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[SPOILERS] Woden and ljubljana like boats

Thank you! It is nice to know that I am not that susceptible to farming...after next turn they should have one healthy 12/15 frigate and one redlined 14/15 frigate. So they should gain at most one LoB frigate, which will be at around half health after promoting, at the cost of one caravel, 80ish health on a caravel fleet, and 95ish health on a frigate. I would not take that trade, personally. That is, assuming their frigates all had literally zero prior experience, but I sure can't think of any reason why that wouldn't be the case...

Turn 182-Vikings cont.

Radio is in and Refining shows 6 turns to complete. I drop it by a turn with a Russian mine pillage. I have 4 sources of Aluminum currently in my empire with 1 already hooked up (no hiding that I finished the tech). 

Over by Russia/Australia, I pillage a mine, a lumbermill, and a lighthouse. I settled a new city (Njord)...

I place a harbor to lock in its cost and start building a frigate. The builder moves to chop the forest before mining the coal. I also get a era point for an aggressive settle against Fort Lakton, which I get a kick out of. I have a slew of ships being built and will continue with it for a while. 

As for my faith, I need to buy a museum next turn and then can start saving for the GA. Next turn, I am passing on the next GS...

He would not do anything for me as I already have Chemistry boosted and most of the Industrial Era researched. It would give me the boost to Military Science but I don't this that is worth it. I am also getting the next GG but I am also the only one currently earning any GG points. As for the GA, I am 134 points from earning them and making 29 points a turn. So, 5 turns away. I should be able to buy them in 3 or 4 turns, depending on pillaging. I think I should buy them as soon as I can so they can get into position for the attack.

(December 3rd, 2021, 13:10)thrawn Wrote: Yeah, you've been squeezing these Phoenicians out of existence for a while now smile

I just wish it would actually flip to you, honestly... One strange thing about team games like this is that I am increasingly confident that the dominant strategy is to make one team member as strong as possible rather than build them up equally. Imagine how dead we would be if we had split England and Japan evenly (and were therefore nowhere near Refining).

Good call passing on Mendeleev, would be great to have the inside track on the next GA. Most of the Modern ones are not amazing but they are better than poor Dmitri here...

How much faith does buying the museum cost? I am not sure it is worth it just for the Natural History inspiration, especially if you have some other civic to work on in the meantime. We really do not want the GA to show up one turn too late for the attack, as you will likely take a ton of damage in that one turn. Your IC are at a 12-point disadvantage against Russia's front line (which all have Embolon) right now even after you swap back to OL, and I think we need to make sure we have cut down on that deficit as much as possible before attacking.

(December 3rd, 2021, 13:21)ljubljana Wrote: I just wish it would actually flip to you, honestly... One strange thing about team games like this is that I am increasingly confident that the dominant strategy is to make one team member as strong as possible rather than build them up equally. Imagine how dead we would be if we had split England and Japan evenly (and were therefore nowhere near Refining).

It is not a bad city for you occupy as it is surrounded by my cities and harder to get to; it is kind of a life boat city. One big issue is that if it were captured and I retook it, I can't free it to you, it would go to Japan.

Quote:How much faith does buying the museum cost? I am not sure it is worth it just for the Natural History inspiration, especially if you have some other civic to work on in the meantime. We really do not want the GA to show up one turn too late for the attack, as you will likely take a ton of damage in that one turn. Your IC are at a 12-point disadvantage against Russia's front line (which all have Embolon) right now even after you swap back to OL, and I think we need to make sure we have cut down on that deficit as much as possible before attacking.

Museum is more important than shaving a turn off the GA. It cuts 4 turns off of Natural History, brings Mobilization 4 turns closer and it brings Fascism 4 turns closer. I will probably need to switch off of Natural History for a turn so I can keep running raid but I also need the civic change from it to upgrade. Plan will be to finish Refining and Natural History, upgrade all frigates, move into position, and then buy a policy swap to slot the OL card.

