I have another game which my own domination rate stuck at 2.1% or 2.2% again, it start when one of my enemy get spell of mastery. He cast it soon after but quickly put down and defeat within 18 turns after that. But after defeat my domination rate not back up to normal. Does this mean Win button is permanently shut down if one AI wizards get spell of mastery even if he already defeated?
I'm pretty sure that no other wizards has spell of mastery (due to time constrain between each of them gain new spells, and the one that truly has one gain it with help of primary race is halflings and enlightenment GE with large empire size.) One runemaster wizard still spend his power on research indicated that he still in process of researching spell (I suspect spell of mastery), Other Life wizard with Englightenment spell has very small empire size and just recently gain new spell (Ruler of Heaven) so although she not spend power on research, I don't think she has spell of mastery yet. Another wizard, Tlaloc who not spend power on research also just recently gain spell (ruler of underworld) too, so I think it is too early for him to have Spell of Mastery. The rest still spend power on research so I don't think they would have spell of mastery too.
How to check spell in other wizard books in debug mode?
And does normally ai wizards sign peace treaty with wizard casting spell of mastery? I see Ariel and Oberic sign peace treaty with Druk'gyalpo (caster of spell of mastery) who still not yet stop casting spell of mastery only to declare war again next turn.
And does
Here is save file but this save is from warlord mod version 1.3.1 (CoM2 1.3.0)
save.zip (Size: 1.12 MB / Downloads: 0)
Here is log file of a turn during this save
log.txt (Size: 153.9 KB / Downloads: 0)
Here is my familiar's screen
Here are my Historian graph