As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Woden and ljubljana like boats

As for the IC, I think I vote for hitting the northern fleet from the tile 1E of it. Since Australia's ships have only 5 movement, they shouldn't be able to get around you even though your ZoC doesn't completely block the channel, and I don't think I have any units that can kill the fleet from its current health (I am hoping to one-shot all the full-health frigates).

You mean do this?

I am a little confused n what you mean by northern fleet...fleet caravel or fleet as ships in the north.

Yeah. Although actually, maybe you should go to 1 SW of that and hit the southern fleet caravel. If I can only kill one fleet caravel this turn, it should be that one to reduce the support bonus on the adjacent frigates.

If the first 6 tiles of your move reveal more Australian ships in the fog we may want to reassess though.

edit: I am planning on a fleet caravel on the tile where the western frigate in that pair is, so that IC position should fit well with my screen, as long there are not ships in the fog with enough movement to go around it...

No additional ships along the path. I did 28 damage and left him with 15ish health.

As for the GA, we are in the Industrial so there will be 3 (I keep thinking we are farther ahead but that is just because research is so far ahead). Pass on this one and grab the one that adds flanking.

Just to make sure, it doesn't stop my movement to kill great people, right? So I can kill this one and then still get my IC back into the city with the remaining 4 movement? I've done this about a million times and don't think it stops movement but this would be a really stupid way to lose my IC...

Getting rid of great people costs no movement.

Eidt: Your pike can get rid of him as he moves towards Linear A.

Oops, I already moved it into the city, assuming embarked units couldn't attack frown But I will kill it with the IC in the city.

Beginnings of a battle plan. Apparently with maximum flanking bonuses I can JUST get to +37 against the frigate fleet with my best caravel! That's a guaranteed one-shot, but it would leave very little caravel shielding for my north...not sure if it's worth it. Australia was smart, and left me with only 2 frigate fleets that still one-shot a frigate. That means I will have to get the rest of the one-shots with caravels, which will really stretch my caravel line.

Good thing I managed to get this ship healed after Australia almost killed it, huh? Score one for the Phoenician "fully heal in Cothons" ability smile

Turn 185-Vikings cont.
Here is what else what else happen on my turn, starting in the southern sea. Russia attached my ironclad again and my other fleet in the area is redlined. Luckily, I set it up last turn to full heal both fleets and pillage the quarry with a single ironclad...

Now I have 2 full healed ironclads. I might lose the single ironclad if he throws his field cannon and both Privateers at him but I will also then be able to kill at least one of the privateers. I also pillaged the camp at the eastern most city down here. Not sure what williasm482 is doing. He had a pike over there positioned on the tile east of the camp. I wonder if he doesn't know if I can't attack a land unit, only pillage. Then again, he used that strategy on the island SE of our main island. Regardless, I shaved  turns off of Suffrage and the southern sea is now completely pillaged by the sea. I will bring my ironclads over to the Australian front.

With pillaging done, I buy the GA and change policies...

I think I get better return on Triangle Trade versus Naval Infrastructure and take out Total War for Force Mobilization. The plan is to upgrade everything next turn and buy a policy swap to put the OL card back in and run the extra coal card in place of Press Gangs. 

By Japan's last cities...

He was able to kill one of my corps berserkers I have in the tundra. I retreat the bombard to the sea and he will retreat east next turn. I moved the berserker and ram up last turn and realized after I sent the turn that I pushed it a little to early. I hit the city, removing half the wall health. This will stop any production of wall upgrades but I will probably retreat and heal next turn while I wait for a battleship to come over and take out the rest of the walls and city health. I plan on using my GG as a scout for the battleship. Then, once I damage the city and kill any units around, I can come back with 2 berserkers and kill the city. 

Back home, I set a defensive line up north of Loki...

After I sent the save along and keep looking at it, I might have made a mistake here. I am planning on upgrading at Nsibide but if Russia becomes excessively aggressive and pushing forward in a non-tactical way, he could hit me in 2 turns, right before I can advance my units. Luckily, if williams482 is smart, which I think he is, he will be cautious and push up in a group near old Akkad and be left short of being able to reach my fleet. Regardless, I am going to have to reassess next turn on where I want to upgrade my ships.

Anyways, I left a single ironclad in hopes Russia goes for the harbor and IZ there. With upgrades next turn, I will easily 1-shot any privateer that is close.

I am worried about killing the Artist with my IC in Linear A, as williams may have hidden a privateer next to it on the reef tile, which would then trap my IC fleet so it can be killed outside the city. To avoid this, I think I am going to sacrifice the single caravel by using it to scout that tile. That will also bluff a first strike to williams - so far in this game, single caravels in range of opposing fleets have always been bait with huge navies behind them waiting to counterattack, and I bet williams will not actually kill it next turn if I leave it there, or will at least be cautious in moving up after doing so. If that works, it will help buy you the turn you need to safely upgrade. How does that sound?

edit: Bluff caravel position would be 1W-1NW of the Great Artist, so that its ZoC blocks the channel and williams can't scout around it.

I don't think he would risk a privateer that way. There could be a big group of them waiting in range but I doubt one right next to the GA.

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