Yeah, luckily I do have quite a few lifeboat cities at this point as I doubt anyone is going to wander all the way up to Oasis at Dawn just to eliminate me. Debating getting wall upgrades in them to hold out longer, and will probably do so once my core looks like it's going to fall. But Fort Lakton is actually an uncomfortably strong city making over 20 hammers/turn, which is production I wish you could have access to. Right now I am just making useless Pike/Shots there, but you could make IC...

Okay, point taken - one huge thing working in our favor as the game goes longer is that you should beat Russia to Fascism by a mile with your growing culture lead. Not that it will matter much if your fleet gets wiped out, but if you end up in a stalemate with both sides having modern ships, it could be a factor. If we skip or delay the museum, though, we are accelerating not just the GA but the whole attack by a turn since the GA looks to be the slowest component right now, which could easily be the difference in whether or not they have battleships waiting for us, especially if they keep pushing for the campuses. But that does mean slowing down some future attack timing at Fascism by 4 turns in exchange. Not sure if it is worth it, will defer to your judgement.

Usually, I would say to make sure to wait for the GA before attacking and not rush things, especially since you are not likely to have numerical superiority in terms of raw ship numbers. But in this case that runs the risk of letting them get to Refining, either naturally or from my campuses, before we can hit them. This is a tough situation as every turn will be crucial in terms of frigate killing opportunities, but your front line will get absolutely ravaged if you attack into +12 CS with no GA...

Will this be the first battleship vs battleship combat in RB PBEM history? I think it will, we have seen BS before in PBEM7/18 but I think never by both sides at once smile

edit: I am a bit worried Russia will not raze the former Hieratic, but will instead keep coming back every 3 turns to recapture to retain access to the coal and a base for their Cossacks to heal in. I am really kicking myself for not giving the coal tile to Cuneiform, what a stupid, unforced error! Rooted in ignorance of game mechanics, as my plan was that Hieratic would flip back to me this turn (lol) at which point I could give the tile back. I am so dumb and so sorry frown

(December 3rd, 2021, 15:24)ljubljana Wrote: Yeah, luckily I do have quite a few lifeboat cities at this point as I doubt anyone is going to wander all the way up to Oasis at Dawn just to eliminate me. Debating getting wall upgrades in them to hold out longer, and will probably do so once my core looks like it's going to fall. But Fort Lakton is actually an uncomfortably strong city making over 20 hammers/turn, which is production I wish you could have access to. Right now I am just making useless Pike/Shots there, but you could make IC...

Okay, point taken - one huge thing working in our favor as the game goes longer is that you should beat Russia to Fascism by a mile with your growing culture lead. Not that it will matter much if your fleet gets wiped out, but if you end up in a stalemate with both sides having modern ships, it could be a factor. If we skip or delay the museum, though, we are accelerating not just the GA but the whole attack by a turn since the GA looks to be the slowest component right now, which could easily be the difference in whether or not they have battleships waiting for us, especially if they keep pushing for the campuses. But that does mean slowing down some future attack timing at Fascism by 4 turns in exchange. Not sure if it is worth it, will defer to your judgement.

I can't wait to hear what you have to say when I tell you I am not going to start any new ironclads until I upgrade my frigates and will probably start a few Entertainment Zones. lol The slowest component right now will be the Frigates making it to Linear B for staging. I am saving a few quarry/pasture pillages for after Natural History and I will get enough faith to buy the GA in time to start the assault and it will only be a few turns to get him from Loki to staging area.

Quote:Usually, I would say to make sure to wait for the GA before attacking and not rush things, especially since you are not likely to have numerical superiority in terms of raw ship numbers. But in this case that runs the risk of letting them get to Refining, either naturally or from my campuses, before we can hit them. This is a tough situation as every turn will be crucial in terms of frigate killing opportunities, but your front line will get absolutely ravaged if you attack into +12 CS with no GA...

