Superdeath's List of Zombie crawlers to Zombie ferals. Whats the likely-hood that they win this pitboss, and where do they land on the potentially easy loot list.
Vanrober: Zara of China
Jumping his way from getting pummeled in his first pitboss to being on Amicalola's winning team, Vanrober has made many leaps in skill/gameplay. The spider zombie fits him perfectly as well as usually killing him everytime we play together.
Zara of China is a pick that is just all around good. Although it doesnt have IMP, having CRE means he should win any culture war that an IMP player might get into with him, effectively making it a mini-imp in my books. ORG keeps the economy nice and steady throughout the game. China's AMAZING starting techs help keep Vanrober in a good position from the start with the UU being useful on most Commodore inspired maps due to the abundance of possible navy warfare + Crossbows with collateral hurt that much more vs my wonderful praet stacks.. Overall i rate him among those likely to at least be a contender if he doesnt get rushed before t100. He will be strongest from t101-160 i feel, and thats when i will want to stay clear if i dont have a clear advantage.
6.5/10 player (7+ depending on how pb61 goes, he has been improving)
9/10 pick
Fabled: Cyrus of Mongolia
New to pitboss, unknown quality of player. I give him the Burn Victim zombie as while generally weak, they can inflict a nasty fire damage overtime if they hit you. I hope to start next to him to better test him. OR maybe not.. Depends on if he goes straight HBR out of the gate for easy 2promo keshiks. I plan to have IW fairly early at the very least for protection if i start next to him.
Cyrus of Mongolia is a fun balls-to-the-walls HBR rush pick. IMP gers give easy access to CHA 2 promo keshiks which are crazy fast thru terrain that people dont normally expect attacks from. Now, c1 shock Keshiks arent going to punch thru spears that easy, but they can sure run around your territory faster than you can blink. Scary in a small/tiny game. Upto how much land we get between players on how likely any of the early rushing will work this PB but i fully expect more than 1 to go for a pre-t100 actual war.
?/10 player
5/10 pick (Depends on if the rush works. If it doesnt, its a complete meh pick.. if it works its among the best)
Bing Xi Lao: Genghis Khan of Sumeria
His 2nd pitboss, looks like going for either a rush himself, or just anti-praets with probably the only axe UU that can hold its own against Agg Rome. I gave him the Biker zombie to signify that he is going to be a hard nut to crack and whomever he decides to hit will need to whip axes. Probably alot of axes.
Genghis brings AGG promos on Vultures, making them not as weak to what they replace, and IMP i assume is to get out enough cities to stay relevant until either the rush wins/fails or they get their UB in some cities to continue expansion. Overall not a terrible pick given the rest of the fields pick/map size ect.
?/10 player (havent un-dedlurked myself from JackRB's thread yet and the game is still ongoing and multiple spoilers are a bitch, so ill just leave this blank)
6/10 pick
Tarkeel: Julius Caesar of Spain
Tarkeel. Civac. They are the most dangerous mid-game and later opponent, thus they deserve the Wight. The most powerful naturally occurring zombie in the game. It is always feral (higher hp/dmg, always runs) If i cant stop them early, or they dont get into a nasty early war with one of the other early-focused picks... they will be very hard to stop from winning the game.
IMP to expand nice and quick with plenty of micro for that extra hammer or two per hour spent microing. ORG for the late game staying power. Fairly simple. Mid game is ruled by their civ pick, Spain. UU for possible conquest? Its in a weird era where techs are usually speeding along still, so unless they have a nice bulb plan i doubt they will get much mileage. Citadels are just better castles which you "do" want to build in every city for the bonuses (imo) Being able to build them without walls is a nice touch.
9.5/10 player (TBS/Mackoti/Old harry's crew are 10's, hard to put most anyone on that same level yet)
8/10 pick (they would be 10/10 on pick or at least 9/10 if not for the sheer amount of early game harass/rushing that is likely to happen)
Mjmd: Vicky of Mali
Good ol' Mjmd. Always soldiering on after every tussle with me. I give Mjmd the Soldier zombie for his consistent defense against any attack i throw at him and the constant wars that we get into. Funny enough, it was AGG Rome that i played and ate most/all of him (foggy memory) in his first PB. Since then we have "randomly" ended up next to each other in
every nearly every pb since. This has ended up with neither of us winning that pitboss, and endless fighting. Im hoping to either eat him this pb if i start next to him and have NO OTHER OPTIONS, or better yet send as many fish/fish style deals to him... Why? Well, he has chosen Mali.
Mjmd knows what he is doing. He isnt perfect like the TBS/mack crowd, but he sets himself goals and seems to micro/macro well enough to not be underestimated. Why do you think i try and get him out of the game so early?
Anyway, He choose Mali instead of India, i assume for the many rush style picks/ to make sure he can survive me. Vicky is just an auto-Mjmd pick if it isnt chosen already. Its not a BAD pick, but Fin is not a good trait imo. I assume the basic plan is Skirmishers to survive/protect his IMP cities until Mali forges are online to fuel himself until Fin adds enough commerce to break the fold and tech into oblivion? I wish him much luck. Sadly, he will at least survive till knights. Skirms give me Commodore flashbacks though...
7/10 player
7/10 pick
Naufragar: Pericles of the Netherlands
Naufragar. Id love to put him higher on the tier list today, but today... i must give him the Crawler zombie. Missing half of his body the crawler has a small chance to get to you. You have to practically let it happen due to how slow they move. Naufragar's pick ignores what everyone else picked and goes straight to late game of late game. His chances of winning are half what everyone else's is based solely on his pick and what others will think when they see they start next to slow leader of slow civ in a pb like this.
Pericles has CRE which is hopefully going to be used to secure some good borders and have plenty of warning about any incoming attack as the rest of the pick doesnt help till t150+ outside of maybe helping bulb a tech early on? PHI i dont see being able to be used in this game as im sure plans will be disrupted by the constant and bloody warfare. Netherlands has not the best starting techs, but not the worst.. but the UU/UB are unlikely to be a deciding factor on a small map with so many aggressive/rushing picks. I will say this, every single person wants to start next to Naufragar. Everyone. The peaceful picks want him so they have a buffer between them and the other aggressive picks. The aggressive picks want an easy meal compared to the other dangerous UU's. Naufragar is going to be in a Pindicator mood by the end of this pitboss is my bet.
6/10 player
1/10 pick