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[SPOILERS] Woden and ljubljana like boats

If I get the renew button, I can ask you for a renewal. If I don't, I think it ends at the beginning of the turn and they will get an attack without the +5 CS bonus. I will check your amenities but I think I have everything you have.

Edit: My war wariness is pretty minimal at this point and is why I am worried about them right now. With a big battle, they can escalate pretty quick. I am not sure who I have more war wariness with right now, Japan or Russia. I didn't lose that many units fighting Japan but have lots of their cities. With Russia, it is only unit loss, so most likely my highest ww is with Japan.

Sounds good. Naturally, if I am not allied with you, I will definitely keep my ships out of range on my next turn smile

edit: I do not know if capturing cities gives any more WW than one instance of "combat abroad" as defined in the WW table above. And yeah, in the Industrial Era, it will definitely escalate quickly. The good news is that Russia will take as much of a beating as you and should crash into the cap, if they are not there already.

Since it looks like no turn today, I loaded up T182 turn to check war wariness and I have 13, so not too bad...not good but could be worse. I do need to try and take out Japan ASAP. That should help a bit if he is the one I have the most ww against. I am keeping a lone frigate in the south sea to help take out his final cities.

Also, I do have the renew alliance button, so a renewal is available.

Good to hear on the alliance renewal, hopefully that means that we are not going to suffer an un-allied turn.

Yeah, agreed about Japan. Hopefully their walls are not Medieval yet and the battering ram will work against them? It makes sense to send a bunch of zerks down there IMO, they may not be too useful in Australia after Cossacks arrive on the scene. I do not know why we haven't seen them up there yet, come to think of it, I thought they would be around by now...

edit: Plus Japan could be worth some nice extra yields that will be hard for Russia to pillage. For instance, I have no idea where they are getting 41 culture from with just two cities...

Turn 183-Vikings start

Here is how it looks by Phoenicia... 

Looks like he is going to reduce loyalty pressure for Cuneiform. Might expect him to Linear B next. Buyniy has revolted. I am thinking I am going to move my rally point down by Loki/Nsibidi. 

Over by Australia...

No action yet. We will have to be careful of ships going down for the north. I will bring up my fleet ironclad next to my single one. 


I don’t care about Runic really, and it is not really defensible loyalty wise. It will take a LOT of capturing to get out of -20 from pop in a dark age vs golden age opponent. They can have Runic, just one more liability for them to have to constantly recapture. By not hitting LinB though my walls get to finish smile

For Australia I would say probably best to scout forward with your IC to try to find where they went.. I can scout the north with some of my frigate movement since I doubt I will move all 8 tiles forward this turn.

Remnder to please send the renewal request, since it has been 2 days since the last turn smile

Also, quick thought I had today, if our alliance ends next turn, given the way other BS in the game we may not get a renewal even if I send a request and you accept it. It is in the realm of possibilities.

Well, at least if that happens we should be able to tell by hovering over a combat. The UI wouldn’t lie to us, right...?

(December 4th, 2021, 21:20)ljubljana Wrote: Well, at least if that happens we should be able to tell by hovering over a combat. The UI wouldn’t lie to us, right...?

You would think. If it does end and we don't get the renewal, make sure to send an alliance request. I did send the request.

Turn 183-Vikings cont.

Another "slow" turn with little action. I did see that the niter mine was pillaged at SFFB and luckily I have a unit in the area...

I actually kill him with the city and the new frigate out of MBDF. My corps Berserker got hit a couple of times but survived. I move the build and berserker back. Also, as I was moving the solo frigate to where is located, I spotted a corps Cossack on the tile NW of the carb. I pinned it after the fact but think I pinned the wrong tile. 

Before I get to the Australian front, I noticed something odd...

Russia just finished the encampment with a chop but it already has up to a military academy. The would be a good chuck of coin. My first thought is he was going for the boost to the tech for Fascism but that is 3 military academies, not just one. I look around and don't see any other encampments built or even placed. Do you think he wants to faith buy corps? Maybe, but for all that gold? 

My ironclad over here was hit a bunch and redlined. I pillage the harbor and then the fishing boats to regain all my health. I also pillage the mine to shave a turn off of Refining. I was going to save this until last but he placed a pike on a holy site in the south and I didn't want to risk it. Besides, I think all my frigates will be done in 2 turns anyways, so no need to hold off. This way, I can finish Natural History in 2 turns and pillage the 2 pasture/quarries for culture into whatever tech is after it before I switch out of Total War. I should have the southern sea completely pillaged while Total War is slotted. 

That is about it for action. I did have 2 ironclads finish at Wodin and Heimdall. I merged them outside of Wodin's encampment. Wodin did start another ironclad to merge with the one at Balder in 5 turns and Heimdall started an Entertainment Zone. Speaking of amenities, here is the status of my cities...

As you can see, most if not all are at -2 happiness and a few are hurting for housing with their lighthouses pillaged. One thing that would help is the card that gives +2 happiness and +4 housing to cities with 3 districts that is located at Democracy. I don't think it is worth delaying something else for it but if we find it soon, might be worth it after Mobilization. I did start a few sewers in a few of my off coast cities that need housing. I figure probably a better return to get the boost and housing than just housing from something else. 

Shipbuilding is coming along nicely...

I am starting to feel the cost of a bigger navy, as my income is now less than 10. The harbor doubling card will be helpful on my next policy swap. I will also have 3 more frigates and a fleet frigate come out in the next 2 turns. In total, I will have 11 battleships with 3 of them being fleets. One is being keep in the southern sea to help take out Japan and one of the fleets is in Heimdall, so 9 will be able to attack Russia's main fleet with about 10 fleet ironclads. I am liking this. 

Now back to Australia...

His fleet is a bit back. The 4 ships on the diagonal all have +8 support and the bottom frigate is only +2. I bring my ship back and my fleet up to where I don't think his caravels can hit me. I think he is hoping for an open sea battle. I think once we get our alliance renewed, we attack hugging the coast and try for the city and pillages. There are lots of mines along that coast for science to finish Combined Arms and gold for ironclad upgrades.

Edit: Other notes I forgot. Russia now has a spy in my lands as I no longer have the +3 for higher diplo visibility. We could ask for peace, not that we want to but it means that Australia's production boost is gone for now. It costs 1,180 faith for the GA, last turn it was 1470 so the cost goes down 290 per turn. Once I get the double pasture/quarry pillages (2 turns) I will buy the GA. The reason Kaiser has such high culture is that he gets +1 culture for every 4 followers in a city and many of my conquests are still following his religion. Finally, I spotted in the gossip that Indonesia and Russia are now friends.

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