really want at the time.

(September 13th, 2021, 16:24)JustOneMoreTurn Wrote: s56:  No reason to cast HH if you have healing, but if you don't have healing, it's what might save your hero.  It would be nice if we could click on "Don't want to research that spell" to avoid wasting RP just to clear it out of the way.  I admit to reloading if I get a spell I don't really want at the time.

I never reload for bad luck. But I also experienced in my last game that 90% of the spells I was offered to research were unwanted and I never intended to cast them once researched. I only researched them quickly to make the new ones come into the set of options. My point is trying to create game depth and diversity in the spells and make them less of a duplicate. So even if I have both spells they are both useful, and gives me a hard choice which one to use.

Minor bug: I found a "ninja Vest" worth 150 mana, but it showed no properties. I'm guessing it provides stealth, but should the description be stealthy too? :-)

That should have already been fixed. Item abilities were not read for the file in one of the uploaded versions. (delete your items.dat file to reset the data)

This savegame play continously from 1.0.9, I continue this save game up to current official version (1.1.2) due to I heard that 1.2 would not longer compatible with this save. I want to end this playthrough before release of 1.2 but after a few long turns played in version 1.1.2, I have this save crush upon click end turn.

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Something is strange with that save file.
I get a drop in FPS even if I do nothing just look at the map.  I don't think I saw that happen even on other very large maps.

Crash happens directly after Sharee sets production in Silverdale so probably that city, or the next city processed after that has a problem.
Unfortunately, due to save incompatibility I can't load this in my 1.2 version where I can use proper debugging to find the exact source of the problem.
I will need to roll back my files for that. Added to my todo list.

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