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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

B47. Confirmed. The loop to apply the effect always looped zero times. times like these I start to have serious doubts about my work. Do people who buy it even play the game? How come something as basic and major as this wasn't reported when the game had like 9 months of testing before release and we're another 5 months past that?

...anyway, fixed for the next update. If no one even noticed this for over a year, there is no reason to rush the update now.

B48. Yes, it's the heroism. The unit has to first heal the damage it had in excess of its maximal hit points, then the visible damage. Not bug. Heroism grants 1 extra HP per figure which was already used up for taking damage, so when the spell disappeared after battle, that damage was treated as excess damage.

(September 23rd, 2021, 17:27)Seravy Wrote: B47. Confirmed. The loop to apply the effect always looped zero times. times like these I start to have serious doubts about my work. Do people who buy it even play the game? How come something as basic and major as this wasn't reported when the game had like 9 months of testing before release and we're another 5 months past that?

...anyway, fixed for the next update. If no one even noticed this for over a year, there is no reason to rush the update now.

B48. Yes, it's the heroism. The unit has to first heal the damage it had in excess of its maximal hit points, then the visible damage. Not bug. Heroism grants 1 extra HP per figure which was already used up for taking damage, so when the spell disappeared after battle, that damage was treated as excess damage.

We play the game, and we really like your work. Personally, I have tried several different strategies, and I think only once I played with 10 books. I used to like a 10 book Life strategy, back in the days when you could get Torin from turn 1 smile

(September 23rd, 2021, 17:27)Seravy Wrote: ... at times like these I start to have serious doubts about my work. Do people who buy it even play the game? How come something as basic and major as this wasn't reported ...

It shows that 10 book strategies are seldom played unless by beginners who don't notice the wrong numbers or by people who don't like reporting bugs. Do not doubt the unique quality and significance of your heroic work! Only when someone writes: “This was the last bug.”, I would doubt that.

Yeah, I never caught it for instance because I barely play high book strategies. Low-medium book counts with retorts to back them up still work far better in my experience.

Version 1.1.2

Game crash when I assault Sharee's fortress and kill her beastmaster but not win battle on the first turn. Once reach Sharee's combat turn, game crash.

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Again, version 1.1.2

This is not crash but something weird as I'm completely dominate the game and no one  else has spell of mastery apart from me but domination rate is only "2.3%" and don't have my "win" button. What happens?

How I assume that none of them has spell of Mastery?
Rjak, I test by save and declare war on him and test with counter magic, his spell could be countered.
Jafar, His mana is 0 so I could not test his casting but he fall behind everyone for very long time in both power generation and research after he lost to me badly mid-game, he still yet to cast any of very rare spell.



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B49. Rounding reporting inconsistency in Create Artifact. For example +2 resistance Item cost = 100, +2 Resistance = 250, Complexity = -157, Artificer = -96, Total = 96, but it adds up to 97.
Solution: Always add up to even number so applying -50% will be always integer.

B50. AI galley received Chaos Channels and got flight. The walking units it carried fought on water battle like it was a Floating Island. This seems to be logically wrong, since they do not fight when galleys carry them on water. Just because they fly now, they do not provide fighting platform, IMO. They do not get bigger to stand on and walk around. CombatSkill.sav

B51. Discipline text in battle does not display Negate First Strike effect.

B52. AI’s galley is displayed to be a boat icon. It should show flight or something. It is on tower. CombatSkill.sav

B53. Priest finished Purify job, but still working on it. I can click it to force it to stop and move. Purify.sav

B54. Create Artifact - Exorcist text states Bless, but does not tell if applies to defense too or only resistance. Bless spell states defense too.

B55. 3 buildings collapsed due to Chaos Rift in 1 turn in 1 city. But only notification on 1 building was reported.

S63. I propose simplifying the create artifact formulas and making them easier to understand by the user. A rule that is simple enough for a player to keep in mind instead of reading the manual for lookup tables and how complexity is calculated, etc. The costs and numbers are close to be good, but the rules and formulas are unclear.

S64. Does Plate Item provide +2 extra Defense on top of what is being displayed? I recommend adding that display everywhere, so no confusion, no surprises.

S65. Immolation should give Fire Immunity to the unit wearing it. Makes sense.

S66. Trolls that die in combat should not get experience, since they have not seen the battle’s end to learn.

S67. Random Meteors should not only hit villages. They should also hit the land and the oceans causing similar damage and more often.

S68. Random Meteors should also kill city defenders. I had 4 defenders and none of them got injured.

S69. Make clicking the Repeat button on top left also change it to Housing and Trade. Currently it can be clicked but does nothing.

S70. When I cast Inspirations, the City button should be active. So I could compare the cities which production would benefit most. Applying the spell on the list should be also allowed.

S71. Heavenly Light should display the Magic Melee Weapons in graphics as its description explains.

S72. Holy Weapon text should spell out that it does not apply to Magic weapons

S73. Dark Elf Spearmen and Warlocks look nearly identical on the Overland map. I missed them a few times and moved the wrong one. I recommend pixel editing those images to set them apart more so no need to click them one by one.

S74. Magicians should also display the Fireball spell the same way as Heroes so no surprises.

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B50. That's how flying ships always worked as far as I can remember. Not a bug.
B53. Fixed for the next update, the purify command was not cleared when the job was done.
S63. The formulas are good but probably should be added to the manual if not already.
It's Cost*(0.25+Cost/2000.0) for items below 1500 total cost and Cost*(1+(Cost-1500)/4500.0).
Complexity is the difference between the item's default cost and the result of this formula.
S64. Yes it does. You should see the +2 defense when it's equipped. There is no room to display it on the item as that would create an additional line of text.
S65. This was discussed during the spell design last year. We have chosen Cold Immunity instead of Fire Immunity. Both would be too powerful.
S68. I believe the Meteor event should deal 12 damage to each defender. Maybe you had Stream of Life to heal all the damage.

“B50. That's how flying ships always worked as far as I can remember. Not a bug.”
OK, but weird. In addition to this, the flying ship was on its own “Floating Island” area and was able to act independently. So if I kill that unit then all units it carries drown?

“S64. Yes it does. You should see the +2 defense when it's equipped. There is no room to display it on the item as that would create an additional line of text.”
Then display Defenses from +2 to +8 during casting instead of +1 to +6. And +2 is selected by default that cannot be turned off, only switched to a higher one? One of the + Defense values must be selected. Would that fit? And if still not, then remove the +20 Spell Skill option.

“S68. I believe the Meteor event should deal 12 damage to each defender. Maybe you had Stream of Life to heal all the damage.”
Each unit or each figure?
No Stream of Life. I only had Inspirations, Prosperity, and Heavenly Light on. I had 2 Draconian Magicians and 2 Triremes defending only. Lucky roll and Animist Guild was enough to heal them?
BeforeMeteor.sav, AfterMeteor.sav

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Confirmed. Position was taken from "spell target x" etc variables instead of city data. Which is fine when the effect does come from the Call the Void spell but not when it's an event.

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