Will this be the first battleship vs battleship combat in RB PBEM history? I think it will, we have seen BS before in PBEM7/18 but I think never by both sides at once smile

As stated earlier, I will have the GA in time for the assault. The museum costs 490 faith and I will have ~540 next turn. There is a holy site on the south island by Oracle Bones that is slated to be pillaged plus 2 quarries/pasture plus I get 30 faith for each other type of pillage. I will have more than enough to buy the GA in 3 or 4 turns.

Do you know when our alliance ends? We need to keep an eye out for the renew button to show up.

Just did a quick Ctrl-F search and...

(August 2nd, 2021, 20:57)Woden Wrote: I did get your renewal request and accepted it! We should be good for our alliance until T183!

Wow! Amazing timing on that smile Good thing I didn't move my ships up last turn, huh?

As for Entertainment Complexes, well, they have a decent economic ROI that will get better if you get the time to make zoos. Have you picked out spots for Aerodromes yet, though? You may want to save district space at your most productive cities for those as they are coming online very soon, and even biplanes should do good damage to the Russian fleet (plus help locate Advanced Flight).

If you are out of coal for IC, I am not sure what else you can build that would even the odds against Russia, so perhaps not a bad time for some economic builds. But I would consider ground military too as the Cossack hordes will start to head towards you once they are finished with me, which will not be too much longer now.

(December 3rd, 2021, 18:15)ljubljana Wrote: Just did a quick Ctrl-F search and...

(August 2nd, 2021, 20:57)Woden Wrote: I did get your renewal request and accepted it! We should be good for our alliance until T183!

Wow! Amazing timing on that smile Good thing I didn't move my ships up last turn, huh?

As for Entertainment Complexes, well, they have a decent economic ROI that will get better if you get the time to make zoos. Have you picked out spots for Aerodromes yet, though? You may want to save district space at your most productive cities for those as they are coming online very soon, and even biplanes should do good damage to the Russian fleet.

Wow! I didn't think it was that close. I will look for the renewal button when I play my turn. The big need for Entertainment Zones is that most of my cities are -2 and if they get to -3 it is -20% penalty, not the -10% I have now. So, I need to build a few soon. One will go in Loki and Heimdall (to help the southern cities) and a couple over in England/Japan. I should have at least 3 discounted, maybe 4 and I don't remember if Water Parks count as Entertainment Districts for the discount formula. I also need to stop building new ironclads because I want to save as much coal as I can for upgrades. If Russia pillages a coal mine or one is taken out by a storm, I could be in a pickle for upgrades because once I upgrade those battleships, I will be over on my maintenance costs. 

As for Aerodromes, I will have a slot at Thor when it grows to size 10 (I have a marsh to help it along) and Open Government has a slot. If I can get (W)Odin to size 16 I can put one there too.

Edit: Also, I just noticed that my income has drastically dropped and I am only 39 in the black and will most likely become negative in the next few turns. I might have to drop the builder card for the harbor doubling card on my next policy swap. I was hoping to slot the culture/science for trade routes but gold is going to be more important.

Do you know if it will lapse on your turn or on mine? Hopefully the former, so that I do not have to go a turn without the +5 strength when in battle with Australia, but for all I know they probably work like DoFs and break at the start of the round no matter whose turn it was when they began...

Otherwise, sounds like a plan! If I have any one-of luxuries that you are missing, feel free to ask for those too, my productivity is totally irrelevant now.

I will start sending you my gold again too, which will hopefully help the gold situation for a little while until I start losing cities again.

edit: How does your war weariness look? Russia's amenities situation must be even worse than ours, as it looks like the -6 loyalty penalty starts at -3 amenities. According to this table, simply firing 4 city shots at their units was enough for -1 WW amenity for Russia last turn, wow! I wonder if we will see any of their cities spawn rebel units before this game is over lol

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